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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Dec 1991, p. 2

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- Crono W..kI~Th~.s, W.dneàday5 December i*,1991 ~ It didn't happen overnight The realization of mhe Orono Youth Centre didn't happen over night but through perseverance mhe Centre did officially open on Saturday afternoon of ast week. There, no doubt, was a number of obstacles to overcome none mhe least being a place to meet and then a code whicli lad to met the era of differing age groups from mhose of mhe volunteers to those of the kids tliemselves. Thie important fact is it bas happened and althougli our. knowledge of omher similar Centres is skimpy it appears to us that few communities can boast of sucli in their municipaities. The voluntee'effort in Omono was a prime factor in the end result and to those people let us say a job well done and "Tliank You". We cant leave out the kids mhat make the place hum and it was not a gimme on mheir part but ramher mhey were also ready to work for the development of the Centre. Diane Hamre, our new mayor, made mention of the comrittment in mhis community and said it somemhing she bas always been able to liold up to those in omer communities across the province. t does corne past at time when we feel that community involvement is sîipping. But mhen cornes along a Youmh Centre or as a week ago the involvement of students in an excellent drug soheme supported by mhe local Masonic Lodge. 11 It ail makes for a better community, a community involved in the present and the future and that is wliat a community sliould be all about involvement in the well being of ail those in the community. Where tofrom here Over mhe past two weeks we have attended two information centres held by consultants employed by the Town for direction in a Seniors\ Activity Centre and another with consultants emphoyed by mhe Ganaraska Conservation Authority charting the course of action and setting guideines for the future course of activities. We have often been skeptical of the use of consultants in sucli projects and stili hold mhat skepticism. Often it is asked cari not the qualified staff in botli the case of the Town and that of the Aumhority setfortli recommendations from a sound knowledge of the community, mhe pattern of service required and the abiity to foot mhe bil. Consultants have to get most of mhe pertinent information from mhe powers that be and the community itself. This it does but interestingly mhe approach of mhe two recent meetings differed somewhat from one to mhe other. One didnt gain much information from the meeting concerning the Seniors\Activity Centre. In fact we were tohd mhat they were stili in the process of getting information. If the meeting was held to gain public iput that matter was cut off rather shortly after tihe vague information package from the consultants was presented. We cari understand a need for an information centre for seniors and a correlation of the many senior groups across the, municipality. We did hear that one, from Bowmanville state that theywouhd not be interested in accommodation in Orono being available. It iras to be in Bowmanville. Fine and we understand for not likehy those in Orono are about to trip off to Bowmanville for a game of cards when it is available in their own community. Thereis, however, opportunity for interrelationship between at least some groups and an.information centre could well bning this about. As to accommodation tihe Town does appear to have an abundance in almost ail communities with the exception of Courtice. Let's make use of mhem first before embarking on a project mhat becomes to costly for tins day and age. Yes, find out from the seniors wliat mhey want but mhen make full us of mhe Town's facilities. It was stated mhat an Activity Centre must contain a swimming pool. Cati we not organize senior party for tlie existing pool in Bowmanvilie. Letter to Editor Dear Roy: Re: Gord's View 0on "Wife Assault' November 2' th. 1 certainly concui witli Gords viewpoint that it js sad to be spending $70 millidin to educate men how to treat woifien. However, lie asks mhe question 'ghouldnft it be, NATURALV" The Word of God says (I Cor. 2:.14) tliat, the nitural man. (unregenerated) knews NOT mhe things of mhe spirit of God whicli are lovejoy, peace, long-suffering (patience). Only py accepting Christ as Saviour mni Lord for the Orono Youth Centre <Continued fro,1 page 1) having an etertainmt centre. It lia been reportd that upward of forty kids do make use of the centre on two evenings of the week and it is a hope that with more volunteers to assist the Centre could be open more days of the week. Three volunteers in Steve Wiggins, Rosalyn Allun and Kathy Coatham along witli assistance of a smnall govemning group of four fromn the kids have may great strides in successfully launching the centre on its way. Amny Donahue, a member of the youtli group thaned al those wlio had made the effort to see that the centre operated. David Scott and Ann Dreslinski commended ail those involved with Scott stating the kids were the future of mhe community. Dreslinski spoke of mhe volunteerism mtat had gone into the centre as did Gord Milis and Mayor Diane Hanire. The kids now have somewhere to go stated Gord Milis and at no cost to the taxpayer. Mayor Hanre also thanked mhe volunteers and pointed out that mhe community had the highest of conittment of any conirunity. I have always beeýn able to speak of this to others througliout the' province, she said. -ààý e e WINDVIEW FEEDS Fealurimg a Specîalized Une of Martn's CanrIetExtnded Hose Rations and Suppemets Double lUed Ot3 Blende 8wet Feed "v Pet Food YrMwfèFedhsD&dm à afwn nf 5 M. East of Oono4wy. 115 On Co. 5 786-2578 Christmas ideas to beat the post-holiday blues How can parents beat the post-holi- day blues thnt chiîdren so often feel? Presents that encourage creativity provide hours of fun long after the holiday. Stockings are a terrific way to carry out an activîty theme that provides fun for chldren and develops thieir special interests. For the youngster who is aliays hangmng arounid the kitchen, a sockîng fihed with cookie cutters, smnalh pots and pans, and a good children's cook- book can provide hours of culinary education (with parental supervision,ý of course) and perhaps even a lifelong hobby. Colorful additions include briglit potholders, an apron, or even a child-size chef's hat. For tic budding artist, try an arts and crafts stocking. Include samples of dit- ferent creative media, such as paints, crayons, pastel cialks, modeling dlay, or a beinner's needlework kit. An exciting new crafts product is Elmner's' GluColorSTII, brightly colored ghues that possess the saine adhesive proper- ties as Elmer's Glue-AIl. Thicker and more dimensional thait paint, GluColors can aiso be used to make StickiesTM', transferable objects tiat wil ding to most flat plastic, glass and mietai surfaces, inchuding windows, refrigerators and mirrors. Fi out the stockings with a sketcibook, construc- tion paper, and safety scissors. The fashion-conscious ciild will appreciate a stocking filied with mate- riais for creative clotiing expressions. Inchude fabric paints, along wîth white T-shirts, sneakers and a basebaîl cap for "canvas.'" Jeweiry making is anoti- er way for a chid to express personal style. Beads and baubles are inexpen- sive, and GluCohors caui also be used to make fun jewehry. Don't forget plain barrettes and earrings that cmn easihy be emibellisied with paints or trimrs such as sequins and beads. Stockings filhed witi items that encourage kids' imaginations wilh keep chîldren entertained and busy tbrough- out the hoiidays and for months beyond. sin wlich is in ecdiof our hearts cari we become spirit -filled. (We see ourselves as God sees us). The Bible says mhat liusbands are to love mheir wives as Clirist loved the churcli (ail beievers) and gave His life and shied His blood to redeem it. Madeline Murray, was successful in getting mhe Supremre Court of the. U.S.A. to outlaw prayer and bible reading i scliools. The moral decline since then, (approx. 30 yrs.) lias been dramatic., 1 have just received information GENERAL MOTORS (continued from page 1) Company asking the riglit to have employees stay at the end of a shift in order that work of the day is completed. An announcement of future directions for General Motors is expected on Wednesday (to-day) from the parent company in the U.S. 'Ibis announcement liowever is not expected to address the- future of Plant 2 in Oshawa which decision is not expected until sometime ini 1992. It was in the early 1980s that Flint, Michigan, saw close to 30,000 jobs disappear from the GM operation in that city following a major announcemnent by General Motors. Most of these jobs went to the southern Sates and to Mexico. A closmng of the Oshawa plant wouhd have a devastating effect on the local economny and reach out to the north ini Peterbor ougli and east as far as Trenton. WANT ADS wiII work for you Give the Orono Timnes, a eaul 983-5301 ORONO, ONTARIO that the -Ontario Government is conisidermng sinillar legislation (Bill 115). Please Gord, do not let that happen in Canada. When one considers that,80% of our chidren neyer attend Sunday School or have any instruction fromn the Bible, how can we expect them to become aduits witli high principles. The Bible is the source of al ethics, virtue, morality and love. If wedeny-our chiîdren exposure to Gods Word, we will end up with a nation of people who think only of self and hfsbands that do flot.love even theirown wives. Sincerely Glenn Tamblyn St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SLJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 arn. OROMO PASTORAL CHARGE kev. Fred clap1son o Marlene 0 PJsebrough, Secretary Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES Christmas Eve Tuesday, December 24th C.GJ.T. SERVICE Orono United Church 8:00 p.m. Leskard Service 7:00 pi. 983-5009Ili' Il' -'I Shopping List for Christmas Kodak Film and Tapes Duraceil Batteries Carlton Cards and GIft Wrap TlUey BUIfolds Cocolaes * Fiune Hafr Dryers and Curling Irons Electrie Shavers 'Gund" Timex * Swatch Shaeffer Pens Children's Draw ým ................. "MMUM

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