Senior sehool annualfield day Last Friday was a sporting day mhe Pines, Bowmniville and MJ. The events ran the regular gamit for senior pub lic scbool cildren at Hobbs school, Hampton. froiiij utp to running. Council Briefs Almhougb residential building, permits may be down this year a report to council notes that commercial permit value bas reacbed $3. 1 million for the first five months of die year comparing wimh $712.000 in the saine perioti for 1990. As to industrial development permit value reaches $600,000 for tbe first five monmhs comparing wimh $230000 in mhe sanie period in 1990......... ... A contract bas been awarded to Mar-King Construction, Concord, Ontario, for the construction of Beaver Street in Newcastle V illage. Total cost of the project was tendered by the company at $915, 080.83. omher costs associated wim mte project. bring mte total to $1.116 million. Public Works director, Walter Evans, informed Counc. Stapleton that alI residents had been contacted as to mhe project. Children's Surnmer day Camps are being offered in Orono at mhe Park froin August 6 to August 9 and at tbe Newcastle Public School froin July 29 to August 2nd. The camps operate froi 8:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m. at $70.00 for a full week and $56.00 for a short week. The Town is recommended mhat the Region of Durbam confirin its continuation of programa funding for the collection of blue box recyclables in the area municipalities. it is mhe intention mhat mhe area municipalities tbrougb joint tendering will provide mhe services of blue box pick-up in mhose areas now served following the end of theyear. 1It is suggested mhat mhe Region make ils intention known as soon as possible so tmat mhe successful bidder is able to order new equipinent for the pick-up. The contract would be for a five year period. A report points out that the cost of recycling in the Town to mhe Town would est at $210.000 ror 1991. CHRISTIAN CORNER by Rev. Marg West Jesus mnvested His life in you; Have you shown any interest? Who is Jesus to you? Who do you want Him 10o be to you?-Do you want Hins to be a part of your life? Is He just a person you have heard about but really don't know? Do you want to know Him? Cani you know Him? How can we know Hum? Is Jesus just a naine to you. You can know Jesus personally, IF, you want to. Its up to you. When some one hears somnetbing it's up to that person whether they accept it or. reject it. If someneas told you about accepting Jesus as your saviour and you decide flot to listen, thats up to you. You have willed flot to do it. Jesus wants us to be Hîs friends. In, John 15:13 Jesus says that no greater love bas a man tman to lay down bis life for bis friends. Isnt tbat what Jesus did for us? He died at-Calvary, so we could have a relationship with Him. His love took ail our sins and transgressions to mhe cross. We have to read His word to know Him; and also to fellowsbip with other people wbo know Him. Relationsbips take timne. Try spending somne time witb Jesus and you will be surprised how real He is. Study His word as if you were studying for Masters Degree i the natural, and you will end up with The Masters Degree. Commnents or Questions? Write. Box 179, Orono. Total Christian Television Channel 49, Buffalo. Bible Study, Tuesday 7:30, 983- 5962. The committee of council on Monday gave approval to Brownsdale Commiunity Centre to take part i the sale of Break-Open tickets (Nevada). Approval was given due to the fact that the group mnanaged a propertyowned by the Town. Similar requests had been received froin the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen, the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes, and Big Sisters. These requests were denieti. It is understood that the Town has settled a contract with unionized workers with a 4.5 percent wage increase. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 19,1991-5 ,oalition ready to fight educatio nal tax Some 100 res idenîs of the increasing taxation. Brighton area attending a meeting it was suggested tda the board of the Northumnberland East cbapter could reduce cosns through the of the Ontario Taxpayers' Coalition reduction of employees. Bird said beard some cutting words as to in 198 5 when lie left the board there over- spending and over-staffmng by were 1400,employees, a figure that the local Northumberland and bad risen to 1931 in mhe year 1990. Newcastle Board of Education. He suggested that there were Jim Bird, a former employee of openings for reduction and poited thie Board who retired i 1985, said to an informnation officer, the crisis be is ready to fight such spending intervention officer and other increases as a member of the positions. Northumberland East chapter. The speaker suggested the Bird pointeti out to the meeting closing out of junior kindergarten that when lie retired, 1985, the and that the province take over budget was set at $65 million wich responsibility for ail education compares with $132 million for financing wbich would cause the 199 1. He sald there is flot enough scbool systein to be centralized increase in service to warrant mhe under mhe Ministry of Education. 102 percent increase in mhe budget He said the coalition will over mhe past six years. endeavour to work with mhe Board Bird also pointed out mhat 64 of Education but "if mhey -dont hold percent of the increase bas taken mhe lne we may have to get tough". place during mhe tenn of the present The issue of witbholding board froin 1988 to 199 1. educational tax dollars came up a A round of applause greeted Bird number of times and a large when be said "we are not going to majority of mhe audience said they continue to pay these increases and were prepared to hold back on mnust now talk to mhe candidates in payment of snch taxes. the upcoming election over How to staycool by using less energy That s one of the remarkable advantages you c'et \vhen you instail an energy efficient heat pump. It helps heat your home by using, a frac---,on of the energy conventional forced air furnaces use. and lit also z--fves you the benefit of air conditioning in summner. If you re thin-kiný aboutinstalling air conditioning, think about a heat pump. And-zzave energ-y year round. If yolinve any questions. or if you'd like more energy saving tips, cal1 ycur local utility at the number below,é Lakeshore Area - Bowmanville Cathy Olmstead - Energy Advisor 623-2561 or 1-800-263-8028 Q Ontano Hydro Let's give tomnorrow a hand.