Letter to the Editor The volunteer It was only last wcek that we wcre excitcd over Uic work undertaking by a group of volunteers being Uiose associated with Cornmunity Care of the Town of Newcastle.. The Environental Fair held Iast Sunday was yet another example and great success that again cornes mainly from a group of volunteers interested in the environment and thc future health of mankind. It was a great show and again urne was given generously by those involved who surely must have been rewarded througb the success of thc event. But we nced not stop here for in this community thc boy's and girl's organizations, Uiose i sports and one could well mention the fine organization of thc Sea Cadets who held their 10th annual review on Sunday. It is ail dirougli Uic efforts of people of concern for their feliowman and their community. Going Urough thc mail on Monday which had piled up for a couple of days five different organizations had news relcases to Uic news media being Uic Durham House Child and Family Centre, thc Head Injury Association of Durham, Uic Whitby-Oshawa Brandi of Uie Ontario Genealogical Society (Durham Region), Epilepsy (Ontario) Oshawa and Area Chapter, and the Durham Branch of Canadian Mental Healili Association. These but scratch thc surface of a wide nctwork of organizations that gain their support and operation from Uic volunteers across the Region and in affect across the nation. Thc unsung heros wio touch ail facets of life hi Uic community. It's been ever so I reading Uic area newspapcrs it becomes quite evident mhat Uic restnicturing of Uic county system of governmient is not mhat of an quick fix or easy chore. There is vcry littie unanimity coming from Uic individual municipalities both in Northumbcrland and Peterborougli County in Uis area to Uic restructuring process with boundaries, authority delegation and most other aspects which must be considered i restructuring. Nothing lias changed for Uic sanie was truc when Uic Provincial govemment called for a Regional system of government for our area, now called Durham Region. The numnerous municipalities were given an opportunity to set their restructuring agenda and outcome but it just neyer came to fruitation due to Uic lack of unanimity and an attitude-set that did flot reacli beyond Uic boundaries of Uic individual municipalities. Thc whole was neyer a consideration of Uic individual councillor at that particular time. It was flot until Darcy McKeough, then of Uic Davis govemment, who camne to Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa, when thc provincial plan was presented with no ifs-ands-or buts. Without that positive directive froni Uic province we would stili be in Uic throws of what to do about regionalisation Thc issue of Uic amalgamation of Conservation Authorities is no different. It continues to hang in limbo after going through thc Berger Commission, then Uic political Belanger commission where it became bogged down to a standstill. Only action by Uic provincial govemment will there be any movement and then possibly water-down to nothing more tda a ftuitlcss exercise. Is it any wonder that wc arc cmbroilcd in a national issue where the Land fil! search (Contmnued frpmn page 1) assessmcnt hearings. There lias been no time limits cstablished on Uic proccss. lI Uic Orono area a site lad been chosen as one of a number of sites for Durham last year. 'Mc site was located south of Rcional Road 9 and cast of Kirby. At Uicefinie of its announcement Uic No Ganaraska Dump committec was formcd and still remains active realizing that thc area could well again be dcsignated as a possible sitc for Durham's garbage. Cowman (Continued from page 1) thouglits of seeking Uic Regional seat in Uic Ward now held by Larry Hannal. Ken Smith who ran against Hannali in the last election for Regional council and- lost out by a sliin margin has made it known mhat lic will seck Uic local council seat in Uic Ward. However of laie there is some indication Uiat lie may seck Uic regional position. Announcements last wcek in Ward One included Mary Nowak of Pebblestone Road and Mary Jo Boyes of Mitchell Corners, boili rcady to campaign for the local council seat now held by Wotten. Boyes, a secretary, bas livcd in Uic Town for Uic past tlirec ycars and states she would like to sec easier access to local govemment and morciformation being made available. Novak, a life-long resident of the Town comments on tax increases as a concera and Uic need for a planned industrial growth for Uic municipality. She wants to sec more facîlities for Courtice and speaks of a swimming pool and a library. To this point things arc quiet i both the Bowmaniville Ward and Ward Threc (Clarke) but there are possible candidates yet to be heard from in an official mariner.- Letter to the Honourable Ruth Grier - Dated May 21, 1991;Re: Laidlaw Waslc Systems (Durham) Ltd., Provincial Certificate of Approval, No. A-390305, Application for Interim Expansion I recently reccived a copy of a letter dated April 24, 1991, from J.R. Bray in your Ministry's Environmental Planning and Prevention Division to J. Curren of the Environmental Assessment Board. In this letter, Mr. Bray indicates that this application "lias not been designated under the Environmcntal Assessment Act and may procced to a Public hcaring under thc Enviromnental Protection Act." WiUi reference to Laidlaws rcquest for a hearing under the Consolidated Hearings Act, Mr. Bray gocs on to say diet "due to thc anticipated timing of the M.O.E. revicw, we would have no objection to a hearing date being scheduled at Uis time to commencc as soon as possible after Uic above mcntioncd formai submaission Uung3..Q. 1221Y'" As you know, our Commnittec lias repeatedly asked your Ministry to designate this interim expansion Comment .. . IUp in I . Let's hope not. This 1 1 week, there is to be more protest action being taken in the "government-and- taxes-really-bug-nie," department .. The rules of the road for motorists and cyclists Now that surnmer is once again approaching, it's ture to remind niotorists and cyclists of their riglits. 1Constable Dave Powers of Uic Cobourg OPP detacliment said, people driving cars should get ready to stop when Uicy sec cyclists and give Uiemn plenty of room when passig. Motorists are used to looking for large vehicles', Powers said, but they should train themselves to "think small" and look for bikes too. Bicycle riders must follow Uic same traffic laws as cars and, like cars, can bc fined for traffic violations such as going through a stop sign, said Powers. The Ontario Highway Traffic Act states that any vehicle- including bicycles- going slowcr than normal traffic must drive in Uic right-hand lane as close to Uic right edge of the road as possible. Howcvcr, said Powers, this does not mean mhat bicycles must ride on thc shoulder. For cyclists, Uic most important thing to remember when riding on busy roads is to be scen, lic said. That means having a liglit on Uic front of ic bike, a reflector or red light on Uic back, and a horn. Inspector Samn McReclis of Uic Port Hope Police offcred somne safcty suggestionsfor cyClists riding i towxi Bicyclists must stay off the sidewaiks and stop at ali stop signs and traffic lights, lie said, adding that people in town comiplain most often about cyclists on the sidewalks. Chlîdren also tend to ride on Uic wrong side of the road, facing traffxc, McRcelis said. That too is illegal, lie said. under the Environmental Assessment Act. These requests were made ini our letters of March 14, 1989, August 24, 1990, October 5, 1990 and October 29, 1990. lI response to our rcquest, by your letter dated February 15, 1991, you indicated that '"your request for its designation under the Enviroxmental Assessment Act is being considcred." If our requcst is indeed being considercd, 1 would suggest that Mr. Brays comments to the Enviroximental Assessment Board are premature, at best. In addition, the continued operation of this site and uts allowable contours is still an open question. We have stili received no answer to our question of maximum allowable tonnage at this site (August 24, 1990, Page 2, Point No. 3). I refer you to our lcuter of October 5, 1990, in which we outlined the issues conccrning the designation of this intcrim expansion. Your Ministry appears to bc procceding on thc assumption mhat our legitimnate request (and that of thc Town of Newcastle) will be denied. As you can sec, Our position on this designation and thc site Tobacco manufacturers will be sending out approximatcly 50,000,000 protcst flyers against, yct again, more taxes slappcd on smokcrs, to be sent on to the government. 1 dont smokc . . . neyer have. But, if Uic next guy docs, thats is business. He'Il have to suffer Uic consequences, the way I sec it anyway. Taxing smokers to Uic extent to which Uiey arc taxed is nuts. Sounds like another example of ignoring one of Uic major causes of this Canadian deficit - govemment spending - and tryig to mlk funds froni someplace else, narnely the tobacco industry, time and time again. Smokers are getting burned. They want Mulroney to butt out of their business and stop ignoring what bas been under his nose al along - ic millions of dollars either tucked away or flowing, within Uic walls of lis jurisdiction, and with no questions asked, it secmns to me. .Peggy Mullan ORONO, ONTARIO closure issue is being seriously prejudiced by the absence of a definite decision. Your early response on tiiese matters is of critical importance to our community. lI the interini, we suggest that you direct all proceedings on this hcaring to be held in abeyance pending your decision. Yours Iruly, D.J. Scott, Chairman Conimittce of Clarke Constituents St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 ar. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5208 .~;Marlene Risebrough, - Secretary Sunday, June 2, 1991 Kirby United Church Morning Worship at 9:30 ar. Sunday School at 9:30- a. Orono United Clurdi Morning Worship at 11, a.m. Sunday School at il a.m. Communion and Confirmation at both Services UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, June 9th Sunday School Anniversary Sunday, June 16 Father's Day Masonie Lodge attendmng at Orono Service 983-5OO~ LPU~ r.P I Reasonable Prîces p s pmaeu"