............ ......... .. .. ...... .. ...... m'Il ... .... ..... .......... Something a littie different outing and as well provide to a younger audience giving has taken place at Crystal instrumental selections. From reading and spicing the some Pages, downtown Orono, ail reports Bemnie was again presentations with a musical over the past few days. himself throwing out background. It ail started with Bemie chalieneges for thought. -Martin (below) giving A few evenings later number of groups and activities. readings to aduits at a cushion Charle Ewert (above) played * Christopher Purvis, 11, of Gore Bay, for disregarding bis own safety to, save the life of a friend.- Christopher rescued a friend from the ravages of a swollen creek before he was swept through a culvert and into an ice covered bay. His quick- tbinkcing actions saved a life. *The Beehive, a group pf 1? eight teenagers fromn Niagara- On-The-Lake, for creating vani- youh o thircommunity. These Carig tens avesucceeded in chanelig te eergesof their pees ito osiiveareas, bene- elàfiting tesad dlsalike. Junior Citizen A wards (Continued from page 9) *Angela Donaldson, lU of Harriston, for the entbusiasma and spirit she shows wbile cop- ing witb Spina Bifida. Sbe demonstrates tbrougb bard work and perserverance tbat life is fui- filling and rewarding despîte. limitations. She encourages otb- ers witb ber cheerful disposition and willingness to always belp out. * Joseph Stewart, 14, of Hamilton, for bis courage, inner strengtb, and sense of humour in fighting Acute Lypboblastic Leukemia for the past 12 years. In spite of numerou s relapses over tbe years, "the Miracle Boy" bas continued to let bis bubbly personality sbine tbrougb and is an inspiration to Jiose around bim. * Jennifer Wesley, 13, of *Moosonee, for ber bravery, quick tbinking and rational actions during -a bouse fire. Jennifer was babysitting four young cbildren when a fire broke out in the livingroom. She was able to calmly take control of the situation and get tbe chul- dren safely out of the bouse before getting help. Her actions avoided a tragedy in this life threatening situation. * Charles MacDonald, 18, of Prescott, for bis contributions and strength wble overcoming life-tbreatening burns to 80,per cent of bis body after a car acci- dent. Charles' plight served as tbe impetus for a renewed sense of community, and tbe realiza- tion of the preciousness of life, family and friends. His accom- plishments in the face of incred- ible odds bas given otbers the courage to meet and persevere ini tbe cballenges of ibeir every- ,dylives. *Samantha Therrien, 14, of Mattawa, for ber quiet leader- ship skills in ber community and for proving by example tbat bandicapped people can do any- tbing tbey set tbeir mînds to. With limited use of her arms and hands, Samantha bas actively participaied and volunteered in a 1HIP~E Is Where The Heart Is Especially at Christmas, and throughout the year, may every heart and home be warmed by the spirit of contentment that this season brings, and blessed with the joy of sharing it wiîh lovinlg family and friends. Merry Christmas Orono Fuel & Lumber Sing We Ail Noci'l We'd like to sing the praises of our many good friends and neighbors.1 Pat and Fred Storsbergen of the Catering Connection and their trusty helpers would like to wish al our friends and customers A Venj vemry Chistmas. anida JfappyN9ew Yar Sincerest thanks for your Patronage in 1991 HAVE A ERRY! I We can't think of a more rewarding way to spend the holidays than with good friends like youl Merry Chistmasfrom Jessie and the Gang C.L.B.C. ORONO ... .... ... MM-mafflu .............. ir- 1 wi) 1 -,Oomooww îqu"o"- ene*gav