lO-Orono Weeldy TMmes, Wednesday, May 29,1991 Security in the Ganaraska The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, the Durham Rogional Police and the Ontario Provincial Police are working together again this year to enforce Provincial statutes in the Ganaraska Forest. The Highway Traffic Act, the Off Road Vehicle Act, the Liquor License Act and Bowmianville Towvn Centre suffering The developer behind the Bowmfanville Town Centre says he noeds town money to dlean up the oyesore on his downitown propenty. Jayson Schwarz told the general purposo and administration eommittee recently that ahl his monoy is tied uIp in a lawsuit over the proposed town centre and ho is unable to spend the estimated, $20,000 it will take to fix up the Temporance Street site. Schwarz said ho is suing hîs bank for $11 million, claiming the bank backed out of a doal to build the condominiumn plaza. 'Me bank, ho said, is counter-suing for $3 million. Schwarz proposed the town pay the cleanup costs of the proporty and addt it to hîs proporty tax bill. He saiti the costs will be paid back with intorest when the lawsuit has been resolveti. If Schwarz loses the lawsuit, the site will becomo the property of the Toronto Dominion Bank, whichi would thon tak ovor tho tax bill. Court proceedîngs on the lawsuit will most likely take over two years, ho saiti. Protesting the gas-guzzlers' tax Thousantis of GM workers are slaRMmîng pîans for a gas-guzzler tax On Oshawa-built Buick Regals andi Chevrolet Luminas. About 8,000)( worker-s have signed a petition circulateti throughi GM's car andi truck plants in Oshawa protosting tho tax, saiti John Sinclair, prosidont of Canadian Auto Workers Local 222. Ho saiti workors are concemred about the potential impact of government plans to impose $200 in extra taxes on some models of Oshawa-built Laminas and Regals. Sinclair said the auto oconomy is already suffering through difficult times and that workors are concerneti the tax will make the situation worse. Seeking a heaithier water system Mayors of Great Lakes cities have signed a maritime agreement' calling on the Canadian andi United States governiments to keep the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway ..strong andi healthy" into the next century. The Declaration of Indiana was signeti rocently at the close of the fifth annual International Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Mayors Conference. The delegates approveti two dozen resolutions on various economic anti enviroumental topies. Somo include a binational strategy and adoquat.e funding to reduce the disçcharge of industrial pollutants, an education program to stop the sproati of dangerous exotic species, more control of industrial wasto in municipal se wage systems and the Trespass te Property Act in particular are being enforced. In 1990, over 30 charges were laid for a variety of offonces. The majority of these were for failure to have a proper licence plate and no0 proof of insurance. lIn a rocent patrol this yoar, 5 charges were laid. The police will continue to patrol the forost throughout the summier. The Conservation Authiority feols that the effort put intio the -enforcoment programi is wi worth it. Aside from its educational value, it lets the users of thoe forest know that an effort is being made to control illegal activitios. YWCA Summer Camp registrations open The YWCA is now acccping registrationis for children ages 3-12 years for the YWCA Summer Camps. Camps are being held -in two locationis this year. Vincent Massey Public School is the location in Bowmanvillo anid Orono Park is the site in Orono. Extended hours are provided at both camps. Camp programs include spocial events, spocial guests and crafts. AIl camps Must have pro-registration. Please TENDER SEALED TENDERS, to supply ail labour, equipment and materials required for the Contract specified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Off ice of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Trender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above off ice. Tender NW91-21 *Mill Street Beat Ramp Parkette Phase Il (Landscape Development) Closlng Time & Date: 12:00 Noon (Local lime) Thursday, June 13, 1991 Scope of work includes grading, sodding, asphait paving, timber boardwalk and dockage, brick paving, wooden pergola, sand beach nourishment and ighing. An Agreement to Bond and a bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: 416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Daniel J. OBrien & Associates Ltd. Landscape Architects 180 Mary Street Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1 B7 Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 29, 1991 P.O. 4599 phone the YWCA office for more information or registration. For the teenager, the YWCA is holding a "Leader Training Programn". This programn will be running in July and August. For more information please caîl the office at 623-9922. There will be one fitness class for women being held in Bowmanville at the Newcastle Fitness Centre on Wednesday, June 26 - Auigust 28 at 7:00-8:00 p.m., plus a Fitness class in Oshawa on Monda-y, July 8 - August 26 at 7:00-8:00 p.m. Office hours at the YWCA, 133 Church Street, Bow,ýmanville are from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.mn., Monday - Thursday and 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on Fridiay. Visit or phione (623-9922) for information. The Orono Town Hall Board and the Orono Downtown B.l.A. would ike to know if you have a VoodNiVeiqIiour" If so drop them a line with your "Good Neighbour's name, your address and phone number Sa that a presentatian could be made to your "Good Neighour" at the Town Hall Strawberry Festival Saturday, June 22nd Address your note or letter ta: Go cgbuý Ann Dreslinski PO. Box 561 ý Orana Town Hall Board Orana, OntariaoI ORONO FUEL & LUMBER LIMITED P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB 1 Mo ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ES'ilMATES Telephone: 416) 983-9167 Residence: 416) 983-5344 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 ~ 623-5480 --'4 Division st. _________________Bowmanvilie PRE-ARRÀNGED AND PREPAIO FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE 3-tfSNý ROKA LUMBER& FIREWOOD CENTRE Lum ber Firewood Pressure Treated Lumber Interlocking Brick Doors Wood Flooring, Windows Trusses Cedar Lumber Roof Steel Kitchens Wood Timbers 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 (705) 277-3381 Afforda ble Dream Vacations! ~eFree Vacation Planning Services 9 Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacations a Airline Tickets a FHoneymoon Packages 0 Hotel and Car Reseivati4n8 PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International 6KING ST, E.. BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-6600 Net