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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Oct 1991, p. 1

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Oroiwt.0Weekfy 'Rmes Serving Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville "Meals On wheels" program Best Road residents stu-nned over action of Town council Monday The residents of Best Road, north of Orono, were somnewhat situnned on Monday evenning when Counc. Wottcn attacked a decision of the Ontario Municipal Board that repealed by-law 90-115. The by- law would have allowed Stuart and Jean Wood to operate a trucking centre from thecir farm property on Best Road. By-law 90-115, a rezoning application, had been given approval by Town council giving the Woods approval to operate their trucking centre. The decision of council was contrary to' the recommendation of the Towns planning staff which recommendation was turned asile. Residents of the area appealed the Town decision to the 0MB which appeal was upheld by the Board. The decision of the board in repealing the decision of council was handed down on September l2thi with receipt by the Town on September l9th. Residents of Best Road were of the opinion that Town action would be taken to have the operation moved from Best Road. Counce. Wotten in addressing council said the decision of the Board should be appealed by the Town. kn presenting a motion, seconded by Counte. Stapleton Wotten asked that the Town not enforce the conditions of the existing by-law until a report was received from Town staff relating to the 0MB decision. 'Me report from staff is to be submnitted at the October lSth council meeting. Wotten also called for the Public Works and Planning directors along with the solicitor to report relating to the 0MB decision. Wotten said there was a lot wrong with the decision especially since the business had operated out of the Best Road location for the past eighteen years. They have to have time to relocate and there is workers to consider, he said. (Cont'inued page 2) Joan Crossing of Meals on checks, foot care, incomne tax Wheel delivers lunch to Marjarie services and assistance with formns Cowlard at the Orono Seniors along with special event progiramis. complex which is but one facet of it is a long list of undertakings an extensive programn for seniors and points to 22,062 tasks undertaken by Community Care. completed last year with volunteers The Reg-ion of Durhami contributing 20,078 hours.. Somte Community Care Association 930 clients were scrved in the Town celebrates its l5th anniiversary wvith of Newcastle with the efforts of October being set asicle as Community Care enabling mnany to Comimunity Care montah. remin, selif-sufficient, in their With a growth in patrons to the home. many Community Care programs There is a need f'or volunteers f'or the emnphasiS this year is on gaining the, COPE Mnýîýtal Health program. an inicreasînig number of volunteers There are presenitly 28 trained to care out the work. With this in voluniteers who provide one-on-one nind the slogan "One Day You support. The niecd for this type of May Need Us . Today We Need care is increasing.- You" have been devised. Volunteering f'or the elderly is a In the Town of Newcastle there rewarding undertaking and those at are now 310 home support Commnunity Care in Bowmanville volunteers providing transportation, (would be glad to hear from anyone Meals On hecels, cleaning, grass initerested in playing a part to cuttinig, snow shovelling, errands, provide one of thicir many home visitations, telephlone security programns. Hppenlings ... ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE -LRESULTS The Town Hall euchire results for Wednesday, September September 25th, with 13 tables in play were as followý,s: High Scores Walt Mitchell and Ken Gimrblett with 83; Bob Bradley with 81; Dorceen Green and Wanda McNeil each with 79. Low Score Ed Skinner; Draw winners Charles Stapleton, Chiarlie Campbell, Wally Boughen, Bessie Stephenson, Mvarie Couroux, and Marion Staples. Euchre is heldJ every Wednesday evening beginning at 8:00 p.m. Ladies please brîng lunch. SKATE-A-THON Just a remninder that this Saturday, October th the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes will be holding their Skate-a-thon at the Newcastle Village Arenia front 10 a.m, to 2 p.m. Corne join the clowns and have lots of fun. GRAND OPENING Crystal Pages, wvhich is located at 5367 Main St., Orono, will be holding its Grand Opening this Thursday, October 3rd. Crystal Pages Buys and Selis lst and 2nd time around Books, Crystals, Stones, Grecting Cards, CD.'s, and Books-on-Tape. PROPOSED 407 1 IIHWAY NMEETING AI] area resitlents are welcomc on Saturday, October 5, 1991 at 2:30 p.m. at Lynn and Angie Helpards homte, 3190 Darlington Clarke bine, 1.7 kmis nortb of Taunton Road at Conc. 6. Bring your own lawn chir. LOCAL ARTIST DISPLAYS AT TOWN HALL Local Artist Audrey Stewart, has her art work on display at th-, Bowmanvillc Towln Hall until the end of December. Kirby Heights 0MB hearing adjourned The acceptance of provincial guidelines as they pertain to the Oak Ridges Moraine sili remain an issuie for the Ontario Municipal Board hearing which started in Bowmianville on September 23rd. The board is hearing an appeal lodged by Save the Ganaraska Again over the Regional Official Plan approval while also considering two appeals by Kirby Heights as to a denial of rezoning and sub-division approval both by the T own of Newcastle. The hearing last week turned into a pre-hearing wheni arguments were ruade by both sides as to the use of provinicial guidelines passed thiý summer affecting development ini the Oak Ridges Moraine. On Friday the chairman of the Board, Morley Rosenberg, adjourned the pre-hearings to December when two more days of pre-hearings are expected to be held. The hearing proper has been adjourned to sometime in April of 1992. It is expected that this hea ring could continue for three weeks. Orono Drop-In Centre Outliines activities Hello Orono: This is a niewsletter fromn the Orono Youth Centre. Its open every Monday and Thursday evenings and its a great place to meet all of your friends. Many people are in attendance. We've been having ping-pong tournaments anid last week Tanrny Gylytiukc was the first girl to be in the finals. We also have a table where we can play cards, a stereo, a T.V., and both Viewers Choice and Area Parkll undert-îakî«ngs The Park Police Committee of the Town of Newcastle has been informed that the projected work for thie Orono Woods Walk Park is nearing completion for 1991. The east-west walkway has been completed as has the niorth- south walkway on the east side of the Orono Creek. As well the waterfall and fish ladder is almiost complote. One of the local citizens who visited the park recently was more than delighted with the waterfall project and s0 relatcd this view to thc Orono Times. The Parks commrittec were also informied that the first phase of the Bondhead Park at me waterfront in Newcastle Village has been completed and that the Gazebo structure is near completion. The beach has been cleaned up and sand bas been put in place. The complete undcrtaking is expccted to be completed wîthin the ncxt two to three weeks. Roy's Windows will let us use a VCR and movie for the evening. We ha cve a lot of fun. All of us at the centre would like to mhank those of you who donated any item towards our g roup. Were still in need of an lectric lettle if anyone has one they dont need. Also, many thanks to the volunteer leaders who donate their time for us every week because without them, there wouldn't be a' youth centre. Janette Reader Amy Donoghue Asks permission to1 enter Commanding officer, to the time of wall towns Who had Commander Ian Davidson of he to defend themnselves against Bowmanville Sea Cadet Corps 'marauding troops. It beame a wraps on the door of the Town customn that entrance to the Town Hall seeking permission fromr wouldi be first sought by the Mayor Hubbard so that the Corps officer in charge of the troops. So could enter the Town it happened once more and in Il is an old customn dating back Bowmanville.

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