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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Oct 1991, p. 14

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- 14 - rono Wee-kly TimesWedne-sday, Octobýer2, 19ý91 ý Deadinefor Service Directory Lrday No ZSERVICE DIRECTORYE The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM W4e DonT JusI Specialze» WeMale Every Orcer Speciaf' Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Oue!iver Newtonvil le, P on rypool, Oshawa and Places lis Berween "éHair With For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ltîf. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs -Hl--ls Sales and Service Hotpoîn)t R.C.A. WVhite WVestinghouse Frigidaire Whirlpool Wood's Freezers MagieC h ef -Hoover 983-5108 f416) 623-861 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts SUppliera of Teamis, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 43 King St.W. Bowmanville, Ontario LC i R3 J W__yayne Assen Jim Couch AUCTION Selling Most Anything Anywhere 987-1548 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Quality Body Work and Refinishitlg INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastîle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLOWERS PL US FLOWVERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ont8alo 987-150A î Betty Lycet! 983-5908 GRUNDYS Country Upholstery Quality Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 98à-9874 Bryon Grundy Grist Mill Auction Centre Nextonville, Friday, October 41h 7:00 prn. Selling the contents [romn a Cobourg farmn house; old chesis of drawers; poster bcd; round oak table; oak buffet; smnall writing desk; occasional tables; occasional chairs; upright piano; old violin; piano rolîs; queen waterbed; double mnaple bed; mnaple chest and mnirror; gn single bcd; double bcd; kitchen set; lamps; exercise bikes; freezers; fridge; iiincmrous antiques; nlew store stock: and maay othier itemis; also fireplace iinser[ (new). A Large Auction. Ternis - Cash AUCTIONEER Frank Stàpleton 786-22441 2,ac SAINSBURY - Bill an-d Diane (necý Shetler) are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Ethan George, born ai Mlemorial Hospilal, BomianvillecrionSeptemnber 17, 1991, wighing2 8 lbs. 13- 1/2 ozs. This beautful boy is a first grandchild for George and Nancy Sainsbutry, Bowmanville and John and Eleanor Shetler, Orono aad a great grandson for MIr. Victor Robinson. 2,ap FORREST - Ron and Karen (Dowell) are pleased to aninouince the birih of their son Eric William, born Septemnber 23, 1991 ai 11:50 pari. weighing 7 lbs. 13 ozs. Proud grandparents Carol Doweil and laie Ken Dowell, Pontypool and Bill and Mary Forrest, Kirby. 2,ap Barina Home Check -Vcation Homne Ohecking -Let us make your home look lived in Wedding Day Giff Sitting Reliable Reterencea BONDED Barb Shetler-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 MacGREGORt Auction Service Estates, Consignmnents, Househoids Bankruptcîes, Farms Sold at your location ot ai ours Storage & Trucklng Cal! for a Free Confidentiai Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 JONCKHEERE - In loving memory of a very dear husband, Etigeen wýho passed away October1 4, 1974. October cornes with deep regret A month I can neverforget W'iiti my home where al seerns hrighit Death tookfrom mne a shining ight My heurt stili aches ithl sadness% And scrltears stillflowv What itrmeant Io lose _you dear Eugeen No one i' l1 ever know No pen could wrýite No 1,tngue could tell My sad and bitter-loss But God anudfriends Have hé, edso well To bear my heavy cross Life must go on We ail know its true But i11s nottesan Since I lost -You" If! could have one lijftirne wish My drearn that would corne true 1 would pray to, God with al my heart Édear Eugeen For yesterday and you. Forever loved and sad ly mnissed by your loving wife. Eug,-cnie Jonckhieere 2,ap FOSTER, Kate - At Oshawa General Hospital, on Friday, September 27, 1991 in her 96th year. Kate, beloved daughter of the laie Mary and Hubert Foster. Dear aunt of John and Charles Foster, Helen Black, Margaret Waller and the laie Hubert, Lorne and Byron Foster. Friends were able to call at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Sunday. Funeral service was held in our chapel on Monday at 1 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemietery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society in her memnory would be appreciated. 2.ac 2 bedroom apartment, Orono, ncw]y decorated, $640.00 per month, utilities included.- Available immediately. Phone 983-5725 after 6:00 p.m. 2,ap The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM "We Don't Jus Specoehze" We Maka Every Order Spcar" Main Street, Orono 983-9155 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE TH ERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowrnanvi lie, Ontario 623-4473 Apple Cheddar Pizza Pie Al the esscaaials of a classie apple pie- apples, golden raisins, spices and flaky pastry-are preseaied iu an appealing "pizza pie" form. Instcad of uerving a wcdgc of nippy cheddar on the side, grate it over die apple pic as a toppiag. This pizza has big appeal for children of ail agesq Pa..try for double-crust pic 1/2 Cap golden raisins 6 Mclntosh apples 2 caps shrcdded old Cheddar 3 tbsp Il parpose floar cheese (preferably 1/ sp c iiWonorange) 1 1/,1, ule 2 tbsp ail-purpose floar 1/i2 iap) granulalcd sug ar 2 tbsp. fraalated sugar On îghly loured surface, roll out pasîry tata circle ai least 2 ini tcs (5ic) wder than pizza pan, about 13 iuches (33 cm), ta rmake0ihieker round than for regutar pie. Drape over pan, îtrmi ta leve 1iînch (2.5 cm) ovcrhaag. Fold pastry edge under ta beeveun with rdm of pan. Hake on bîulîom rack of 425 dcgree F aven f or 10 minutes or just untîl lghl golden brown. Let cool. Meaawhile, peel and core apples, cut tata wedges about 1/2 iach (1 cm) îhick and place ta large bowl. Blead together 3 tbsp (50 mL) flour-, cînnamon, aaîmeg and 1/2 cap (75 mL) sugar; sprinkle tîver aIpples, sttrring attl evenly ctmted. Sîîr ta raisins. Toss cheese wý,itl 2 îbisp (25 mL) flour and 2 îbup (25 mL) sugar 10 mix eval. prcad apple mixture over pizza crust. Evenly sprînkle wiîlî cheese mixture. Bake on baîîom rack ta 350 degree F. oven for 45 îo 50 miautes cor untîl apples anc fork- leader. Makes 10 servtags. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE rrs FAST - IrS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS CENTRAL ONTARIO WOOD SHOW. October 18-20. Metro East Trade Centre, Broclc Road North, Pickering. Seminars, demonstrations, competitions. more! Admission $5.00 Cryderman Productions (519> 351-8344. AUCTION THANKSGIVING BANNER SALE. Saturday, October 12, 5pm. 60 Head, Bre Hefers, Cows and Caives ai Eîzevir Hereford Farma, Ftinton, (613) 336-796. VACATION/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceanfront condos, housekeeping provided. Indoor pools, saunas, tennis. Golf and vacation packages: winter rentais from $400/month. Free brochure: 1-800-448-5653. ENJOY THANKSGIVING in Beautiful Haiburton Hightands. Seven meals, incudîng Thanlcsgîving dinner. Fireplaces, TVa, entertainment, indoor whirlpool and sauna, waterfront equipment included. Cali ltfree 1-800-461-7699. SELECTIVE SINGLES Travel Regisiry. Where members design thîe tipa and enjoy savings on group rates and single supplements. Annual Fao. 2245 Dunwin Drive. Missssauga. Ont. L5L 1 A3. (416) 820-1442. BAHAMAS VACATION. Enjoy a cruise to the Bahamas for 5 days and 4 nights. $173.60 U.S. per persan. Cali (602> 350- 9014. *Restrictions apply. i'icensed and Bonded7 FLEA MARKETS ADOITtONAL AREA READY for fa!! rentai. Book early. Smiths Fals Fes Market, 65 Cornelia Street East, (613) 283-84.48, Every Sunday. CALABOGtE FLEA MARKET. Open Sundays. 10-5pm. Antiques, coliectibles, sports carda. Vending space available. Business opportuniies in our mal iocated in the heart o! tounism. (613> 752-2468. ADOPTION ADOPTtON-PREGNANT? Young, married protessionai couple wshes Io provide wonderful home for infant. Working with governmenit icensed agency. Call collect after 4pm. (416> 771-0697. MOBILE HOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOM ES. lnventory Liquidation Sale, 40 units. New and used. Ail sizes and ma1kes. Att prices slashed. Cali 1-800-263-7955. North Brock RV, Port Pemry, Ont. CHINA NORITAJ<E SALE! Terrific discounts o n current patlernisl Delivered well-packed, insured. For price lis! on your Noritake pattern - Aexanders. The Nonitake Experts", Toronto, tolfree 1-800-263-5896. FOR SALE POTATO DIGGER with panting and hiling atachments. Onty $399. Phone (519) 659-0601. LINEN HOUSE INC. Goosedown Duvets frein $89. Cati Susan Abidgaard for our WEEKLY SPECtALS. 1-800-661- 3696. 24 hi'. servie. AMAZING PRODUCT!I tr Eîectronoc! Vour dog ii stay on your property, without being lied up. Detaits: PAC, RR#1, Bancroft. Ontario. KOL 1iCO. 1-800-NO-LEASH. Fax (613) 332-1375. INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog containiment systemt. Over 150,000 doga stand behind Invisible Fencing. Indoor and ouldoor systems. Guaranteed. 1-800-661-6286. MORTGAGES NEED FAST CASH? We have mortgage money to pay >off your bitta! No qualifying hassels! Borrow $10.000, low monthly re-payment. Intransicon Financial (416) 650-9455. Tollfree 1-800-268-1429. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES AUCTION 18 WATERFRONT ISLAND LOTS, Georgian Bay. Sandy beaches, picturesque. Opening Bld $9.900. Sold ta the highest bidders. Preview thia weekend, 12-4, Auction Hotine (416) 6951-SOLD (7653). PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on boîh w rite: Properties, Dept. ON, Box 5380, SinF. Ottawa, K2C 3.1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IMM EDFATE PROFITS selling high quaity 10K leweîry. Excting home party plan. Hot pre-Xmas season. The GoId Discovery, 14335 - 47 Avenue, Edmonton. AB, T6H 0B9. (403) 434-2550. ENTHUSIASTIC FRANCHISEES WANTED NOW. "Shefield & Sons* with nearly 100 stores nalionwide has prime retai locations available in Barrie, Pembroke, Thunder Bay. Cati (604)6859-1014. THE ORIGINALJUICEWOIRKS" VENDING Machine. Earn cash profita daily, vending fruit juices. OId South,.Dew Drop, McCains, Sunikisi, Liptons. tnvetments from $14.995. Info Canadawide 1-800-465-5006. EXTRA INCOMEt Grow bailworms in your basement or garage. Odlorleas operation. Low invealment. Market guaran1eed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology. .R1 Smithvilte, Ontario. LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. H ELP WANTED SUNSHINE VILLAGE Ski Resort, Banff, Alberta, requirea enthusiastic individuals, committed bo Service Excellence. for vsrious seasonria positions. Box 1510, BanfAS, TOL 000. (403) 762-6546. ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE in Ottawa for Above & Beyond. in-fight magazine for First Air. Three yeara advertising sales expenience required. Phone 14300- 565-8899. fax (403) 992-1646 resumes: Above & Beyond, c/o OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ont. L6J 5A8. SALES HELP WANTED MAKE A FORTUNE making others happy. The utimate fundraising tool la creating hundreds o! new opportunities with incredibly HIGH INCOMES. Urgentiy need sales people. 1-800-263-1900. CAREER TRAINING tS TRUCKING FOR YOU. LeVa discuas il. tntroclucing extended programas and Credit Courses. Cali Witiam ai1- 800-265-7173. Market Training Systems. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. NexI ciass: November 9-15. Information. contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodatack. Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. STEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE ON ENDO0F SUMMER lnventory of Steel Buildings. Save $$$, 20X30 $2.092. 40x6O $6.117. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - nol quonset - 32x48 $5920; 4Ux64 $8556; 50x96 $15.331; 60x1 20 $21.270 - non-expandabie end(s), other sizea available - imited steel - Patagon - 24 Hours 1-800-263- 8499. STEEL BUILDINGS. Because of a aucceastul Ptowing Match, the factory has allocaied us 30 addiiional buildings t0 be disposed of.COeil now for besi seleclion. Future Siee 1- 800-668-8653. Vour ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or rlght across Canada, I or any individuai province. Space is Lîmited, so Cail This Newspaper Todayî cDA.f1988) DECORATIVE ART STUDIO (416) 983-5312 Comiplete Line of Folk Art SuppliesI and Classes ........... .... ...... ... ............

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