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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1991, p. 2

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. . ... . .. . . Teepoetr1b-n983-630 A Goo Choiehn Ward Three With the municipal, school boards and hydro commission hopefuls comning before the electorate in the new few days, Tuesday, November l2th, the opportunity is wide open in ail of the three operations. Ward Three has a good slate of candidates in ail the fields and this should be encouragement for the voter to take part in the exercise. 1Ward Three has generally put up a good showing at the polis and it is to be hoped that once again they turn out to voice their opinions for those they feel will give good representation. There is a need for a counicil that can devise a program in the interest of ail the community. Such a program must be one that has support of ail counicil and one that remains consistent for everyone. Openiness is still another requirement and most decisions should corne from the counicil table before the general public. This has not been the case over the past few years and at times has flot resulted in good governmrrent. The amounit of confrontation in the past could surely be put aside in such as that with Ontario Hydro, the former Eldorado and even Laidlaw. It does not mean that everything is going to gain support but the use of outright confrontation has no gains. It is up to the electorate now to make the choices they feel wilI benefit ail the municipality. A group that can work together as a unit, openly and with a view to tebest interest of the community. Undertooked in aIl the trumpeting of the election is possibly that of sohool board selection. After ail the board issues the largest budget taking the lion's share of the tax bite. And not to be forgotten is the fact that education is providing the background for the future of the kids in this community. In this area the voter should place a great deal of emphasis in their choice. Get out to vote on Tuesday. VOTE q"YES"1 Town of Newcastle name referendum has gained more ink in this coming election than most anything else. RealIy it is a non-issue and any change will really benefit no one. - A name change wilI cause hordes of extra work even within the Town of Newcastle itself and will, as has been mn entioned, be disruptive is such as the registry office, and of course in other public aff airs. The question: "Are you in favour of retaining the naine Town of Newcastle?" - Vote YES. bilul Nurul iavuè;vlltlý alu Veterans may chose-to hold triumpbant happy endings. these memories quietly and t.Then its over. True life? I doubt delicately to themselves. Talk to a Vet. Look into the eyes A eebac a of someone who was there, who approaches, we will be taking time live in, fugh andsuf . redto pause; reverently searching our live in. foghtand uffredsouls to imnagine or remember and through a war. They know dut it ail rKendal News by Phyllis Lowery It is lbard to býelieve looking outý at the sunny day it is today that al around us there are threats of heavy snow squalls, but 1 guess now that we are into November, we can expect to get snow. In this area we have been very fortunate the past four or five winters, it has been cold but not much i the way of snow. Halloween has past for another year and from what I have been told there certainly were a lot more children out this year than ia the past few years. It was a ver-y well behaved bunch of ghosts and goblins for the mnost part. It isn't the littie ones that rnisbehave but there always seern to, be a certain few that get their fun out off doing damnage. 1 wish that the parents would tell their children what throwing eggs at passing cars can do. While driving through Newtonville somte children were pelting cars with eggs, our car was one of themn. If these eggs are not washed off immediately and allowed to dry, the paint will comne off and it would be necessary to have the car repainted. Eggs, sound harmtless just a little messy, but there is something in the eggs that cause the paint to lift. 1 wonder how these kids would feel if it happened to their parents car. 1On Saturday afternoon die ladies of Kendal U.C.W. once again held their Bazaar and Bake Sale. The baking looked deliicious and there were many bargains to be picked up. If you mnissed it, you miissed a good thing. As usual the lunch and bot tea and coffee was well received. On Sunday we were pleased to welcome Rev. Bert Batstone. He is a retired Minister and previously preacbed in Ajax. The service opened with the hynin, "Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore lm." The Call to Worship was followed by tbe choir singing the old favorite "Glory, Glory Hallelujah and Power, Power Wonder Working Power". It is nice to bear these old hymns. Rev. Batstone brougbt out a rond map to illustrate his children's story. They ail knew what a map was and wbat it was used for. They found Kendal on tie map, and said a rnap is used to fmnd your way to other places. He then asked tbem how the first rnaps were made, you couldn't fly over the world and take pictures of it and then draw in the places. The first men who made maps travelled from place to place not knowing where they were going but they then drew pictures of where they bad been, witbout maps we would not be able to find our way unless someone else had already been there. A 5 year old, has neyer been 6 or 7, a 10Oyegr old bas not been 15 or an adult yet. They have not been there yet, we need someone who bas been there to guide us. The Bible is flot a book of maps, but it is a guide, to show us, the right way. The children's hyma was "Fairest Lord Jesus". The Prayer of, Confession was repeated. The Psalm reading was Psalm 46. Rev. to, again, give thanks for those who have since departed, and for tbe Vels still witb us, wbo, to, this very day, stand strong and tit, glowing witb pride for this country. We are lucky to have this strengtb in our midst. Let us neyer forget. Peggy MuIIan Batstone read from Job 38: 1-18; St. John 17: 5-10. The byrn "Love Devine" was sung. Rev. Batstone titled his Sermon, 'Making God Too Smal'. 1He told us of one story of how God made the world and of how H1e was loîely so he made the animais. He was still lonely so He made man. Some feel God is their buddy, we do not want God as a buddy, a neigbbour. We would soon bc looking for someone more powerful. The Psalniist tbougbt that the righteous, went to the Hecavens, above, and that the Evîl went to the earth below. At one uirne the world was the Universe, we now know that there are all kinds of planets, galaxies. If God is concemned with every individual bow can H1e be concerned witb the universe? The same wisdom that planned the universe, planned the humas soul. We were then told of an incident that bappenied in a plane on mhe way back from a mission in the last great war. Rev. Batstone was in the airforce at mhat tirne. He îold how each member of the crew bad headsets on so they could keep i toucb with eacb other and sometimes wben mhey were on mheir way back they would tune in varîous radio stations, they had done miat this urne and suddenly the sounds of a Churcb Service carne over the air in the midst of war. There came the reminder that people were praying to God for the safety of their men. Ia the most unlikely places, cornes die reminder of God's place in our lives, the Greatness of God. If we tbink of God as too far above us, we cheat ourselves, the same God wbo rules the Universe, sees the sparrow fali. The Service closed with the singing of the bynin, "Author of Faith." We were glad to see mhat Mrs. Savage was well enough to be out among us, but are sorry to hear ýthat Eleanor Foster is under mie weather, also Arlene Phillips. The flu and colds seem to be hitting people bard, this year. No matter where you go, you hear of someone being fil wimh the flu. We wish everyone a speedy recovery. Sunday, November l7th is Baptism SPnday, if you wish to have your child Baptized get in touch with Rev. May at 725-8463. November 17 Shiloh local Board Meeting, November 18, Newtonville Local Board Meeting and November 19, Kendal local Board Meeting. Questionnire ... A clientwas asked to fil! one out, one of the questions was, what are you allergic to, he wrote . , . chocolate, but added if I arn dying, give it to me anyway. St. Saviour s Anglican Church MIL[, STREET ORONO, ONTARJO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Clappison *Supply Miniser Church office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Sunday, November lOth Klrby United Church Service and Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Service and Sunday Scbool 1il:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, November 6th 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall For an girls ages 8 - 11years S'Pharmacy,

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