"»1' 1 ri W "Il U , I.P ýU 'luý' ý 1. lu, ýLJU PfV%ý A 11 Women in Abuse Relationships For Help Cal "The Denise House" For Women and Children Toil Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentialy Assured Feeling A Little Plump Zipper Doesnt Quite Do Up TOPS Talce Off Poumds Sensibly Welgh In 6 to 6:30 p.ni. Wednesday St. Savlour's Church Sept. 11l-Oct 2 Have you sornetmes wlshed you could spend a holiday sober? Alcoholies Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 If you want to drin1c, That's your business. If you want ta stop, That's Ours. call Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 ufn GIVE THE GIFI' 0F FR1ENDSHIP FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR BECOME A BIG BROTHEFR AlI 004ETHAýTGIFT TO A BOX'11HONEDS IT C4)) 6;34-664 -LYT -., Licenced C.OMMUNITY SERVICES Electrician ILIBRARIAN Electrical Installations Free Estimnates 983-9377 Nov. I 3-Feb.5 Snow Plowing Residential and Commercial 983-8126 Dec. 4-Ian. 15 ap eetsDcrFiw 'the Town of Newcastle Public Library requires a Community Services Lbrarian for its main branch iÊ Bowmanville. Duties include liaison with cý)mmufity groups, rèsponsibility for public rëlations and programming for the library systemn and ccordination of the c@mýrmunity information cdmponent of the Library's information service. Qualifications: M.L.S. and 2 years library and/or community information experience. Excellenti cojmmunications skills. Sàlary Range (1991): $,17,347 -$33,859 ston Date: Late Januay 1992 Apply In wrltlng ta: Barbara Baker, Llbrary Director, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A8 by D ecem ber 20, 1991 4,ac *Coin Collections* *Paper Currency* (World) *Sports Cards* (prior ta '68) *Stamp Collections* * Ail Silver Coins * * Badges, Medals * - Pay Top Prices - Mister Murray Box 340 Orono, Ont. LOB IMO Oct. 2-Dec. 18 FeauriMw*aFoeiaszd Ue of Oarn'sCono. 5 Etnde B PNe FoodS urhabmDea BO 786OR2O57 NT B LOB iMOEED (416) 983-913 (4 u)r83-13 BX180-263-7805T Great Pine Ridge 1Kinsnien New Years Eve DANCE Orono Arena Tickets $75.0/couple Tickets available at Deb's Fashions, Orono TURKEY SUPPER Sun., December 8th lKendal United Church Serving 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Under the Auspices of Kendal L.O.L. 405 Tickets - Adults $8.00; Children 7 - 12 years $5.00; 6 years and under Free $1 .00 of each ticket ta go toa'a needy family. 27,4 cpn COUPON Double Feature "CHRISTMAS IS" AND "BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER" Orono United Church SUN., DECEMBER Sth TIME: 7:00 p.m. Value $8.00 Cost: Collection Fellowshlp & Refreshments 27,4a Orono Public School Seniors Christmas Tea Wed., Decemiber llth Ufn 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 4a Neighbourhood Craft Open House Sun., December Sth 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. Baking, wreaths, toys and dols, decorative mïrrors Christmas Trees and more. Continu ed M***,,ýIOLFEBEV. INSURANCEr I >983-9438 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontaio L B 1 L2 Telephone (416) 987-3200 Mat1hewfiAsooatos INSURANCE BROKERtS IJO Pauline Moto, Aie Branch Manager SUSAN SAWYER HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1 MO 1-416-983-5115 "Let Sata & is Dancers Entertain You" Jean Simone School of Dane Christmas Dance Demonstration Thurs., December 5th 7:00 p.m. at Bowmanvill e High S(ehool Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Admission $5.00 * Refreshments Now registering for next tenn: Moming and Afternoon Classes now available for Moins and Tots and 3 - 4yearsoeld. (kt. 30 - Dec. 5 ac Orono Town Hall Board will be holding a New Years Eve Gala For tickets or information phone 983-9245 or 983-6150 44 1111H Il 1 16kv Ut!> tt~~ t I I ilS t 1114 E LIII IIMIIG11