tOt~ono W.kIyTimes, Wedmeduy~ N~vOmber 1~ 1~1 .- November 1949 Milton J. Tamblyn, Orono, receîved $510 for the bred heifer Cedar Dale Pietje Cleora. She was purchased by G. W. Fraser, Streetsville, Ontario. ,Mrs. Jennings of Havelock, aunt of Mrs. Ed Dean, celebrated ber 103rd birtbday last week. Twenty-one month old Linda Tomlinson of Bowmanville, niece of Mrs. W. A. Tomlinson, Orono, was on an operating table at the Hospital for Sick Chiidren on Monday night last, just over two hours after she swallowed a peanut that had caught in ber lung passage. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Leatherdale, Jim and Kenny of King, Ontario, were Sunday visitors with their cousins Miss Mary and Mr. Bert Robinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Halsted Coathamn. Orono Oddfellows are holding their dance and draw on the evening, of Friday, December l6th. Fuit particulars later. Newcastle United Cburch wil celebrate its 125tb Anniversary next Sunday. The congregation is fortunate in having as their special speaker next sunday the Very Rev. Dr. Jesse H. Amup, secretary of Overseas Missions for the United Church and Moderator of the R e/macox Cornerstone Realty 04 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE SALLY STAPLES associate broker 623-6000 (Office and Pager) MOVE RIGHT IN! ORONO VILLAGE $95,000 Bright and cared for, this vînyl sided one and a hait storey features spaclous living and d'ning rooms, efficient kitchen, including six appliances and is available for quick possession. Easy to maintain - a terrific starter or retirement home! PONTYPOOL $139,900 3 bedroom Halminen backsplît - roc room wth woodstove - 10011 x 150" lot - prlced to sel <MILLBROOK - $1 67,900 Huge main floor family room ln this beautifully kept side spllt on a lovely Iandscaped lot In a picturesque area of Millbrook BUILDING LOTS 4.5 acre lot with breathtaking view- Rico Lake includes 1990 - 27 ft. trailer $1 43,900.00 $199,000One acre woôded lot - ENNISKILLEN - $9,0 beauti fut mature trees - just Spaclous sidesplit, double north of Orono attached garage - huge $9900 landscaped lot.1 i1 MSPORT RD. - $1 '53,00 NEWCASTLE - $21 2,500 Imaclt oR bDroo ome, Unique century home with 10 rmn roc room with woodstove. dog kennel, on 12 rolllng acres. church 1944-46. Miss Edra Best 4f Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, H. J. Best. Mr. and Mrs. George Carson and Mrs. Best visited Mrû. and Mrs. John Scott, Newcastle. The first of the, deer hunters returned to town on Wednesday evening, bringing with them one doe and one buck. This party consisted of Messrs. W. E. Armstrong, F. 0. Cooper, J. C. Tamblyn, Harve Winters and Fred Lycett, who, for three days were deer hunting around Kimnoumt. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan and Ross spent Monday evenmng with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rutherford and family. Clarke Township counicil met in regular session on Tuesday, November lst with the following present: E. R. Woodyard, Reeve; J. H. Lowery, Deputy Reeve;-and Councillors A. McKay and j. H. Davey. One resolution that passed - Lowery - Davey: This council authorize dhe Reeve and Clerk to exedute an agreement, with Mr. W. S. Armstrong with regard to the use of bis land for disposai of refuge for Orono. At midnight on saturday, November 26, the Village of Orono, will follow suit with, other localities and revert hack to standard time. The extension of dayiight saving time was carried for the purpose of saving power. November 1939 AfterF being missing for years, a safe stolen from the premises of Cooper and Smith in Oshawa, was recovered on Saturday in the wel on the premises occupied by Mr. Robert Stewart, of the Sixth Line of Clarke Township, whîch is the old Mel Morgan farm. Mrs. L. J. Barton, of Bowmanville visited lier sister, Mrs. H. A. Milison, Orono last weekend. Dont forget to attend the Swiss Bell Ringers tomorrow evening (Friday) i the Orono Town Hall. They are worth while hearing. On November 5th at Leskard Ann iversary Services, both afternoon and evening, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Smith and the Orono Male Quartette will have charge of the singing. The brass quartette, consisting of Jim Powers, Manley Littlewood, Dick Morton and Roy Forrester Jr. played wednesday evening at Clarke United Church after their goose dinner. 1Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Mary Stewart, of Kincardine, spent the weekend with Miss V. Gilfillan. A very pretty wedding was solemized on Saturday, November 11lth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William James Stark, Orono, when their daughter,, Ethel Margaret, was united in marriage to Mr. Chartes Berson Tyreli, both of Orono Rev. S. Littlewood officiated and, Miss Jean Logan played tbe wedding music. The soloist was Mrs. A. A. Drummond. The Annual Meeting of the Durhamn County Holstein Breeder's Association will be held at Solina on Wedniesday, November 29th. Solina is one haif mile north and two Mlles west of Hampton. We were pleased to see Mr. Thomas Cowan above to be sent out for a car drive on Sunday last after bis injury. On Friday, December lst, a dance will be beld in Orono Town Miss Florence Harris, R.N., retumed to Cobourg on Tuesday after spending the weelcend with her mother. Our local miller, Mr. Harry Rowe, bas sold bis mill business to Mr. D. Lockwood, formerly of Leskard, who will take possession i the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Elliot, of Kendal, were guests of bis sister, Mrs. James Tamblyn, on Sunday last. Try the SWANT ADSl 983-5301 ORONO FUEL & LUMBER LIMITED P.O. Box 180, Station, Street, Orono, Ontario LOB 1iMO ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ESTIMATES Telephone: (416) 983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 The CATERING CONNECTION4 ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 [ MERVYN B. KELLY LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation C^ 9 arn. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-endAppointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO0 DISPAT CHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.Rý 1 ORONO. ONTARIO LOB 1 MO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (416) 983-9151 't c Cati me to buy or seli.. Orono and area's reai estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 9^83-9782 RF/h1JWe apple Reahty LId. R.ator Tel: 576.3111 GORGEOUS! $279eg00