2 -OonoWeely unmes, Wednesday, October 2,1994 Orno I.ek/ 'mes 'ubIhed:EveýY Wedneeday at the Office of Pulicebri 5- 10 Main Slre.t, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Tephone 416-993-6301: Roy C. Forester, OwnerEd to>r Subscripti n$14.00 ean Word corne from abroad We read that the federal goverfment is to spend $100 million, flot such a large sum, of money from, the federal coffers, to prove tothe world that its forestry practices are environmentally sound. It seems that there has been international criticismn of Canada's forest management and it is affecting the sale of products from this country of the forest industry. There is littie doubt that the move has been as a result of the international criticism. The govemnment is setting up a program that wiil carry on over a number, of years and is noted as "model forest" projects. Large tract of lands in a number of areas of Canada are to be managed on the concept that forests have an environmiental and social value as weil as a business value. 'Me point wqe wish to make that it is too bad that the governiment bas over the years se t aside any comment from those interested in such an aspect fromi this country. They had to get the message from afar rather than listening to the words from their electorate. In the end, however, where the message corne from is really inmaterial as long as the message has been noted and some action is started. ,An end in sight For Jim Richards of Orono, the self-made naturalists, who for 26 years bas sought some resolution to the preservation of the Second Marsh in Oshawa, there is some hope. Oshawa counicil is swinging towards a more people's place of their lakefront and such as dusty or noisy industry seems well on its way ought at the present. This ail fairs weil for the Second Marsh and Richards is now most hopeful that there will be restraints on development in the area that would adversely affect the Marsh. The final decision is to corne with a possible decision on October 7th by city council. Break-ins in Orono There were four break-mns in the Village over the past week-end at the Publc School,'the Clarke Library, Mom's Kitchen and Junior West's barn. Entry was made at the schc ool through a back window and although nothing was taken paint was sprayed over the walls, floors and on computers. It has taken a number of days to dlean -Up after the break-in. A few small items were taken at Junior Wests while at the library information is flot being released. Commen . &. POW! i.I One of these days - to the moon! Teeniagdfs... .Ugh! 1 feel a headache cofliflg on. Lately,,t!Ie very thiought of that fearful 'T" Word, sends chilîs, flot thrills up andi downm my spine. We as pafrenlts, every so often (just to keep Our sanity) would love to sha ke, raftle and roll those kids right out of their know-it-all socks, and into orbît. We do, &pd have a right to get. down right tired of playing the ever-patiefit psychologist, seemningly ailways trying to put ourselves in their place, which is usually moody and rather fickle; then it all is to be excused as being a stage they have to go through. Occasionally, we even find ourselves living, breathing and walking on pins and needies in our own home. Dare we upset the teenage apple cart? Boom! - then we'd be the worst parents on earth. Enough. Amazing amrounts of gray hair, painfully earned gives us the right to be able to draw the line. What I want to know is this: Is there a magical age? When, does that wonderful moment in time arrive, when a parent can begin to look for even a teensy-weensy sign of responsibility and maturity out of these young adults, 99% of whom have more potential and personality than they know what to do with. Peggy Mullan Letter to Editor Dear Roy, In keepiflg with this BEEing waste reduction week in Ontario I thought it prudent to visit my local Recycling igloo. Living in a rural part of the Town of Newcastle I dont have a Blue Box, I have a shed., When this shed will flot swallow another can or bottle I load Up the car and drive off to do my civic duty. Recycling is good, it makes you feel good. Then why arn I so angry? WellI start to get angry when I get to the Igloos and find thern guarded by swarms of BEES. What really gets me going is that this problemn is flot new. Months ago there was a similar letter to the Truck centre decision (Contïiued from page 1) Counc. Stapleton also referred to the eighteen years that the company had operated fromt the present site and a concem for those employeti by the company. Counc. Hamre said she had no problem wit the motion providing staff were first to report. She said we have to look at both sides of the issue. Counc. Hannah said he had had a personal feeling where the 0MB decision was going and no problem'with the moti on seeing staff are to report back to council. The motion gaîned the support of all members of council. I. editor followed by a reply saying that waste management was aware of the problemt and working on a solution. What is it? FROST? Perhaps that's why they call themn IGLOOS they only work in the winter? Much ado has been made about these IGLOOS, we even had to import them. Canadians importing IGLOOS? We did and they arrived on a slow boat from somewhere, at great expense and are designed to receive a single cari or bottle at a time. Oh! beware of that bundle of newspapers, for it too is tricky. Too large a bundie and it will not fit through the clenched jaws of the IGLOO. The design is made even more machiavellian when the Bees are added in. All I want to do is Recycle. Is this to much to ask? Do 1 have to borrow gear from the local beekeep er? We have a very real problemn with waste, one that will take everyone's help in solving. Why then must even the little things be so complicated? The old bins worked just fine they were even green. We only needed more of them, not these expensîve poorly designed disasters. I worry how many of us will write this letter, how many of us wMl call their counicillor, and most of all, I worry how many of us will stil bother to recycle? I did caîl waste management, they will be spraymng my Igloos, if you need yours sprayed you can call Glen Pleasents at 668-7721 or you cari call your local councillor. Most'of all don't give up, Recycle. Kristin McCrea An Open Letter to AUl Candidates for Ward 3: "LAWN SIGNS" seem to be a fact of life for municipal elections. Another fact of life is that they create unnecessary waste, clutter thecountryside, and serve no real useful purpose. Therefore, I suggest that the candidates for election in Ward 3 forego the use of these signs in the interest of the environiment and the electorate. My campaign team will flot be using lawn signs, and I encourage each of you to consider making the same decision. Let's give Clarke voters and the envirofiment a break! David Scott Candidate for Local Councîlilor Ward 3 786-2494 or 983-9667 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Clappion Supply Minister L. Mariene Rlsebroagh, Secretary Church Ofice UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, October 6th World Wide Communion Kirby Service 9:30 am. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Orono Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday, October I3th Thanksglvlng Pharmac GRFI M PS- oct d 1 d IeRil ni -the \\OLD DA Y.S ;Cà r PROTECTIOtJ