Ten new Brownies enrolled in 2nd Pack Bu- Pictured above front row - Lisa Delorme. Back row - Jessica Leonard, Desiree Tennant and Lunn, Becky Reid, Katie ONeill, Edelenbos, Lisa Fogg, Sarah Annya Miller. Erin Francis-Rice and Becky Repot fom Otetawa.. yois ,ovàbe a yearohapnsad b y Ross Stevenson M.P. for Durham Most of us have a wealth of mnemories associated with Christmas. Recause the holiday season is such a special time for young people, those remnembrances generally go back to our childhood years. My own memory assures me that back then we neyer seemed to worry about having a white Christmas -- they were unfailingly so. There was always lots of snow, and the favourite holiday pastimes were sleigh rides and tobogganning parties. Christmas day usually was the occasion for a family re-union at my mother's parents' farm near Udora. As mother was one of fine children, it wasn't unusual to have 40 or more close relatives sit down for dinner in mny grandparents' home. Such days were bound to leave a lastmng warm imprint on a young mind. This year Elaine and 1 plan to spend a Christmas day with those of our children stili at home and with our qwn parents. While it may be somewhat quieter, it should be no less memorable than those earlier times. For Christmas ideally is a time for enjoying one's famîly and close friends, and cherishing what they mean to us. For that reason our thoughts and prayers will go out to others who are less fortuate -- who have to spend the holidays alone, or in poor health, or whose Christmas celebrations have been overshadowed by fmnancial hardship and current economic conditions. In this community there are ways we can reach out to help such people, either through direct personal activities or by contributing to the many local support organizations. We must also reflect on other parts of the world that can't be helped so easily. There can be little Christmas rejoicing titis year anig victims- of the strike in Cr-oatia, or for the hundreds of thousands in Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere whove been made homeless refugees through civil wars, droughts and famine. Ail of which reminds us that we here in Canada have so much to be thankful for during tiis Christmnas season. Whatever our personal cares and concemrs, no matter how anxious we may feel about the future and what it may hold for our country -- by comparison we enjoy a privileged existence. -We live in one of the best countries in the world, a place where virtually everyone, given the chance, would choose to be. Any among the thousands who are lined up to corne here fromn other lands would assure us of that. May 1 wish that eacli of you, your families and your loved ones, will enjoy the merriest possible Christmas, and that 1992 proves for KICK UP YOUR HEELS AND CnELEBRATE! Happy Holidays and sincere best wishes. Management and Staff - Square Boy Pizza Newcastle Vllage 987-9877j Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Deoentber 23, 1991 - 7 fulillment. BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPUES Durham Farmers' County CO-OP TAUNTON RD. / HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMo (416) 98à-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-WO0-283-78051 Itfs Only Natural To Say 'çMerry Cbistnms." Especially when youlre blessed with so many dear friends. Our thanks to one and alfor making our year s0 brigbt. W. Kay Lycett and Staff ORONO gifts of love, peace and brotherhood KWe express our thanks to everyone for their support from the Grundy Family at Grundy's Country Upholstery