Ward Three Une Up for Council HopefL For Mayor Ward q voters turin ôut for Adavance Poli The first day of the Advance PolI of the municipal elections held last Saturday shows an increase of interest in one of the three Wards (Clarke-Ward 3) compared to the last municipal election in 1988. A second advance poîl is.being held Wednesday with election day slated for November l2th. The Ward Three poli was held in the Orono Public School where 163 ballots were cast for the various position. This number compares with 113 for the first day in 1988. TIi the Bowmanville Ward some 168 voters cast their ballots comparing with 201 in 1988. In Ward 1 (Darlingtont and Courtice) 118 voters went to the poil on Saturday comparing with 142 in the 1988 election. Ini total over 37,000 voters have the right to vote in the Town of Newcastle for the municipal, school boards and Hydro Commission positions. hi former years the total vote lias drawn only 28 to 33 percent of the voters to the poîls. Voter interest ini provincial election lias a higher percent turnout with the federal elections topping both municipal and provincial, elections. Oirono Novice run a tie and a loss durin'g week John Blogg Bili Clarke Newcastle Village Newtonville resident resident Ann DresIinski Orono resicent Frank Harris Town of Newcastle resident Orono piayed host to the Omemee Novice team last Wednesday. Although the Orono boys played liard, they simply were no match for Omemece on this occasion. The score was some what one sided and did prove to be a very good practise for Orono's goalie Mike Gibson. This was the first our boys have been shut out this'season and with our goal scoring abiiity, 1 am sure we will flot see it happen too often. The only additions to'the score sheet for Orono were two penalties. The first went to Matthew Reid for tripping and the second to Corey Tufts for tripping. Final score 12-0. Tis past Sunday evening Orono visited Manvers. This proved-to be a much more exciting game as Orono tied their opponents by a 2-2 score. Orono struck first, early in the first period, with an unassisted goal by Tyler Robinson. Late in the period Manvers evened thungs with a goal of their own. In the second period the play was again, equaily distributed. Late in this period Orono tcok the lead on an unassisted goal from Brandon Caruana. Manvers however, took just 20 seconds to tie tliings up once more. The third period was, another close encounter. Both goaltenders played weil, to keep, their opposition off the score board. -When Manvers picked up a penalty in the closing moments of the gamne, it gave our boys an excellent opportunity to take control of the match. Unfortunately, the Manvers goaltender just would flot be beat and we had to settie with a tie. 1 Keep up the good work boys and, good luck ini your upcomning games, November 5th in Pickering and November 15 th at Stouffville. Last week at the Legisiature, the Minister of Municipal Mffairs, the Hon. David Cooke, arnounced that the govemiment intends to improve pension benefits for municipal empioyees and pensioners by changing the legislative rules govemning their pension plan. These changes wili guarantee the indexing of pension benefits and allow memabers to retire after 30 years of service without a reduction in their pensions. The changes are important to OMERS' 230,000 members and pensioners. It will help to improve the quality of their lives in retirement. Ail of the money for these improvements will come from the pension fund surplus. Attorney Generai Howard Hampton, announced that the new Family Support Plan will come into effect on Mardi 1, 1992.,The new plan will allow for the automatic k. ,deduction of support payments from income, and wiil be an important part in the fight against poverty of women and chldren in Ontario. As a member. of the Standing Committee of the Administration of Justice, 1, along with my govemnment colleagues, spent weeks in an all-party committee pushing this law forward, despite deliberate stalling by Liberal and Conservative committee members, te prevent swift passage of the Bill. At present, three quarters of the 90,300 current orders filed with the Family Support Plan are in default to some extent. Approximately $470 million dollars is owing in arrears. The families who should have received support payments have turned to welfare at a cost of $140 million dollars, borne by the taxpayers of Ontario. At the moment, more than 80,000 children in Ontario are not receiving family support, and this is intoierable. On Thursday, the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) launched their Celebrity Challenge. at Queen's Park. The challenge, which I accepted along with 10 other MPPs, is to live the life of a person with diabetes for one week. We must test our own bicod sugar levels twice daily, and follow a strict diet and exercise program typical for a person with diabetes. While I will flot suffer insulin injections twice a day myseif, my volunteer 'Zeddy Bear" will bear the brunt of my injecting hlmn twice daily with insulin on my behalf. The challenge is part of an intensive education agenda of the CDA. Over 500,000 Canadians have diabetes now,,and do flot know it. Early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes can reduce the chance of complications such as blindness and heart attacks from occurring, and as a resuit, save the Ontario health system over $1 billion dollars, annually. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, please give generously when the CDA canvasser calîs on your door. Finally, I was pleased to recognize the Orono Girl Guides 5Oth Anniversary in Orono on Sunday, with the presentation of a Commemnorative Scroll from the Premnier of Ontario. Until next week - be kind to one another - its good for you. You are invited to attend the 2nd Annual Art Open House featuring Limited Edition Wildlife Prints by resident, James M. Richards The event takes place Saturday, November 9th - 10 - 4. A limited selection of crafts are available too. Watch for signs directing you to 4080 Squair Road. Host: Kim Gunn. FOR PROPER MANAGEMENT 0F YOUR TAX DOLLARS. VOTE *:]eI~fl XI REGIONAL COUNCILLOR FORWMARD 3 AUTHORIZED BY C.F.0. FOR J. BLOGG For Regional Counicil For Local Councl