............. P~~# at Commissioner Marion Knapps home iast Wednesday, Pecember' 18, ail were mesrnerized by the magicai sound of a joily "HO! HO! HO!" coming from downstairs - and yes! the chattering and giggling camne to a hait as seven littie pairs of eyes widened and sparided like liglits from Marion's Christmas tree; there he was - in living colour - Santa Claus! ... weli it seemed Santa had some last minute chores to attend te when he came down with some equipment probiems, so lie knew that if lie stopped in where ail tie Sparks were, he'd feel se mucli better! It was yet another pleasure of, mine to say hello te Santa and te spend a few minutes with Marion, Susan, Jacicie and al the Sparks. (Continued page 11) Noel! Noei! Newtonvilie caroliers Richard and Lynette Harvie and mom %%an Arleiie and RDn Phillips, aind Cathy and April Switzer braved the bitter coid remperatures of last Wednesday evening, as they summoned up extra Christmas spirit, taking te the streets of Newtonvile in song. They were warmiy welcomed, as always, wherever they visited, thougli the numnber of homes were flot as many as last year. Thank you for bringing some very special Christmnas moments te us this festive season! Wishing ail our customers, fr-iends and neighbours, a Joyous Christmas Season Ann and Liz The Hair LUne Greetings In the true tradition of this wonderfui season, may you find peace and spiritual contentment. "HOLIDAY SPECIALS"' Ail movies, including new releases, plus Nintendo games $.99 tram Dec. 16 to Dec. 31lSt Merry Christmas one & ail! tram Bonnie, Lorrie, Jason, Andrea & Roy Joining their littie friends, '91 babies get ready te celebrate their very first Chistmas in Newtonvilie., ..Wee Sierra MacKenzie ("in "Santa and the 7 Sparks" The First Newtonviiie Sparks group, Danielle Jolinston, Sarahi Armstrong, Ashiey Times, Katie window) and Anna Stanton (sitting (Sierra's sister), Robyn and Kevin riglit), met with their chums Scholz, and baby Annas big brother Nicholas and Hayiey Hutchinson, Dan at the Newtonvilie Morning Dana Sellars, iBrie MacKenzie, Playgroup, with their moms. Adams, Heather McNair, Devon for their parents, flot te mention a Hurvid, and Kim Kindratiuk spent fair amount of eating and giggiing their iast meeting before Christmas, te go along with the occasion! going shopping and preparing treats As the girls and their leaders met CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION Browning- Ferris Industries (B.*F.l.) wilI collect residential garbage in accordance with the following schedule: GARBAGE COLLECTION - Regular Garbage Collection Day Revised Garbage Collection Day Wednesday, December 25th Thursday, December 26th Wednesday, January 1lst Monday, December 3Oth Thursday, Jan. 2nd Monday, December 30th Note: lncreased -volumesad revised time schedules may resuft in delayed collection. CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION - Christmas Trees wîil be collected for recycling one day onîy, on Monday, January 61h, 1992. AIl garbage must be placed by the curbside by 7:00 a.m. Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Director ef Public Works Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanlle, Ontario LlC 3A6 Date of Publication: Weclnesday, December 18 & 23: 1991