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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Aug 1991, p. 1

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vol. oziu - ý[1% IRNO. OARl'IO .. WESA.- --G--S- 21,1991 Hamre enters Mayor's s race The race for the fflayor's position in the Town of Nevwçastle for the nexi termi of office hl~s now become a tbree-way racïe with the announcemeni last Friday by il year veteran Diane }Janre thai she will be a candidate for mayor. Mayor Hubbard and Mnn Cowman, a former counicillor <of the Town of Newcastle, have botb made their declaration to seek thie position of mavor. decided be would witbdraw bis name for regional councillor and bad decided to mun for mayor. It is no secret I have not been satisfied with events concemning the town", be said. He said the move bad been made in an effort 10 try and rectify bis concerns. However on bearing that Councillor Hamre had decided to run Hooper said be would not run for mayor but would again seek eleciion as a regional councillor. He said he knew ibat Counc. Hamre could do the job and he was bebind ber ail tbe way. At ibis point Hooper turned the meeting over tQ Diane Hamre wbo said she would place ber name before the electorate for mayor of the Town of Newcastle. She spoke of many challenges facing the Town and tbat local governmnent had become large and costly. "We bave got to gel back to tbe people and cosis cannot continue 10 rise", sbe said. Hamnre spoke of ber eleven years on counicil and serving on every commîee during that period. She also pointed to ber involvement witb the Region Social1 Services committee of wbicb sbe bad been chairman for 'fine years as well as chairman for tbe Regional Non- Profit Housing Corporation. She said sbe had been part of aspects of local governients and intended, if elected, to be accessible and accountable. In speaking of industrial and commercial development she said she could.not say that she could bring sucb 10 the Town but feli ibat (Continued page 8) For 24 years Stirling Mather -suggests it may ail corne to an has carried on his tradition at the end on the twenty-fitth Orono Beef Barbecue greeting ail anniversary in 1992. ts time to ladies with a hug and a cheek qut, ho said. The question could kiss. be asked - "wiIl he really?" 'Me announcement was made ai a news conference called by Counc. Ken Hooper earlier in the week. Hooper said that at the time of calling the news conference be bad With tears in his eyes he John Veldhuîs continues stand John Veldhuis continues bis fast ai the Port Granby dump and of Monday was in day nine of tbe fast. He still awaits an announcement from the federal governineni as to a siart-up date for Phase IV of tbe Siting Task Force study. Tbe Task Force was establisbed in 1988 to carry out a study as to the future homne of the 650,000 square meires of radioactive wasîe that is sîored ai Port Granby. Since the completion of Phase 3 in late 1990 no further action bas been taken by the govemmuent. "I want a start-up date to resumne the study", states Veldhuis. As of Monday morning John Veldhuis bad received no word fromn the local M.P. Ross Stevenson and could miake references to comiments that bave been carried in the press. The local environinental! activist bas escalaied bis fast and as of Sunday bas refused îo accept any further donations of fruit juices and bas limnited is di et to water only. On Sunday at 12 noon Veldhiuis and is support ieamn received tbe news media and supporters wben be outlined bis objective of remaining ai the site fasting until sucb time as he roceives a definite date for the siart-up of Phase 4 of the study wbicb had been promised, in 1988 by ibe federal govermment. "Wben will the needed action begin? - wben will we get a definite date?" asks John Veldhuis. Veldhuis said on Monday that be bad been to bis doctor wbo bas said he (Veldhuis) will notice cbanges in bis condition in tbe second and ibird week of a fast. 've losi somne weigbt", states Veldbuis, "and the doctor bias said Ive used up miy body fat". Veldbuis was critical of press (Continued page 8) Frank Stapleton a non-candidate but expeets to return in future Frank Stapleton, wbo bas served on thb- Town of Newcastle councîl as local councillor for Ward Three announiced carlier ibis week that be would not be a candidate in tbe Novemiber election. Counc. Stapleton bas served îwo terms on council (six years) witb the lest term being by acclamation. He bas been an active member represenîing the Town on varîous local committees in the ward and as well bas played a major part as council liaison witb the Community Services department. I am laking a temporary leave of absence", he said, I hope ýto retumn sometime in the future" 1kI speaking witb Frank he said be enjoyed tbe experience immensely and that the six years bad been educational and rewarding for him. He did say thougb Ibat at limes il is frustrating. It seems 10 take so long 10 get tbings done". It is not like running your own business," be said. Stapleton said be expects 10 direct more attention b bhis own business over the next few years but expecîs 10 find time in the future to retum 10 council. "I hope I bave made a contribution and did some good over the past six years." Three in race for regional seat John Blogg, 44, Newcastle Village, bas announced he will seek the regional council seat in Ward Tbree, Town of Newcastle in ihe fortbcoming November municipal election. 1 Witb the announcement Blogg joins witb Roif Balentin, Orono and Ann Dreslinski, Orono seeking the regional position on the Town of Newcastle council as well as representing the area at Regional council. Blogg has been a resident of Newcastle Village for the pasîtbree years. In stating bis qualifications Blogg refers to being Secretary- Manager of Industriel Relations for a mnajor Trade Association andlbas bad 20 years experience presenting industries views 10 Idie govemment on legîslation and policy changes. Blogg is a member of the Provincial Joint Committee on Hazardous substances for the Minisiry of Labour mnd as well a member of the Employers Advisory co;mmittee on Labour Relations reporting to the Minister of Labour. He is also involved wiîb ibe Employer Advisory Commiîîee 10 the Work Place, Health and Safety agency. kn speaking of local concerns he called for a need of an Industrial Sirategy to belp reduce the tax burden in the Town. He also calîs for a Waste, Management stralegy for the Town. Blogg calls for a quick resolution of the Newcastle Village Healtb Care Centre as well as.a solutioni for sewers to the Village of Orono. Among bis concernis would be the cleanup and restoration of the downtown business sections in both Newcastle Village and Orono. The list of concerns includes overpasses or underpasses for rail lines in heavily populated residential areas. Finally Blogg sîated a final resolution of the Port Granby dump problem. He said he would caîl for co- operation between the business community and the Town of Newcastle. Restructuring study delayed A study report on the restructuring of Northumberland County is being delayed until afier tbe November elections. 1Tbe study bas been underway for ibe pasi 18 miontlbs amd was to be completed for September. It is considering restructuring of boundaries and administration. Hîappenings.. BIG BROTHIERS HOST PET SHOW Big Brothers' of Newcastle will organize the 2nd Annual Cildrens Pet Show at the Durham Central Agricultural Fair, Sunday, Sepiember 8th ai 1 pin. Registration is from 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. on September 8, phone 623-6646 for more information. DARLINGTON UNIT ONE ]RSTARTS Darlington Nuclear Generating Station staff are restarting Unit One reactor afier approval was received from the Atomnic Energy Control Board of Canada on Friday. -Tests and inspections on Unit One reactor to a maximum of one per cent power level have begun. Operation at [his level will continue, until the few outstanding items are compleied and power can be'raised. MIXED REVIEW ON HUN GER STRIKE The Town of Newcastle council has, last week given their full support'to John Veldhuis and bis hunger strike at the Port Granby dump site. But Ray Harris of thie Port Horpe Community Liaison Group calis Che move too confrontational. He does state that tie issue is frustrating. On [he other band Veldbuis bas 100 percent support from Jimi Provost, anoiher member of the Port Hope group. ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, A(JGUST 21,1991 No. 28 1

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