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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1991, p. 13

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BUi Bramah's Ontario Orn WolyTmoWneseday, Àugust 14, l oo1-'f :3: Jack Brackenburg of Flesherton, south of Owen Sound, is 85 years old, but Fra sure he stili bas tbe beart of a 10year oldboy. Theoretically, be's "retired", but in the last five years be bas probably packed more hours into a pet project tban he ever did in a similar period of time during bis regular working life. It ail started five years ago wben one of bis daugbters asked bim wbat bed like for Christmnas. Jack said hed like a littie electric train. His daugbter got a train, along with a few cars, and gave him tbe set on Christnmas moming. Jack was very happy witb it and after watcbing it go round and round for awbile, bis creative and bis imagination went into action. He visualized the train running tbrough a village - places in it nained after memnbers of bis family. He went down to bis basement worksbop and built a model train station witb a littie sign on it signifying tbe naine of die village. The sign read "McGreggor, tbe middle. naine of bis great grandson. He built a cburch and a schoolbouse like tbe one where Jackc went to school in 1913. He added a golf course named after one of bis daugbters, and a playground for anotber daughters cbildren. He bougbt more track and tbe train began to ramble. Jack decided to build up another area on the railroad line. It became wbat be called "Canadians"., It bad a "Peggy's Cove" and a grain elevator. After tbat Jack threw in tbings willy-nilly, like a jungle with a serpent's lair, and a rocket wbicb doubles as a train whistle. Jack is also space minded, and his imagination ran wild on that one. Along witb a couple of flying saucers be put in a space garden. Oh yes, the train also run s by an Englisb castle and a soccer field. But bis piece de resistance is bis 11climbing train". Its 125 feet of track tbat rises 3/4 of an inch for every foot., As Jack's project spread out bis bungalow couldnt accommodate it, s0 be was invited to move it over to the South Grey Museum wbich is just across tbe road from bis place. People take pictures of it and marvel at the builders ingenuity. Wben 1 saw bim last, be was working on furtber additions, and altbougb bes 85 years of age, l'Il bet Jack is'still one of tbe busiest men in tbe village of Flesberton. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LD Etablishedin18 S623-5480 ~~~1fh U U U~ 4DIVISIOn St. Bowmanvilie PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAIO FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE 3-tFSN Thke CATEIJNG CONNECTION ON THE SPO T C ATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. -5 p.m. 6234444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Avalable Corner Church and Temperance Sts, Bowmanville CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE irs FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL OOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS CRAFT SHOW AND SALE: Seturday, August 24, 9am-5pm,' Sundey. August 25, lOam-5pm. Adulîs, $250. An arene full of crafts! At St. Jacobs Arena, follow Hwy. 86, nortfi of Kitchener-Waterloo. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARK<ET Open Daily. Vendors Sts. and Suns. Antiques collecibles. Indoo-r Outdoor vending space evailable. (613)752-2468. Bird Feeding Park, and picnic area. Fries, Ice cream. 'VACATIONS CHILOREN FREE! lOds Program, housekeeping units, two crystal cleer lakes, whirlpoois, sauna, recreationai facilities, [ive theatre, low August and Pail rates. Remember us by Hart! Hart Lodge, Minden (705) 286-1738. MORTGAG ES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE for Homeowners! Pay off Bis, Credit CardaI Exemple: Borrow $1 0,000, Repay $185 monthly! No Oualifying Hassels! Oeil Intransicon (416) 650-9455. (011f ree) 1-800-288-1429. ADOPTION UNSELFISH LOVE. Our cfldren are preclous. if YOU re pregneant. trying to meke e decision for the future of your unbom child, perhepe we Cen talk. Adoption mey be the answer. Ruthy/Danny (613) 825-9339 collect). PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE Io correspond with unettached Christian people acroas Canada: ail danomînetions, al ntionalîtias, for compenionship or merriaga? ASHGROVE, P.. Box 2058, Chae, .0., VOE 1 M. SERVICES GREAT PERMANENT, historical racord/resourca. This newapapar andrmostof Ontarios waakly newpapars raproduced ragulrly n microfiche form. Duplicate copias evailabia by calling ONA. (416) 844-0184. FOR SALE YOUR DOG WILL STAY HOME! No leeshes, chains or fences. Ita Electronic, Invisible, emezing and safe. FREE Dtaîls: Cen. U.K. RR#1, Bancroft, Ont. KOL 100O, Fax (813)332-1375. INVISIBLE FENCING - The Original and provan dog containment system. Over 150,000 doge stand behind Invisible Fencîng. Indoor and outdoor systema. Guarentead 1-800-8816286. HELP WANTED INTERESTING OPPORTUNITY to esteblish a sales wing for e progressive newspeper orgenizalion. Succesaful person must be a self st arter wth an entrepreneurial spirit. Sîrong background in edvertising sales essentiel. Interesîed in learnîng more about this unique anterprisa? Send a brief description of your career to SIot G, PO. Box 451, Oakville, Ontario, L8J 5A8 in order 10 arrange an interview. WEST COAST OPPORTUNITY: The North Shore News, North Vancouver, 0.C. is interviewing for a cessified depertmant day supervisor. Ieasse fax rasumne to Val Stephenson (604) 985-3227. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifts needs Demonstrators to sali toys and gîfîs aI Home Parties. No investment or expeiience requîred. Esteblished Company. COeil oday (519)258-7905. SALES HELP WANTED *6 FIGURE INCOME- International Music and Vdeo Company expanding mbtc Canada. Heed hîghly motivated commissioned sales people and distrîbutors Part-lime or ful tîme 1-519-944-2800 24 tir. fina. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-study correspondance Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditionîng, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmefology, Electronice, Legel/Madical Secretery, Fsychology, Trevel. Granlon <SA> 283 Adelaîde West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. S TRUCKING FOR VOU. LaI's discus t. Introducing extanded prograrna and Cradit Courses. Cel William et 1-800-265-7173. Marie Training Systema. TRUCK< DRIVER TRAINING et Ontarios top school AZ & DZ. Air Breke, P.D.I.C., Dangerous Gooda, Log Book, One on One, Tex Deductibla. Deys. Nights Weekends. Rodgars School 1-800- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GLOW IN THE DARK Neckaea. Buy direct from regd National Wholeseler. Youve sean them et concerts, festivals, and speciel evening avets everywhera. High profit margina. 416) 338-2422, Ofristina. Alan availeble 40 coloura bandannas/sunglasses. STEEL BUILDINGS ROCK B011DM PRICES Direct front factory. Free overheed door to firat tan fo purchase 0cr 25x30 steel building for $2,711. Othar sizes eavaileble et sîmîler savinga. PionaarlEconospan 1-800-888-5422. BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonsat - 32x48 $5920; 40X64 $8558; 50x96 $15.331 ; 80x1 20 $21,270 - non-espendable end(s), othar sizas avalebla - limited steel- Paragon - 24 Hours 1 -800-283-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS, GUONSETS, S Models& Straightwails". Many sizas to choosa from. for Vlue, Quality and Integnfty, ona phone caîl 1-800- 688-8653. Future Steel Buildings. Your ad could appear in communify newspapers in Ontario, or rlghf across Canada, or any individual province. Space la Uimlted, so Cal This Nawspaper Today! Power of Sale ... $1 09,900 Super Country Bungalow . .. $1 29,900 Almost New Dream Home.. . $1 39,000 Cal metôbW « oesit.. Orono and area's real estaté rp. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-978B2 RF/MAX APPLE Telh 576-3111 Oro no Value, MUST SELL ... $1 56,000 1 6

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