A reasonable reply Although die Town and the Planning department did flot agree bo a request fromn the Orono Hall Board and the Orono DBIA to an undertaking of a CAUSE study for Orono downtown one would have to, say the stand was a reasonable one fromt the viewpoint of die Town and their department. The Ontario Association of Architects hold only two such events a year in Ontario and as Bowmanville is to be one this fail it would flot be likely that the Association would consider another CAUSE study within the Town of Newcastle. Further their is considerable responsibiîity attached to -the study that must be shown by the specific area being considered as well as on the part of the Town. The Orono Downtown does show some enthusiasm of late but it might be questioned if it is enough to carry through during the study and take initiative following the study. Studies are great but al too many are collecting dust in the filmng cabinet or in some obscure corner. The planning department does refer to a number of studies already undertaken for the Village of Orono and one study, after its release, surely is one of those that has and is collecting dust. Proctor and Redfern did undertake a deficiency parking study a number of years ago which has neyer been followed Up either by the Orrono D.B.IA or the Town. t would seemn that in the process of things the report could be dusted off and some action taken by the parties involved. Let's complete one thing first and judge the initiative in the comrnunity bâfore movmng onto something else. Support here for Ra's cabinet ministers This corner would support the actions of Bob Rae in flot accepting the resignation of two of his cabinet minîsters who had witten letters to the College of Physicians and S urgeons calling for the suspension of one of their members convicted of sexual assault but who is appealing the decision. The letter writing may flot be the best of protocol but at times there is a need to speak out and 10 speak out firmly. The two cabinet ministers did just that through their requests. 1It is flot that such incidents had flot been at least suspected in the past with very littie action taken. Society s opening up in many areas to face such problems and th letter did more than possibly anything else to bring such happentings 10 the attention of the general public. A long time coming This is not an editorial but a happening whîch was revealed at the pancake breakfast in talking with Kay Lyceit. Kay and Allan Strike of Bowmanville, who had graduated from Osgoode Hall prior t0 1960 were autending a ceremony later Saturday to receive their degree (LLB) from the CoIlege. The college dîd flot issue degrees prior to the 196 date but last Saturday was recognizing those who graduated prior to 1960. t seems from news reports th two were in good company. LaugJhingly, Kay stated "t had been a long course Ive beeni on." Letter to the Editor Dear Roy I amn enjoying your expanded, version of the Times. One colun that 1 find of personal interest is "Christian Corner", although I could flot find t in this week's paper. I was 32 years of age before 1 woke up spiritually; the Lord says, "Ye must be born again." This refers to a spiritual birth in addition to the physical birth. 1 had neyer seen myself as a siffler or wh y Christ had shed bis precious blood on Calvary. Col. 5:22 says the Fruit of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering (which is patiene. That was the key to unlockig my self-rigbteous heart. Why flot start a "personal testimony" column. It would be a wonderful adjunct 10 "Christian Corner". 1 am sure there are many who would write in as I have, 10 witness to what Christ bas done in their lives. Further, the problem witb our generation is that we are so "BUSY" that we do not take the trne to speak out (or write) to our editor when we read articles which fly i the face of rational commnon sense. Even the comment which your newly elected NDP representative 10 the Ontario Goverfiment, Gord Milîs made wben he likened the action of the U.S. President Bush in the Gulf Crisis to that of Adolpb Hitler, didn't force me to sit down and write. But in the Wednesday, May 29th issue, a Peggy Mullan made the statement that 'Taxing Smokers to the extent to which they are taxed is Nuts". That did it! Apparently she bas done very little un researching the maladies associated with smoking and of breathing second-hand smoke. May 1 suggest that she read the article entitled, "MIND IF 1 GIVE YOU CANCER?" found in the May '91 issue of Readers Digest. To quote just one phrase "Thousands of non-smokers die of lung cancer each year and thousands more suffer from a host of ailments caused by ETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke) i.e. other people's cigarette smoke. Ten years ago, I bad a bout with cancer during whicb I went periodically to Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto for follow-up treatment and examination. One of the saddest cases which my wife, Lillian and I saw, was a young man 28 years of age in a wbeelchair. He did flot bave strength enougb to walk. The cause, LUNG CANCER. His wife confided in us that she was What a weýk this 'has been weatherwise, r._aIlybot and dry, the rain on satu,'daY eve-ning was a welcome relief Thank goodness we missed the storm that bit Toronto, for awhile in the evening when that wind came 11P, it seemed like we were il, for a bad storm. With this hot Weather s0 early it makes you Wonder what we are mn for later on, haYlflg 15 away early this year and I ,nave even heard the crickets and it iS usually August before they are ieard. Sunday morning was perfect for the Orange Lodge Church Paradé; flot tOO sunny, and a welcome bredZe blowing. The parade s tarted at the Hall, and proceeded east on Monck Street to the NewtonvilleRoad south to Mill Street and then west to Church Street and then in to the Church. Once agairi on entering the Church it waS n'ice to hear the music fromnthe old pipe organ, Bernie Martin was playing. The flags were presented by Sis. Helen Grills and Sis. Christina Grills. O Canada was sunrg. Rev. Ransoma welcomed ail and gave the Call to Worshîp. The choir sang the Anthem, "Let There Be Peace on Earwth." Following the announcements the Hymn "tito the His" was sung. After the Prayer of Confession ,and Assurance, Bro. Dean Polley read front 2 Samuel 5: 1-2, Sis. Brenda Lowery read from 2 Corinthails 5: 18-, 6:2 and Sis Helen Grills read from mark 4: 35-41. Rev. Ransom gave the Pastoral Prayer, the Hymn "Onward emotionally spent and feit 50 badly. Her husband neyer had smoked, but she bad been a heavy smoker since her teens. The problemt is that some folks are particularly sensitive to ETS and have very littie resistance to the toxic fumes while others can "keep on puffm", and apparently get away with it. (The problemt is that it usually takes 30-40 years before its ill effects are witnessed.) The pitiful thing is that many innocent teenagers get "hooked" on it, and according to the Surgeon General of the U.S., it is as difficult a habit tobreak as cocaine or crack! Smokers, should be encouraged every way possible to discontinue the poten tially lethal habit. Therefore we must continue to let the truth be known about the barmful effects of cigarette smoke to smokers and non-smokers alike as well as increase taxes on the cigarettes. Better to "TAX THIEM TO DEATH" rather than encourage them '"TO SMOKE TO THE DEATH"Ï by lowering the tax. I do a lot -of commuting with having a home ini Victoria, B.C. and an apartment mn Oshawa. How pleasant it is now to travel on' the Airlines since they have banned smoking. It was always a nuisance trying to avoid breathing the fumes. I fact, it was impossible. Once I requested a no-smoking seat and wben I boarded the plane, 1 found the row -behind me was "igbting up." For haif a century, the hazards associated with cigarette smoking were not widely known, we should get tbe message across to ail who will listen. Glenn Tamblyn Christian Soldiers," was sung. Rev. Ransom titled bis sermon, "Setting People on Their Feet Again-." He told of bow Elizabeth Barrett Browning was disowned by her parents because of ber choice of busband, how she wrote constantly to tbem, they neyer answered ber letters and eventuaily she received a large box and in it were al ber letters unopened. These letters were later said to be beautiful and bad ber parents even read a few of tbem a reconciliation migbt have cone. t seems we would rather talk of revenge, of neyer speakîng to a person again, or neyer seeing them again because of some slight they mnight have done to us. Descension existed i the turne of Corintb. Our Ministry is one of reconciliation. As Christians, we must reconcile with others, if we are hurt, go and forgive the one wbo hurt us. Jesus said from the Cross, Forgive tbemt Father, for they know flot what tney au. rorgive ana ne lorgiven, these are words of courage and strength. What is the cost of not being reconciled? How does Christ help us forgive one another? He holds up a mirror sbowing us bow we have broken relationships with others. When we are angry with others, it is like the boat on the stormy waters in which Jesus Disciples were, they were afraid. Jesus asked them why they were afraid, did they flot bave faith and he told the water to be stili, they were worried for their own safety. A simple, I'm sorry, can mend a relationship. Set a person back on their feet. 'Me closing Hymn was, "Winl Your Anchor Hold". Bro. Brad Switzer, W.M. of. Kendal L.O.L. 40 5, presented Rev. Ransom with a gift for the use of the Cburcb. Bro. Chad Switzer read a card of farewell, and Sis. Catherine Switzer presented farewell gifts on bebaîf of Kendal L.O.L. 405, Kendal H-ilîs L.O.B.A. 1420, and Brooks Memorial L.O.A. 525, to Rev. Ransom.* "God Save the Queen" was sung, Rev. Ransom presented the Flags to tbe Bearers and the Lodge Members paraded from the Cburch. ORONO, ONTARIO Following the service, everyone was invited to the hall for lunch and a time of fellowship. Dont forget next Sunday, June 23rd, there wîll be an Open House, at the hall in Newtonville. This will give one and ail a chance to say their goodbyes to Rev. Ransom and his family, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Fine Lines ... Dont get mad at someone for knowing more than you. It is flot bis fault. St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 amn. ORONO PASTORAL dZ'çF. CHARGE Rev. Fred Mlnes g 983-5208 Marlene Risebrough,, Secretaxy Sunday, June 23, 1991 Father's Day Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. SUMMER SERVICES June 3th, July l4th and July 28th at Kirby United Church July 7th and July 2lst at Orono United Churcb Montb of August and September ist Newcastle United Church Ail Services are at 10:30 a.m. 983-500-9 r JaJUJUfLnpr mxtMmrr cJJ' MUT i JI PUL r2 MJiUPÊME JU