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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1991, p. 12

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12- Qrono W.ekly Times, Wednesday,-bcember 4,1991 A vîsît to the Pînes It was a pleas;ure to mneet Up with these exceptional Pines Drama students two weeks ago. Clarke Éigh Sehool ?Niews "The Future Starts Here" From the Principal Last week was a busy week at Clarke High School. On Wednesday, the mid termn report cards and newsletters went home. As well we have a special assembiy to. recognize the Ail-Ontario (OFS SA) championship Senior Boys Volleybali Teain. The whole school was shown, projected on a large screen, the last 10 minutes of the championship gaine. Then the students were introduced and presented with their goid medals. Mr. Lowry, the coach was presented with a volleyball signed by each of the tearn and a framed copy of the score sheet of the winning game. On Thursday, at an assembly, ail the school was shown a multi- media 40 minute presentation dealing with the need to solve conflicts, flot by violence and threats but by peaceful negotiations. This assembiy is just part of an on- going instruction in life skilis for al students. On Friday of this week Clarke High School will remember the National Day of Remnembrance Day and Action on Violence Against Women. This is in keeping with the Board's philosophy of working towards raising the awareness of and promoting gender equity and the prevention of violence. It is fitting for us to take some action to respond to this remembrance day. COMING EVENTS December Sth Poinsettia Pick Up December l2th Dessert Concert December l2th & 13th Student/Staff Hockey Gaine December l3th School Dance December 20th Last Day of Classes Natio nal Day of Remembrance (Continued from page 11) Fourteen auspicious and ardent lives, Spitefully siain in their rise; What moral transgressions have led us to this, That our self-righteous conscience denies? The patience and pathos of man to manki>td Must oer' corne the pique and the hate Tofindpeace of mind, we must not be blind To what deference and love can create. We must give to our daughters our love and affection, And the same Io our sons, every one., To teach them regard for the reverence of life That justice and virtue bce done. by J.L. MacLean Here are somne thoughts from Grade 8 student, Melanie Puk. - A Common Problein - One of the most common problems among kids of ail ages is peer pressure. Teenage kids are generaiiy affected more by this problemn. Even 1 am af- fected by this, but flot as much, as some students 1 know; but part of it has to comne from home. 1 was iucky that way because My parents and my brothers have aiways expressedi to me that it should not matter what you look like or what you can and cannot do. It's what you think that should matter the Most. Growing up wîth that, 1 o know that 1 shoulcln5t have to worry about whiat other people say about what 1 wear, how 1 feel about certa;in things, that 1 shouid always ay what 1 feel, (within reason) and same, goes for me. 1 shoulti listen to what other people bave to say and take into con§ideration that everybody lias dhe right to say or think or have. been taught is right. Knowing that embarass- ment is ai! lnm%, head 1 can go to gym ciass, f(ir examiple and flot care what people thin k about the way 1 run, hit a bail, carry a lacrosse Stick or kick a soccer bail. I've gotten to the point where 1 watch somnebdJy and they're doinig somnething that they think is embarassing and saying to myseif, she doesn't look the way she feels, andi that is exactly what 1 do and other people think the same tiiing of me. Having self cotifidence is one CROSS CANADA MARKETrPLACE IT'S FAST - IrS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE E31LL DOES r! ALL. THINK SIG - CALL THIS5 NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. 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