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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jun 1991, p. 11

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Orono and Kirby Brownies The Ist Kirby Brownies and the ist Orono Brownies spent the Victoria Day Weekenti at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. The Brownies arriveti Friday evening with their parents, anti after saying their goodbyes (some short, somne longer), we met aroundth Ie campfire for a singsong, with some traditional songs like "Fire's Burning", and soeniefot so traditional like "Poor Little Bug on the Wall" which mhey sang in opera voices, mhen wimh a western twang, then lilce underwaler divers. These Brownies can really sing! After a gooti nigb's sleep, we spent the morning hiking, somotimes finting ourselves kniee deep in poison ivy. If the Brownies learned anything that weekend, it was how 10 identify poison ivy. We were surpriseti (and relieved) lIa fortunately none of thme Brownies from eitber pack got poison ivy. The theme for our camp was tIme Carnival, anti on Saturday afternoon we helti ours. Activities inciudod races, bal îhrow, spaghetti toss, face painting, skipping and evon pony and horse rides, courtesy of Don and Debbie Peddar. On Saturday evening tIme Brownies put on a talent show in the gym with acts ranging from puppet shows, skits anti plays 10 singing anti contemporary dance. We ail got lots of lauglis and Memorial holding senior's activities S eniors are mhe focus of interest at Memnorial Hospital during Seniors Week, June 10 t0 14, as they tispiay their indepyentience anti active participation in various recreationai activities. Seniors represent about one- third of Mernorial's in-patients, and mnore than haf of the long-terni caro patients are seniors. Recreationai therapy pînys a major role iu fulfilling their physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and eniotional leeds. S Many activities have been arrangeti for seniors week inciutiing a Whoelchair Obstacle course, a strawberry social, anti a carnival and barbecue. This year a carnival and barbecue is being sponsoreti by Beaver Footis and is being Ield on Friday, June 14 frorn 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the outside patio at the main entrance to the hospital. The public is welcomed 10 attend the ovent. Ahl proceetis from this event are to be directeti towartis the continuing care patients need t thIe hospital. Orono Weekly Timnes, Wiednesday, June 12, 1991-11 Just George ejoyment froni mis homemade entertainnient. We endeti the evening around the canipfire and afler tbis full day, the girls needeti no coaxing that ht was bedtiine. On Sunday, we madie flying rice bags, a beanbag with multi coloured ribbons and string to holti to fly it through mhe air. Some of these matie their way onto the roofs of the buildings! We finished the weekend with a parade mbt the gymn for our closing ceremony wbich included badge presentation and awartis for ail the girls sucli as Best Poison Ivy Spotter anti Wildest Spaghetti, Tosser. The Forest Centre is a- wontierful facility whicb provided for a very niemorable weekend. Repairs slated for Orono pool Town council bas authorizedthe expendituro of $20,431.15 for repairs 10 lIme Orono park swimniing anti wading pools 10 be undertaken this yoar, The conmtrac las beon issuoti to S & T General Santiblasting of Claremnont and work to bc untiertaken with tIme pools aiso includes deck repairs and repairs 10 the coping stone. The Town is also 10 spend a total of $ 13,906.00 for renovations at the Visual Arts centre in Bowmianville. This contract bas been awartiot to Veenstra Construction Ltd., Bowmanville. Welcome t0 spring, and a rallier wonderful one its been, these past few weeks, with just enougli rain occasionally to make everything grow, and enougli warm sunshine to ensure that 1 had to mow the lawns regularly. As most of you are aware, Lynne was away visiting friends andi relations in England andi Scotland, (andi apparently freezing in the process?) but as usuai she was adament about going - so be it. She is back home again now, (wiser andi poorer financially) s0 once more V've started living again, (rather than existing). But to regress four or five weeks. The sign at the entrance to our village that stateti that "Orono is a gooti place 10 live" is s0 true. I can verify that statement, for during the past month durmng my sojourf as an enforceti "bachelor", my neiglibours (goti biess theni), who must surely bc some of the best I have ever known, kept me company, and plieti me with some excellent meals. I ar nfot the best cook in the world, (but possibly thme best "gourmand"). However I doubt 1 would have starveti, for Lynne packed the Fridge and freezer with food before leaving, but the friendly smniles conversation andi wonderful hot meals astounded mie. I arn prouti to say, 'Thank You", one and ail, for making my rallier Ionely month a lot more bearable. Your friendship and thouglits wîll flot be forgotten. Anything else 1 wanted t0 say this week would sound mundane to me now, so to everyone, have a good spring, and a happy summer. I have learned the real meaning of that old quotation which states - 'It's flot what you know, but who you know!" Happy Summer, Just George Deny lote.ry ticetsales The Town of Newcastle has denied the issuance of a licence to the Great Pine Ridge Kinsrnen and the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes to undertake the sale of Break-Open Nevada lottery tickets. At the sanie time couneil also denied a similar application submitted by the Browndale Community Centres board. It was pointed out ini a report that such a licence could onily be issued to a charitable or religlous organization which owns and regularly occupies premises at which tickets will be offer for sale. -A1 Fatlieriç Day' T-S'hirt Bonanza 15% OFF on ail T-Shirts in stock Don't Forget Dad BOWMAN VILLE on June 1 6th SPORTSSHO 21 King St. E. SPORTSSHOP owmanville 623-0322 NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MEMORlAL HOSPITAL BOWMAN VILLE CORPORATION Tuesday, June 18, 1991 7:30 pm. CAFETERIA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - BOWMANVILLE 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario FOR PURPOSES 0F: 1. Hearing of reports 2. Report of FHospital Auditors 3. ESection of Directors 4. Revisions to Corporate By-laws to Reflect Provincial Proto-Type

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