Durham Centi announces ne In less than a month the Orono Fairgrounds will become a beehive of aciivity as the 139th Annual Durham Central Fair becomes a reality. A hardworking board of directors and more volunteers than you can keep track of make ibis Fair a must on many calendars in the Town of Newcastle and from many far distant points as well. "See you at the fair" is a common closing to many conversations as the fair gets dloser. A common retort when some people are asked "are you going to the Fair?" is "tberes nothing new, 1 saw il ail last year". Well these people will be bard pressed to find an excuse not 10 attend the fair ihis year. Many new events and new entertainmnent bias been added to the program for tbe '91 fair. Starting on Thursday, September 5tbi tbe gaies open at 4:30 p.m. The mnidway will be operating throughoui the fair and tbe first of tbe new entertainiment is at 6:30 with a pre pageant demonstration by Theater Dance Academy. This is a higb energy, fast moving demnonstration guaranteed ta get the fair off 10 a nrning stan. Thirty minutes later in front of tbe Grandstand tbe draft borses assemble for tbe Horse Pulls. This event bas been absent ai Orono for many years and the re- introduction is expected to bring out many of the excellent teams and drivers in this area. At 8:00 Wally Macbit, News Director ai C.H.E.X. Peterborough will officially open tbe fair. On Friday and for tbe remainder of tbe fair a new demonstration area will be set up in the Agricultural Building with local artisans and craft people available to discuss tbeir craft. A class for Honey is also new this year and will be displayed in tbe Aricultural Building along witb the Fruit & Vegetables. Also new on Friday is the Kiddie Tractor Pull, sponsored by tbe Great Pine Rid2e Kinsmen. Saîurday morning ai 9:00 a.m. aniother event returns bo the fair after a 50 year absence. A baby show, a very popular feature from 1910 until 1940 anid will be revived this year by the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes. Tbe baby show will be limiited 10 50 entries. Also on Saturday ant Arm Wrestling tournament will be held for the firsi tne. Tbis event will be sponsored by Cbatterton Electric of Orono and will feature five amateur classes* including Ladys Open. isi, 2nd and 3rd tropies will be awarded for ail classes. Another new event on Saturday will be ihe Remote Controlled car races sponsored by Racers Cboice of Bowmanville. These R.C. cars are very popular and tbe sponsors expeci 10 draw amateur competitors from tbroughout the area. Saturday evening another firsi will be the "Canadian Minii Tracior Pullers Association" Tractor Pull. Tbe Association promises this 10 be an exciting, fast paced crowd Poicemen face probe overaccident Two Regional policemen face a probe over an accident in which they were involved in ini 1986. The accident involved an all-terrain vehicle wich bas lefi the driver and passenger permanently ,rai Fair rw features pleasing event. Big Brothers of Ncwcastle will returfi on Sunday to sponsor the Second Annual Pet Sbow. This show will be in a new location and promises 10 be bigger and better tban ever. Racers Choice will sponsor a second R.C. event on Sunday afternoon. Tbis is a professional Remote Control Pull, and is expe cted to bring competitors fromn as far away as tbe U.S. A complete listing of all the events will be distrîbuted tbrough tbe post office the week prior 10 the Fair, barring a postal strike. Information on any of these GRCA lres,,cerves eut municipal costs The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority is to use funds from surplus to balance their budget this year rather than ask for further funding from the municipalities. The Autbority had expected to receive $4 89,000 in funding from the province but funding was dropped by $69,000, Chief events may be obtaine d from the sponsors, members of the, Fair, Board or Fair Manager Ron Locke 987-4406. Administrative Officer, Gayle Hall, thîs did flot surprise bier as the Ministry has been under-funding for years. Tbie Authoriiy sets ils budget in April in order that municipalities may set their mill raies. Unfortunately the province was late in setting funding for Authorities this year. In asking for levies from the municipalities the Authority had inforrned ihem that if under-funding did exisi from the provin ce the Auihority would pick up the short faîl. The Authority had already sought an increase, a n average, of 7.3 percent tbis year from the miuni(cipalities. Lu mosi cases tbe Autbority would bave bad 10 ask for a furtber 15 percent from tbe municipalities if tbey had flot covered the shortfall themselves. .. Try the WANT ADS Reasonabte &Effective 983-5301 .t............... .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . C.OMEý TO ORONO CO- 'OP AUGUST l6th and l7th Garbage Bags Quikki Heavy Duty Fri. & Sat. DUTCHAUCTION Including Tools, Clothing, Foot Wear, Hardware, Much Much More PET & HuORSÉ%E FEED Co-op - Purina - Master - Martins Anti Freeze > l4 Litres $5,m29 Chain Saw, CHAIN OIL $3Z99 4 Corn Brooms $3n99 a Thompson's Water Seal I 2.99375 Introducinig.. Beer Making Kits Makes Approx. 55 Botties Polar Beer is here. Isn't it time you 1 started making quality beer? I 395ea. CustomerAppreciation - CORN ROAST andi COUNTRY DANCE'-a tthe-Co-op August 17tIh After 4:30 p.M. NQ-AICQhQI PIease DURHAM FARMERS' COU NTY CO-OP HWY. 115 AND TAUNTON ROAD Barbeque's $1 39m95 ORONOI Phone 983-9134 i I %'w -