Servlng Orono, NewcsStlB, Newtonvil,, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 55, No. 41 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1991 merchandise. T,%e show rau for thrce days tbrougb to late Sunday aftermoon. Laidlaw calis meeting Of those affected by road proposai Laidlaw is seeking a Con- -mented on the application. The solidated Hearing in which ail two municipal governments aspects of the development plan await the addressing of con- for the infill would be con- cerns lodged by the Ministry of sidered in a single hearing. the Environmrent. At the present time the rezon- Laidlaw later this month have ing application is before the On- ln edamtigb ivt- tario Municipal Board but no tion of residents that may have action will be taken until a deci- concerns of impact as to a pro- sion on the Consolidated hear- posed road fromn Higbivay 401 ing is made. to the proposedi expanded dump There are stili some outstan- site. Property has been purchas- ding concernis to be addresscd as e nteae o h lnta noted by the Ministry of the En- wed inheaexo tplann that vironmient. As wcIl neither the Liwo d u maypason hat wthe Town of Newcastle nor the Lidwaw dmptotht1it Region of Durham have comn- Hgwy41 îREUNT HLED Late Monday afternoon Ann Cowman, who trails Diane Hamire bY 27 votes (offima count) fled with the Office of the Clerk, Town of Newcas- tle, for a recount. Clerk of the Town bas 20 days to complY with the request. ORONO 'FOW HALL EUCHMRE SULT'S Thec cuchre resuits for the Orono Town Wednesday, Novemnber 13 with il tables i play were: High scores Wallace Boughen 78, Wiima Scott 76, Bonny Rahm 75, Ruth Grady and Jean jilien each tied with 71.- LOW score was Helen Couroux. Draw winners wcre Bonny Rahmn, Eith Gor- don, Waily Bouighen, Marg Eliott, Charles Stapleton and Clara Muelenm. Euchre is lxeld every Wednesday negt te p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. ORONO SR. CEES PART Y RESULTS The Orono Sr. Cees had a deicious turkey dinner foflowed by cards on November 14. Winners Gladys Grcenwood 64,. Marjorie Best 62, Ber- niece Moffat 62. Low score Lloyd Taylor. Binigo prize Berniece Moffat. Lucky cup prizes - Oladys Greenwcod and Marjorie Best. ANNUAL MEEIN 1Te Durhamn Ontario senior Gamnes is holding an Annual Meeting Monday, Novemnber 25th, 1991 ai 1:30 p.m. ai the South Pickering senior Centre, 910 Liverpool Road S., Pickering. seniors 55 years and older are al wecomnel Group niakes bid tohold'onto A group who niay be loosing would eliminate 7 of the pre- their jobs at the Orono Tree sent 16 classffied positions at Nursery through à restructuring the nursery along with 9 Group o f nursery operations 3 employecs, those who worl throughout Ontarjo are ýcalling from nine to ten months of th< upon the generâl public for year. The closing out of the bare help. root program would as wcll af- The request for help cornes fect part-timc help in the spring through a mailing of a letter to~ and in the faîl which could af- the, general publiC asking that fect up to one hundred Jobs. individuais write the Minister of The re-organization is not to Naturai Resource§, the Premier affect the greenhouse opera- and the local M.P.P. to express tion, at least at this time. their views in kccping- the opera- The local tree nursery has tion open, one thgt has been a -been producing upwards of8 rnainstay for -enlployment in million trees annually. this area. Those on the front fine t( In early broke save their jobs and, as the: that the dropping of the -bare state, the environent make root operation al the Nursery, their case mostly on the en- Obj eot to M~ane road to sub- division in Newcastle An application to amend the Town of Newcastle Coin- prcensive Zoning By-law was the subject of a public meeting on Monday at thç- Gencrai Pur- pose comrnittee rriecting. The proposai is part of an overali 'plan by Bramalea for developmnt in a south-west sector of th-e Village of Newcas- tic and as a first step the ap- plication seeks approval to con- struct 25 single farniiy homes directly south of Clarke Street and west of Miii ýItreet south of 'the rail tracks. There was queslioning of the project as it relaftýs to the plan of constructing a major en- trance to the proi.erty and that to the marina area as weii to a later major residefitiai dcveiop- mient. A four-laneo roadway is being proposed that would veer west frorn Miii Sîreet and pass through a portion of the former Waitona Park area. Residents werc concernced over thc impact such a major roati wouid have in the area. They ieit that more traffic should be jîirectcd to an upgraded TorontO Street far- ther to the west which could make entrance inttl the proper- ty. The meeting wae hcld as part of the' proccss for any such devciopmcnt. Nelther public works of the To)ýn or of the Region has made comnment on the proposai at the time of the Monday meeting. The proposai his been sent back to the Towil's planning dcpartment for turther con- sideration and to await comn- ments from a nuniber of agen- cies who have yet to express their views. Residents aiso heid objection to thie reduction Of lot width fromn 18 metres te a proposcd 13.7 mctres, some I1 feet. The property is of an ir- regular shape of 12.66 hectares and has been thc subject of a previous proposed plan of sub- sidivision. The plan was ap- (Continued page 2) it 7e vironment pointing to the part trees play in the environment,. SThey ask the Ministry and the provincial government to show just cause for growing 45% million less trees to be planted in Ontario. They also ask_ the question what w ill be donc with the 1350 acres that would go out of production just outside of the Village. According to Michael Hut- ton, who bas been one to lead Students fromn the Pines Senior Public schooi, Karen For- rester (back>, Danilie Bor- remans and Andrea Reider, are again this year painting Christmas scenes on the win- dows at the Newcastle Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce. They were busy at work with their designs and painting on Monday of this wcek ail in preparation for the Christmas Tree Nu~rser the battie to t p ob!at sp port, the envîroncmnt, the Orono Tree Nursery is -the se- cond best operation as to the bare root program in Ontario. Rumors have been running of late as to the closing but accor- ding to Gord Milîs, member for Durham East, nothing furthcr bas been reported to hirn. He states he bas made it known he wants no surprises and to be one of the first to know wbat has been decided. Healso said he was awarc of rumors but at this time they are but only rumors. On a cali Tuesday morning- Milis said lie had a clipping of the Thunder paper in which it was intimated that Attorney, General Howard Hampton had suggested that the Dryden Nursery would not be ciosing. The Dryden nursery had been included with the Orono nursery as closing out bare root operations. Milîs said lie been trying 10 get in toucli with Bud Wildmnan, Minister of Natural Resources to hear bis opinion of thic daim. season. On Wednesday, December I 7th the students will be serving fresh rnulled cider and cveryone is encouraged to corne in and enjoy a warmn drink and help celebrate the Christmas season with them. One of the elves, almost corn- plcted, looks down over the young artists with a look of satisfaction. Interest at the Craft show There was a great deal of interest in the Orono Town Hall Craft Show as these ladies from the Village display witb their purusing of the