LdEngagement w 1 Orono Weekly -Tinies, We dnesday, Mahy 29, 19-91 Can loin oirgafl "A1h.rt waki0RWf~ni Are you interested in local the tours. Sunday, June 23, 1991. For more history? If so, don't miss aur To sign up or for more information or an applicatior Historical Guided Walkdng tour of information, please cail the forpi, plwas contact the Museumn. downtown Bowmanville. This museumn at 623-2734. Ail proceeds fromt both evenIu event is being held as a part of the Don't forget! Our 4th Annual will go towards the Museum'ý Heritage Week Festivities. 10 kmn Fund Run is coming up on restoration fund. The tour is approximately an hour long and will cover both residential and commercial areas. TRUST COMPANY G.I.C.s Your guide will be Bowmanville Museum Curator, Charles Taws. ANA Tours will bc held on May 3lst INEEST >< 97% t ov (weather permitting) at 10 a.m.iYR 2Y. 3YR 5YR and 11:30 a.m. the cost is $2.50 ...... per person ($2.00 for Museum R....- .0 37 75 10.% members). Light refreshments will be served at the Museum after noms. a Bd%. mu. à L a - - -a - Congratulations to this Orono Public School teacher on bis recent engagement. Fîfteen 4-H clubs participated in an evening that was both fun and informative. 4-H members from Beaverton down to Oshawa gathered at Joseph Gould Senior Public school, in Uxbridge, on May 9th, ta participate i their 4-H Achievement Night. Achievement Night is an <~evening in which 4-H clubs demonstrate the skills and knowledge they bave gained from participating in the 4-H programn. 'The evening was organized by 4-H leaders Barbara Doble from Sunderland, Bev. Fisher from Beaverton and Cheryl Timbers from Osbawa. At Achievement Night the 4-H clubs presented exhibits on how ta protect planet earth, how ta live and eat healthier, history and on gardening tips. Each exhibit represented wbat the 4-H members learned from their working together in their club. The skits, that were put on tbroughout the evening, were very enter taining. The Bethesda club skit ilad its members dressed as people from past decades and each costumed youth gave an overview of the decade from its fashions ta its saying and ta borrow froni the words of the 1960s group - this and ail the skits were 'groovy". The second part of acbievement Night is the awards ceremony. Awards are presented ta ahl 4-H members who successfully completed their project. In addition, provincial awards were banded out ta mnembers completing the-Ir 6th, l2th and 1 8tb projects. These recipients ,vere: 6th Project: Michael Amas, Corrie-Ann Campsall, Melanie Fisher, Laura Gillies, Sandra Ingram, Jennifer Lloyd, Carolanne McFadden, Darlene Noble, Jamie Reid, Lisa Taylor, Karen Wilson, 'ma Stevens and Kimberly ~.bbs. Best wishes Paul, from your buddy, "Newf'. l2th Project: Susan Hill and Cbristy Wilson. l8th Project: Melissa Davis, Anne Millner and Kelly Rider. In addition 4-H leaders are recognized for their commitment to 4-H and their excellence as leaders. First year leaders Wendy Clark, Janice Lockey, Cheryl Timbers, Kathy Wetheral and Karen Creighton were awarded as first year leaders. Charlena Davis from Uxbridge and Gail Kerry from Epsom were awarded for their ten years of leadership i4- H. Finally Margaret Couperthwaite from Greenbank was recognized for ber 25 years of dedication ta 4-H. Special recognition was given ta the youth leaders wbo acted as master of ceremonies for the evening. they were: Angela Kennedy, Leanne Johnson, Jennifer Johns ton and Pbillip McLeod. Fairview invites residents to celebrate renovations Fairview Lodge would like to invite ail previous long-timne service employees and retirees to a homecoming tea on June 21, at 2 p.m. They request the pleasure of your company to celebrate the completion of the renovations. Tours will be arranged including a retrospective of the home from its inception in 1903. Residents now enjoy increased privacy with semi-private and private rooms with ensuite wasbrooms. There have been many additional changes in the home for every department. The dietary department is enjoying new equipment and a separate dish room. The laundry department works in a larger, brighter ventilated area with new machines and organized system for intake and outtake of laundry. The maintenance department bas better working conditions with updated equipment. Overali the renovatioùns added more usable space, a safer environment, and wbeelchair accessibility both inside and outside of the building. Elsie Keetch, who bas worked at Fairview Lodge for 35 years, would be interested in hearing from anyone who bas pictures or stories of the home. If you would like to attend or have any information or collectibles ta share, please cail Elsie Keetch at 668-5851. "Work Wanted"l D&R CUSTOM FENCING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 Lookîng for .. WINDOWS and DOORS THEN CHECK US OUT! 774 RYE STREET UNIT 7 PETERBOROUGH 705-741-4499 - _________________________________Windows à Ooort SINCE 199 Sa Pr Mark M. Stapleton Rjstaratiort 6&Reproductiorn 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize in Historical1 Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also all types of General Carpentry. TENDER SEALED TENDERS, to supply al labour, equipment arýd materials required for the Contract specified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Onitario, LIIC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms. and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be abtained from the Purchasing Office at the above off ice. Tender NW91-20 - Westvlew Park - Phase Il Closing Time & Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time> Monday, June 17, 1991 Scope of work includes grading, sodding, asphait walks, wood deck and timber retaining, planting and tree remaval. An Agreement ta Bond and a bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bld submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarI!y accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent -Telephane: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Afv casife Danfiel J. O'Brien & Assaciates Ltd. Landscape Architects 180 Mary Street Port Perry, Ontaio L9L 1 B7 Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 29, 1991 P.O. 45 4-H Achievement Night demonst rates talent range COMPETITIVE RATES freid's autobodg Itd. COMPLEUE COLLISION REPAIRS and REFINISHING SPECIALIZING IN UNIBODY AND FRAME REPAIRS 163 Baseline Rd. E. Telephone 623-6353 Bowmanvillq Mangar's Auto Centre COMPLETEREPAIRS TO AIL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS * VANS * BUSES * TRUCKS sed Car M5MSp ýales ýRad Shop & ~~Original Muffler sm 9%35-3 aféty Inspections Tow Srvice3513 ropane & Natural G as Brakes or Tune Upc 983-5487, Bodyj & Paint Work zAutomotive Parts 117 Mil St. Orono Proprietor Mike Mangar Lie, CI.AB.ILNGSpS6a.S6b. Insp. i mmuamw 594