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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1991, p. 4

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4 -OrnoWe*y Jm 4 dedy om. 319 At the 5Oth Anniversary of the Orono Girl Guides The Orono Girl Guide Pictured above are a group of (Back row) Betty Paterson, Ruth organization in Orono has had a former leaders, present leaders and Grady, Joan elliott Allun, Marilyn long and successful history and it some of the youngsters who now Barrabali, Nichole French,,Tanya was fitting that a get-together was receive the benefits of their Bunton, Pam Allun; (front row) held to celebrate the Sth respective group under the Guide Jessica Standeven, Amanda Gustar, anniversary a week ago. umbrella. Miss Henry and Chrissy Kinney ReporJ't from QenPr fromn Gord Milis MPP Durham East Last week in the Legislature, the Minister of Citizenship, the Hon. Elaine Ziemrba, aninouniced the introduction of a discussion paper on Employmnent Equity Legisiation. Emiployment equity is a broad process that means changing the way we think about Uic workplace. While almost everyone 1 have spoken to agrees on. the principles of employmenit equity, fair representation in the workplace and the removal of barriers in employment, thc challenge which faces us ail is how to achieve these goals. The consultation process being implicated will encompass forma] hearings, public forums, and round table discussions with local leaders. If you are interested, the discussion paper is now available at my constituency office. The Minister of Labour, the Hon. Bob Mackenzie, also launched the consultation process on reform of the Labour Relations Act with the release of Uic discussion paper in the Législature. In this time of rapid economie change, we must al Ce.%hristian by Rev. Marg West Vote for Jesus! By this time the voting is over and we arc probably wondering if we voted for Uic right person. Who is Uic righnt person'? We nced people in places of authority who arc. honest, moral, people who are not subject to fits of rage or drunkeniess. People whio believe in ouir country, our welfare, and people whom wc cani believe in. Arc there any such people around? Welfarc is on the risc, we are still killing babies everyday by the thousands and now in the United States it looks as if cuthanasia is coming to pass. We need some people in authority who know Uic results of such dastadly Uings. In Exodus 20:13 it tells us Uiat, 'we Shail not kilhi." This is onme of God's comimandmcints and yet doctors who take an oath to preserve lifc niow believe its alright to take it. Babies nic womb have no say if Uicy want to !ive and now oldier people miay not have any say work together - labour, management and others - to look a,, new w,,ays to respond to th.e ineed for a highly-skilled and miot'ivated workforce. Emiployeces cannot afford to ignore niagement's concernis about survival, about costs, about markets and productivity. At the same time, management cannot afford to discount the contributions that emiployees cani make in improving the workplace, Last week, 1 continued meetings with the Minister of Natural Resourcès in regard to the future of the Orono Tree Nursery. Discussion is on-going, nothing has been decided upon as yet. 1 also had a meeting with the Minister of Transport in respect to Hwy. -7A at the Causeway in Port Perry, and other local Township of Scugog issues. The visibility problem encountered at Bennett Road on Highway 2 and other conicemns on thc samne highway at the approaches to the Village of Newcastle, will al be dealt with ini 1992. The C.orner also. It's a sad triing that so0 many people Uiink Uiat thicy, are God and shah bc Uic j udge. Pornography is a real mnoney maker but it dcstroys lives by Uic millions. Lust is rampant. You cat look at, or watch pornographic books or moves and not get infected. It's like picking up a rattlesnake it's dcadly. We nccd politicians who will take a stand against this racket and ban it from our country. Wc scem to be 50 desirous of money that welIl let anything into our country. I Timnothy 6:10 tells us about money, "The love of mioney is Uic root of al evil: whichi white some covced after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themnselves through wiUi many sorrows." It's not money that's evil it's Uic love of it, and whcn we covet Uic moncy We faîl away from good and WC Pierce or allow ourselves to go Ui1rough mnany sorrows or hardships. God does not do it We do Mien we stray fromn His word. It doesn't improvemnents to Bennett Road will be much appreciated by Uic folks at Wilmiot Crcek. On Wednesday mon ing, I was very pleased to take part in the officiaI opening of the new IGA store and complex at Janetville. Great credit must go to Uic Burns family for having Uic fortitude and vision to go forward with their business in this small commrunity. AIl to often these days, entrepreneurs turn their backs on small towni Ontario. On Thursday in Uic Legislaturc, I was honîourcd to be given thc opportunity by the Premier, to speak to Remenibrance Day on behaîf of ic governrncnt. SDuring the wcckcnd, 1 cnjoyed good comradeship at Uic Canadian Legion in Port Perry and Bowmanville. It was encouraging to sec so many people take time out to attend the Cenotaph Services, and to pay tribute to Uiosc mon and women iliat made Uic life we have today in Canada possible. Until ncxt wcek - try to be kind to each 6other. matter if you arc Chiristian) or not. We bring damniation on ourselves by being disobedienti. Pretty strong words isnt it, and yet C'od tells us how to overcome aIl this garbage. "If myv people which are callc-d by mny naine shaîl humble Uliemselves and pray and seek my face and tumn from their wickcd ways then I will hear from Heaven and heal their land." Il Chronicles 7:14 Our 'and needs to bc healed. Healed of abortion, pomrography, incest, rape, violence, wc need to pray Uiat God would have mercy on us and heal our land. Vote for Jesus, caîl on Him. He and only He can help us to be effective here on carth. God made carth at beautiful place and a peaceful place. Man has polluted it in his wants and greeds, but God can tumn it around if we will pray. God is a good God anidfHe loves us. Comnits or Questionis, write Box 179, Orono. Bible Study, Tucsday 7:30 p.mi., 983-5962. Watch total Christian Televîsion Ch. 49, Buffalo. BALLS RADIO &1TV. REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s V.C.R.s P.O. BOX 27 R.R. 2, ORONO, ONT. (416> 983-5721 CRYSTAL PAGES 983-6150 Open Thursday & Satu.rday 9 to 5 Frîday, November l5th 9 to 9 p.m. We Buy and SeIl lst and 2nd Mime Around Books, Crystals, Stones, Greeting Cards, C.D.'s, Iooks-On-Tape Tumbling ServiceAvailable 5367 Main Street, Orono Pat Irwin Lycett 983-9605 APPOI NTMENTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will be considering appointments to the Newcastle Public Library Board pursuant to the Public Library Act, 1984. The Board that is appointed will be responsible for the administration of public library service in the Town of Newcastle. Service is voluntary citizen participation and there is no remuneration. COMPOSITION The Board wilI be comprised of up to 9 members to be appointed on the following basis by the Council of the Town of Newcastle: (a) Two members shall be persons recommended by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. (b) One member shahl be a person recommended by the Durham Region Roman Catholîc Separate School Board. (c) The remaining members shall be persons nomînated and appointed directly by the Council of the Town of Newcastle. Applîcants must be at Ieast 18 years of age, be a Canadian Citizen and a resident of the Town of Newcastle. If you wish to be considered for appointment to the Newcastle Public Library Board, as one of the members nom inated and appointed by the Council, application forms for appointment are available f rom the Clerks Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Completed application forms must-be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 22, 1991. If you wish to be considered for appointment ta this Board on recommendation of one of the School Boards, please contact the applicable office noted below. Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education 834 DArcy Street Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4B5 416-372-6871 Peterborough, Victoria Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board 459 Reid Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 4G7 705-748-4861 If you are interested in being appointed to any other Board or Committee other than the Newcastle Public Library Board, please refer to the separate advertisement in this newspaper issue dealing with those appointments. Dates of Publication: Wiednesday, November 13, 1991 Wednesday, November 20, 1991 Marie P. Knght, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6

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