Or0n~Wgk j - l'il On October 3th the 2nd Orono a string'I contest. We made a Brownies had a Hallowe'en Party at "ghost" craft and then had a drink the home of thleir leader, Madeline and lunch. Thank you to Kristen, Heard. The leaders had a difficuit Natalie, Annya and Erin for Urne judging costumes as a lot of bringing goodies. Tawny Owl work had gone into their costumes. made Hallowe'en-cupcakes. The They ail received a treat. We Brownies -received a pumpkin bag played a gamne and had a "Donut on full of treats as they left with happy smiles on their faces. Group concerned over lead problem A comrittee that acts as an advisory group is not satisfied on how the problem of the iead contamiînation was handied near the Ganaraska River by, the oid Crane Plant. The cornmittee is to ask the Ministry of the Environnient why it took four years before the discovery of the lead and the time taken to notify the public. The area was asphaited and signs were posted along the banks of the river. Dr. D. Mikel, medical officer, reported that the leaà was a higlier risk for children tdm for aduits. Cigarette hoists dubbed epidemie Port Hope police recentiy were investigating a robbery at a Petro Canada Service station in the town where 200 cartons of cigarettes were stolen 1aiong with 60 disposable ligliters.. Th e cigarettes w ere estimated-to cost $8500.00. Northumberland MP at PM's answer Northumberland MP, Chistine Stewart, recalîs encountering difficulty in getting an answer frorn the Prime inister of Canada. She had asked him what he thouglit was logical to consider doing about the one million poverty-stricken children in this country. He had accused her of delivering fake information on the number of poverty-stricken children. Stewart feels that the Prime Minister spends his tirne denying the realities of what is going on in Canada when he should, be unrnasking the truth. Takes hope from constitutional conférence Gary 0ODwyer, a secondary teacher in Port Hope, has taken hope that a national constituent assembly may eventually be forrned to discuss the constitutional dilenima now in Canada. O'Dwyer was one of 130 picked from across Ontario to attend a provincial sponsored conference on the constitution recently. He has said the conference did provide mucli insight on the constitutional problemn and was also delighted that such a group could corne to an agreement. Cobourg administration looks at "zero" increase Staff at the Town of Cobourg in anticipation of a demand from the new council of a "zero" increase in the Town's budget are scrambling to meet such a dernand. Councils exedutive committee lias already given their blessing to a zero increasein taation for 1992. Good and bad news The bad news in Port Hope's job opportunities cornes with a ten percent reduction in staff of the 230 ernployed at Mathews Conveyer Cornpany of Canada. The good news cornes from Zirc*atec Precision whidh manufacturers nuclear fuel mainly for Ontario Hydro. The cornpany lias been hirinig additionai staff of late and expects to add further jobs to their work force. Places moritoriumn on towers HIamulton Township las piaced a one year rnoritoriurn on the construction of any, new transmission towers in the municipality. The Township places the hoid on such construction awaiting the finalization of the Township's officiai plan which could take more than the one year period. 35 Ils Kfrby' Taunon Rd. 401 GRAND OPENING- This FRIDAY - 6p..-9 p.m. SAT. m 9 a.m. -6 p.m. GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT AN AUTHORIZED TANDY DEALER (INTERNATIONALLy RENOWNED LEATHERCRAFT SUPPLIER) 3847 WILCOX RD, ORONO Grad penng MA KES GREAT FREDA .~î for CHRISTMAS ADlxlahrrf DiscountGIFTS 1I aiu fbghupwt UR LEATHERING NEEDS irses, Moccasins, Vests, Saddles, Children's Items, Knife Deer, Cow, Elk, Moose, Exotic Etc. .ACING, Stitching Supplies - TOOLS, Stamps, Dyes, Finishes ollar Tips, Bolo Ties & Sliders & Tips ândanas, Buokies, Earrings, Hair Clips Dan and Bev Staoheruk VOTE and RE-ELECT PAULINE STORKS For Newcastle Hydro Commissioner on November l2th An approach based on honesty, integrityand personal committment. Ah.rie 4by the C.F.O. for the Pauline Storks apa