,sIr~,.rwrr.,. ,rn,,.,,,m,,,., ,t-,,,.,»,,,t. j w..*~Jee. ,..> ..MX -. OrOno Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 29, 1991-15 Deadine orSrieDon ti iJID DJRE II 9JY j Tel. 983-5301 11 Have you ;ometimes wished you could spend a holiday sober? Cali Alcoholies Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 27.nc Woren in \htuse Rlinhp Vor HeIp ( ail -The Denise House- For WNomen and Children Toil Frec 1-800l-263-3725 or 728-7311, conf'idcntiallv assurcd ,u Special Fresh, Crisp and Juicy Macs, Empire, Delicious (from Controlled Atmosphere Storage) $3.50 / 6 Ibs. C.A.Russets $3.9516 Ibs. Naturally Unwaxed Farm Fresh Eggs - Cider Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115 South of Orono 983-5628 Coins, Paper Mloney etc. Silver - 1/2's & Dollars World Coins & Gold *Paying Top Prices* Contact Mister Murray Box 340, Orono LOB IMO (26 yrs. Appraisals) Mar. 6 - Jue12 General sewing and dressmaking in mny home. Caîl Monday, Wednesday and evenings, 983-9761. Will cut grass, help with hay or any other odd jobs. Call Eric 983-5903 anytime. 29,ac HORSE SHOW Hunter Spectacular sponsored l'y Durham Farmcr%' Co-op June 2, 1991 starting at 10:00 a.m. Orono Fairgrounds For more information contact Paul Cramp at 786-2166 PANCAKE BREAKFAST Orono Oddfellows Lodge Saturday, June l5th 7:00 am WINDVIEW FEEDS Featuring a Specialized Lina e o Maetin's Conpiete Extuded H-orse Rations end Supp1ents Double Cloendcal, SWBledd Sweet Feed and Pet Food yjg-Aldiià iFoedPs Dealle 5 Mi. East of 0roHwy.115 On Cone. 5 786-2578 Alinbrook Farm Supplies Discount Pet Food (Retail - Wholesale> Balançed Farmn Feed Blatchford Rabbit Food Martins Extruded Horse Feed Cor. of Hwy. 1,5 & Clarke 4th Lin. (416) 983-5791 BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Duirhamn Farmners' County CO-op TAUNTON RD. / HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-91:35 1-800-263-7805 Susan Sawyer 416-983-5767 '35 Years of Service" Nelda Dawson 416-623-4835 ROLFE BEV. 10,111INSURANCE ~3~ID~WAKEFIELD~§3 Im(>-<>'983-9438ï 83 King Street West, P.O. Box 488 Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1 Ho Telephone (416) 987-3200 -,Matthews ' Associates Pauline Moto, AJII Branch ManagerL OFFICE 983-51 15 HOME 988-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE i MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO 11 (ýnstruction, P\epairs, ýDecorating The Movin' an-d Groovjn' Club presents a seniiors active living seminar, Wednesday, June 12, from 11I:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Bowmanville Lions Centre. Tickets $6.00, available until June 5. Demonstrations of seniors exercises, Tai Chi, line dancing, lunch, and speaker. Contact Communiîy Care 623- 2261. 22,29,ac Historical Walking Tour of Bowinanville May 31, 1991 Two Tours: 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Tour will cover residential and commercial areas starting at the Bowmanville Museum Guide: Charles Taws Bowmanville Museum Curator Refreshments served after tour. Cail 623-2734 to, register 22>29ac 5th Anniversary The family of Ken and Loreen Bail invite their friends and relatives to join with themn in celebration of their 5th Wedding Anniversary, at an open house at the Oddfellows Hall in Orono on June 8th, 1991, from 2 - 4 p.m. Best Wis hes Only. 29,5, cpn Annual Bake Sale Kendal Church Hall May 3lst 6:00 p.m. - 9 :00 p.m. June lst 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.mi. E veryone Welcomie Proceeds Restoration Funid Large 4 Family YARD SALE June lst and 2nd Something for everyone English saddle, lamps, Nic Nacs and much more. 5784 Newtonville Road 1 mile south of Kendal 29,cpn Jean Simone School of Dance prescrits "No Business Like Show Business" Saturday, june 8th 16:00 p.m. Bowmanville High School Tickets ai Door Now Registering For Bowmanville Aiea. 152,95ac YARD SALE Saturday, June 1 8:30 a.mn. - 4:00 p.m. 25 Winter Road (south Orono) To include aluminum storms and glass slîders, typewriter, outboard motor, various household items. 29,ac Pontypool United Church invite you to attend their Anniversary Service Sunday, June 2nd 11:00 a.m. Special Guest Dr. Robert McClure Former Moderator of the United Church of Canada Medical Missionaiy to China 29,ac Tone - Tan at J'Me Fashions * New Lower Price * lO/$60.00 * 20/ $115.00 For appoinbnzeni ica/I 983-9341 Orono two bedroom redecorated apartmnent, fridge and stove, heat and hydro încluded, $625.00/month. First and Last required. Available June 1lst. Phone 983-5147. (Continued,