Town awaits solicitor's report before granting Newcastle rezoning Town council has approved a recommnendation from the general purpose commîttee that holds up an application by Lloyd Stephenson, Newcastle Village, to have lands zoned commercial until such time as council receives an opinion as to ownership from their couisel. Stephenson lias had an application before council for somectime in which lands fronting on King Street are already zoned commercial. He..seeks to have lands at the north end of what he dlaims his property to take on a similar zoning (commnercial). But the Bezubiak family dlaimns ownership to some of the lands which Stephenson wishes to rezoning and it is this dispute that so far bas held up the rezoning which council approves. At the general purpose committee meeting counlcil members called for a report as to ownership from their own counsel. On Monday at council Councs. Wotten and Deegan were ready to set-aside the calling for a legal report as to ownership and to pass on the motion to rezone. .Coune. Hooper said that the committee hiad called in the Town solicitor for a, report as to ownership and that this should be completed before the Town takes action to pass the rezoning. In a following vote over the issue the matter is being held in abeyance until such time as the Town solicitor reports to the general purpose committee as to the ownership. Proposed legisiation fair for tenants and landiords - Gord-,Milis Ontario tenants will receive the best protection in Canada against high rent increases and their homes will be kept in good repair under our government's new rent control iaw, said Gord Milîs, M.P.P. for Durham East. "Tenants will neyer again have to fear the 15, 20, and 50 per cent rent increases allowed in the past," says Mr. Milîs. "Ontarians finally have real and workable rent control." The legislation, introduced June 6 by Housing Minister Dave Cooke, is the resuit of extensive consultations with tenants, landiords and many other groups and citizens across the province. The resuit is a proposed iaw that is fair and workable for both landlords and tenants. It includes: a) Two rent control guidelines - - one for large buildings and another, higlier one for small buildings which have higher per- unit costs. If the new guidelines had been in place this year, large building owners would receive 4.6%, smiall building owners 5.4%. (the current guideline is 5.4%) 1b) Landiords may apply for limited rent increases above the guidelines, but the new law would strictly lirait the amnount and the reasons for rent increases. Tenants will not have to pay more than three per cent above the guideline. And landlords could ask for above-guideline increases to cover three areas only: big increases in municipal taxes or utilities or certain necessary capital repairs (limnited to work to maintain the building and its 'various mechanical systems, to meet health, safety and environmental standards,.to provide access for disabled people or to increase energy conservation.) Landlords would no longer be able to increase rents because of financial loss, building flips, interest rate changes, hardship relief or below- market rents.. c)l Landiords who ignore. outstanding work orders would flot receive even guideline rent increases. d) New rentai building wiil be exempted from rent control for a five year period to help "settle in" rentsand boost rentai starts.. Good-time, Summer-time Recipes .I'm willing to bet that more family reunions take place in the summiertime, thani at any other time o er And why flot? Ail the elements of a real'old fashioned family "1good-time" are there. Warm temperatures, s;unny skies, base- bail, and great food. -Just add family and friends and the good- times just seem to roll on. This week, we're celebrating summer with some classic famiiy favourites. Now, no suimmlertîme imeai would be comiplete without a down-home "-ribi-tickin"'B13Q... "0 thlat's whiere we'll star-t, Lt's turn up the grill and cook up somne meaty ribs and maybe)L a few pork chops. No ordinary sauce is going to be good enough so we'ii be making Up a batch from our own "secret" recipe. Brush it on just when the meat is cooked to perfec- tion, and don't be stingy... this is for youir favoulrite folks remnem- ber... Mmmi, can't youi just taste that mioth-watering goodness now? Our secret "RIB-TIC'KLIN' BARBECUE SAUC(E" is made withi CROWN, BEE IJIVE or KARO brand corn syruip, a naturai sweetener, the kind the BBQ pros use. It works beautifuilly on chicken as well as ribs and chops. And here's a tip, meat cooked with this sauce tastes great served cold... what a super picnic idea! A lttie salad, some corn on the cob and now... dessert. Oh yes... dessert. Now when it comies to dessert there are two ways to go... tradi- tional or new age. Better yet... how about both. For the "nouveau" we have a very trendy "FROZEN YOGURT CREAM PIE" and for the "tradi- tionalist" a "SENSATIONAL. CHOCOLATE SAUCE" to top your ice-cream sundaes or- favourite cake. Kids will love it and even the aduits will be coming back for seconds. with Lise O'Brien' Our desserts get a natural 1swe uet treatment fromn LILY WHUIITE, CROWN or BEELHIVE r syrup! erailYou b Il ro start to finlishi corn syrup is thec key to S(0111Mny great tatn sme foods and BEHST FOODiS, makerýcs of LILY WVHITE, K.ARO(, CRON nid BEE11HIV1E brands, miake it... best! So lets di-g il, and enjoy. For more recipeidawteo BEST FOODS CANADA INC. Box 500 Etobicoke, Ontario M9C 4V5. RIB-TICKLIN' BARBECUE SAUCE 1/2 cup (Il25 mL) CROWN, KARO) or BEE HIVE Corn Syrup 1/2 cup (125 ml) ketchup 1/2 cup (125 mnL) fnely chopped onion 1 /4 cup (50 mL) cider vinegar l1/4 cup (50 mL) Worcestershire sauce -L rped 1/4 cup (50 mL)peae mustard In medium saucepan combine corn syrup, ketchup, onion, vine- gar, Worcestershire sauce and mustard. Over medium-high heat bring to boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes or until mixture thickens, stirring occasionaliy. Brush on meats or poultry during last 20 minutes of cooking. Makes 2 cups (500 mL). Spicy Barbecue Sauce: Add 1 tbsp (15 mnL) chil i powder and i cio-ve gar lic. minced or pressed. Far Easterni Barbecue Sauce: Oit W«ýorceýstershire ce.Add 1,4 cup (50 imL) so\ aueand itsýp(5m)gongier FROZEN YOG URT CREAM PIE 1 pa ckage (8 oz/1250 g) cream cheese softened 1 cup (250 mL) LILY WHITE, CROWN or BEE HIVE Corn Syrup 2 cups (500 mLit) raspberry, strawvberry or blueberry yogurt 1 graham cracker crust (9-inch/22 cm) fresh fruit (optional) ln large bowl with mixer at me- dium speed, beat cream cheese and corn syrup until smooth. Fold in yogurt. Turn into graham cracker crust. Cover; freeze 4 hours or until firm. Remnove from freezer 15 minutes before serving. Garnish wîth fresh fruit if desired. Makes 8 servings. Orono Week qy Times, Wed nesalay, Ju ne 12, 1991-1 COMPLETE CAR & TRUJCK REPAIRS 1 DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO) DISPATCHýED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVIýCE TRUCK PlR 1 ORONO. ONTAFIIO LOB l Mo 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 ON HW'Y, 115 &35 PHONE (416) 983-9151 Mark M. Stapleton festoratio-t cl f8Reroéuctiont 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize in Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also all types of General Carpentryl U Si Si P Mangar' s Auto Centre COMPLETE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS * VANS * BUSES * TRUCKS sed CarOeStuh0 ;aies Rad Shop & Original Muffler Shop98 afety Inspections Tow Servie 983513 ropane & Natural Gas Brakes o r Tune Ups 983-5487 Body & Paint Work Automotive Parts 117 MfiII St. Oroflo Proprieter. Mike Mangar Llc, CI.A.B.H.NGSp.S6a.S6b. lnsp. fred's atobofdg ltd. COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS and REFINISHING SPECIALIZING IN UNIBODY AND FRAME REPAIRS 163 Baseline Rd. E. Telephone 623-6353 BowmanvilIe SALE BY TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for offers te purchase the property isted below, wilt be received by the undersigned in the envelope provided. Ail offers by tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque, mioney order or cash in the amount eclual to 10% of the total bld. Deposits wiiI be retumned immediateiy after the award. Sale by Tender SD91l-1 - Municipal Building (former Armourles> Located at Part Lot 7 and 8, Block 0, HanningPlan CG, Northwest Corner Park and Church Streets, Orono, Ontario Bild forms may bo obtained frorn the Purchasing Office at 40 Temperance Street, First Floor, Bowmanviile, Ontario, Li C 3A6. Ail items wii be sold on an "AS IS - WHERE IS" basis. Ail sales are subject to the applicable Provincial Sales Tax. Ciosing TUrne & Date: 12:00 Noon <Local Time) Wednesday, June 19, 1991 The highest or any tender not necessariiy accepted. Dates of Publication: Wednesday, June 5, 1991 Wednesday, June 12, 1991 Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Suppiy Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 P.O. 4605 INSURANCE CLAJMS1 FREE ESTIMATES COMPETITIVE RATES