4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 26, 1991 Hold drawfor public school -made Mrs. Westheuser's grade two and assisted with the other the quiit. The winner was class at Kirby Centennial dispiay aspects of assembling the entire Michelle Netusil. The quilt was their hand-made quilt in which quilt. made using th Kirby school each student bas made a block They used a computer to select colours of red, blue and white. the winner who now gets to keep From A round Home (Continued from page 3) homebrewing after ail the corks popped out of the last batch." "No more brewing in the basement it's ail too messy and not reliable", came Uic answer. It was then explained that a man had started up a business in the Whitby industrial compiex where you purcliased Uic ingredients and use his equipment and facilities but doing most of the work yourself. After dhoosing a recipe, you buy the ingredients, mix ingredients, and then use one of ciglit firepots for brewing which apparently takes about an hour. The brew is then poured into a large plastie keg and plaoed for 15 to 21 days in a climate controlled storage room. Upon completion of the fermentation process you return with your bottles and fill Uiem from your own keg. It was explained that you do most of your own work but al Uic Clêâln-UP'is Jooked after by the owner. "Where does this tax-buster namne corne from?" "WeIl that's one of the best things about the whole process as it elimninates most of the tax that you would pay at the brewers' retail," came dhe reply. "Thus the name tax-buster." "You mean Brian Mulroney and Bob Rae really don't have their fingers in this tax-buster brew". 'Il have one". '"I-air With for LADIES andi GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Councîl Briefs The Town lias agreed to support St. Johns Ambulance , which does service the Newcastle area, with a grant of $ 1,000. The grant had been denied by the Newcastle Community Service Advisory Board. Council gave approval for the issuing of a licence for the Big Sisters to seil Nevada Lottery tickets. Debbie Nowlan addressed council over opposition to the prpsdNewcastle Village Resource Centre asking that the project be allowed some flexibility in providing services and prograniming. Coune. Hamre said the application was back before the planning department for processing. She suggested that people should relax a lîttie, "a mounitain is being made out of a mole hli" As to a meeting with the Chamber and DRIA it was stated by th e Mayor that they were not required judging from recent telephone conversations. Council lias given their stamp of approval for a Regional Official Plan amendment to commercial for lands owned by Lloyd Stephenson in the Village of Newcastle. The issue lias been before council for somnetime over a controversy on the ownership of the land. The Region is to be notified of the Towns support for the amendment. A letter was reccived fromi Joyce Boudreau, sccretary Durham Central Agricultural Society as to thc promotion of two parades in connection with the Orono fair in September. A number of Hampton arca residcnts note the pcnetration of Uic Gypsy Moth into the area and the Iack of action on the part of the Region of Durham. The letter souglit support for a spraying campaign for ncxt ycar. A letter was received fromn the Courtice and Area Commnunity Association in which it is stated that residents in Courtice pay rural rates for hydro some 15 percent higlier th an regular rates. The letter states that they are aware of the problenis and that there is no easy answer but that they would feel more confident ini thc local govemrment if Uiey were given an indication that Uic probleni is being recognized and addressed. Counc. Hannah said that a report fromn the government is expected ini Uicnear future. Mayor Hubbard said it was a problem withi no easy aniswers. She warned that Uic Town would have to move carefully. "if Uie province wants to provide a subsidy for a take-over she said Uiat would be great. The Mayor did state that one municipality to the west hiad great financial problems buying a clunker of a hydro system. We have to be cautious, she said. Santa gets a haif loaf for now Don Welsh of the Bowmanville Santa Parade committee made another bid on Monday for a grant of $2,000 to assist with the annual event for 1990. He pointed out that in Uic past the Town had grante-d the committee $500.00 annually but due to insurance costs that had previously been paid by the Chanter of Commerce was now to be paid by the comittee costing over $ 1000.00. In answering Uic question Wclsh said Uic event cost $ 10,000 to stage and that Bowmanville business persons did provide some $2500.00. The issue of Uic building owned by the committee for storage and located on Town property came forUi for debate and played a part in Uic half loaf decision. Council did approve a grant of $ 1,000 at tis time and would study the issue of the building and liability issue before meeting the total request of Uic commit tee. 0'F ALL THE DRIVIMG SCHOOLS YOU CAN CHOOSEY ONLY ONE HAS 400 000 STUDENTS TOuRCOMàiYND UT.O At Young Drivers of Canada, we offer one of the rnost thorougli defensive driver training programs in the country. We believe the best way to leam isý with one instructor and one student ini the car. Y'ou'll learu how to drive defeni- sively with our proven approach to accident-free dniving. ZÇf. You'II also receive exclusive in-class instruction from'highly-trained instructors to make sure you understand ail the defensive drivinig techniques. Leamn emergency manecuvers ike brake-and-avoid. threshold braking, swerving tchnIIiquLes and how to avoid a head-onl orreredclion Don'Ct take a chance. Let a profeCssionIa teaich y'ou to drive and survive. Young Drivers of Canada WeU aclh You mo etilnouto pass.vourdriver's test. NEXT CLASSES START: June 24 - 27: Mon. to Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. July 2: Tues. & Thur$. Evenlng 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. BOWMAN VILLE 623-7017 Clarke High Sohool Semester Il Final Reports Cards and Newsletters may be picked up on FRNDAY, JUNE 28th 1991 9:00 A.M. TILL 3:00 R.M. N