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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Dec 1991, p. 7

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Christian by Rev. Marg West Jesus - King oî Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus wasn't bcmn ust to be King of the Jews He was bom so that He could be King of the whole world. 0f course we need to have people here on earth to operate in the natural because the rule of Jesus is a Spiritual rule. If we had people here on eartli who could heur the voice of Jesus speaking to them guiding them, instructing them we wouldnt be in the mess we are today. In Isaiah Chapter 9 verse 6, Isaiah told of the birth of Jesus years before Jesus was born. Isaiah was in tune with God. God talked to Isaiah. Listen to what Isaiah says, "For unto us a child is boni, unto us a s on is giv en; and the govermment shah be upon His shoulder. and His namne shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Jesus was given to take upon Himiself ALL SIN, ALL SICKNESS, ALL POVERTY, EVERY DISEASE. The ruling of the goverrinent of every country and every niunicipality is suppose to be ruled by Jesus through the Spirit realm. How many are? Not many Christians are in places of rule and they should be. God did flot intend for mani to take complete authority over anything except he be i the Spirit of God. Isaiah said His name is Wonderful yet how many people i a day do you hear curse in Jesus namne or dam i the name of God. When people do this they are actually asking God to danin you. Jesus is our Counsellor, yet we have untold thousands running to al Idnds of counsellors trying to get help. Jesus is the one' we are supposed to be running to. Jesus is the Mighty God, Jesu-s came to ~'~earth as God in the flesh, He isthe everlasting Father, He always was and always will be. Jesus is the Prince of peace. What does peace mean in your life? Do you have peace. Cali on Jesus He is the Prince of PEACE. Only Jesus cari truly give you peace. lu Matthew Chapter 2, verse 1 and 2 tells, 'When Jesus was boni in Bethlehern of Judea, i the days of Herod the king, behold, there came WISE men frorn the east to Jerusalem, saying, where is he that Corner is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, aid are corne to worship him." These men from the east were WISE men thre bible says. 1 don't know if they were college graduates or just ordinary men who recognized that something extraordinary had happened and they wanted to get in on it. Myself I think they were wise because they heard the Spirit of God speaking to them aid witnessed the star showing the place where Jesus was boni, aid they acted on what they heard and seen. Now when we look at verse 3 sarne chapter we see, 'When Herod the king had heard these thigs, (the thmngs of verses one aid two) he was troubled, aid ail Jerusalemn with hirn." Herod was upset, he thought he was king and now hes hearing about another King of the Jews. Now isn't that just like the devil, aiy good news concerning Jesus and hes mad. Herod waits to find this new baby the one who is being worshipped. He is jealous and wants to get rid of Jesus. Hfe waited to get rid of Hirn 50 bad that Ire kilîs ail children two years aid under i Bethlehem, hopixig he would kill Jesus too. But Jesus' Urne wasn't yet aid he was saved. Let's worship the truc King of kings and Lord of lords this blessed season. Jesus was boni, to be crucified se that we right have everything He came to give us, Health, Prosperity, Love, Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life. Jesus Iras done ail He can do. He died. If we wait those things He came to give us, we have to possess thern. How do you possess things, you take thern. You cai only take them if you have thre authority otherwise its stealing. Ask Jesus to cone into your life today, then you will have the authority to possess what you need i your life. The authority is ithre name of Jesus. Have a safe and Blessed Holiday Season. Comments or Questions, Write Box 179, Orono. Bible Study,, Tuesday 7:30 p.rn. 983-5962. Watch Total Christian Television, Channel 49, Buffalo. Ontario Mardi of Dîmes need volunteers TIre Ontario March of Dimes wiIl be kicking off its 1992 Communîty Fundraising Campaign on January 2, 1992. In tIre York and Durham rcgions cspccially, thc campaign will take placc from January 2 until Fcbruary 28. For ycars now thc Ontario Mach of Dimes has been, Iclping adulLs with physical disabilities to Icad independent and meaningfl ]ives. Tlrough thc March of Dimes' thrcc main services, disablcd aduis arc provided with cmploymcnt scrviccs, indcpcndcnt living assistancc and assistivc dcviccs. To achieve this ycars Community Fundraising Campaign goal of $47,500, Uic Ontario March of Dimes. will nccd the assisanice of o)Ver 100 voluntcers from thci l)urhîam community. This ycars campaign will rcquirc more voluntecrs as it is Uic regions first aucempt at a door-to-door campaign. Voluntccrs arc nccdcd for door-te- door canvassing, tclcphonc canvassing, and distributing campaign posters. Voluntccrs bring cncrgy, cnthusiasm and expertise to thc organization and arc a vital part of thc March of Dimes Cornmunity Campaign. Anyonc intercstcd in voluntccring for this years Cornmunity Campaigu may contact Uic Ontario March of Dimes at 434- 5280 or simply attend the first volunteers meeting on Sunday, Jaiuary 5 at 2:00 p.m. TIre meeting is to take place at thc Oshawa Civic Auditoriumi where the March of Dimes office is locacd. "The Future Sta2rts Here' From the Principal Last week ended with the Annual Staff-Student Hockey game. TIre outcorne was similar to last year as the staff, with the help of graduates and sorne parents, defeated the students 6-5. Friday was aso the date to Our Christrnas daice. This yecar we Irad a video-dance and over 200 students attended aid had a good tirne. Thanks te the chaperones aid the student council for their help. This week the door decorating contest is underway aid students are to donate food and toys to help the Police aid Salvation Arrny-help the needy. Peer Education Program Tins month, thirty one Clarke High ScIrool students were selected to participate- in a two day drug awareness programme. The workshep was funded by tIre Masonic Lodge in Orono and we greatly appreciated the help of Clarke fl-ig/i S c h o o(1ýe p ort Gerry Garnett in bringing tIre programme to us. Our two day werkshop was rigerous aid information packed. Mr. Don Srnyth ftom the Council on Drag Abuse, aid a tlierapist in the area of drug counselling, provided students with an incredible amount of information on tIre topics of humai relations skill aid drug aid alcohol facts. Students involved in the workshop will receive certificates aid will work with Pines students i the new year. Our role will be to assist these students to make wise aid iformed decisions concemhing substance use. Tins programme follows, on the heels of our multimedia presentation regarding positive ways te resolve personal conflicts. lu thc new year we will continue to focus on lifestyle issues and positive res olutions of difficult concerus,. Mrs. McNarnara, vice-pricipal is tIre staff advisor involved and welcomes comments, concerns on fcedback from the community. We are excited about these initiatives which will be part of ai ongoing involvernent with thre Pines and Clarke HigIr ScIrool ini preparation for the transition from elernentary te secondary school. COMING EVENTS December 2th Lait Day of Classes January 6 Classes Resume Fact:- Sit down before fact as a littie child, be prepared te, give up every preconceived notion,- follow humbly whercver aid to whatever, abysses nature leads, or you shall learninothing. 1-- Thomas Huxley

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