Orono WeIdy T~mes8 Wdnesday5 ~1anuety ~, 1~2~ 15 Hwy. 115 &35 w South of Orono Fruit Market 98n5828 Attention Apple Loyers C.A. <ontrolled Atmosphere) Mclntosh, Empire, Cortland Women in Abuse Retationships LOGO CONTEST For Help Cail Tbe, Durham Central "The Dlenise House" M~ricultural Society lias For omenandChilren eý,tended the closing date for For omenandChilren sljbmiss ions to the Logo ToIl Free 1-800-263-3725 Cpntest until January 18th. For or 728-7311 flirther information call Ron Confidentially Assured Lpcke 987-4406. 8a If you want to drink, - That's your business. M If you want to stop, COLO TORA E. APLESThat's Ours. $2 5/ LsAlcoholics< Zionymous Lakeshore Districts 100% Variety of Juices (416) 728-1020 100% Apple Cider Haeouoetmswse and Farm Fresh Eggs yon could spend a holidaiy *!ervlng Orono and Area for over 20 Years' sober? Alcoholics Anonyrnous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 e 'PI,>1 *î . . . . . . . Licenced Electrician jIectricaliInstallations Free Estimates S983-9377 Nov. 13-Feb.5 C.W. LEMON SmalI Engines Poulan, McCulloch, Chain Saws Sales and Services Phone 987-5200 jrd Line east of Hwy. 115 Newcastle Dec. RHJan.8 ap Snow own rResidential and Commercial 983-8126 UgIy Ducklings Bail Club presents their l2th Annual DUCK DANCE Orono Arena and Coxmunlty Centre Sat., January l8th 8:30 p.m toi1 a.m. Music by Doug Crough Tickets available from team members or at thxe door. Refreshnxents and Buffet 8,15 ac d)rono Horticultural Society ANNUAL MEETING ajid POT LUCK SUPPER january 23rd, 6:30 p.m. Orono United Church jjring First Course or Dessert. Admission - 1992 Membership $2.00 All Welcome 8, 22 ac Q4IAêITY BALANOED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmers' County CO-OP TiAUNTON RD./ HWY. Il15 ËffX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-800-263-7805 ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearane 21l'x24', 30'x40, 40'75, 50'xlOO', 60'xlOO', 75'xl50' We can ereci or deliver ta site Supply is1 Lmied Please Cali 983-5872 or Fax 983-8179 tSi Mitsubishi 40" Big Screen at SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, only $29.95 a week, in Cobourg call 373-0265, i Port Hope cali 885-8652. 8,15,22,29 ac Cellular phones at SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, fromt only $9.95 a mon th, in Port Hope cail 885- 8652 in Cobourg caîl 373- 0265. 8,15.22,29 ac Sherwood Home Stereo Systemns with CD, Double Deck, Receiver and Tower Speakers, ontly $7.00 a week at SHOWTIME, T.V. & STEREO, in Cobourg cal 373-0265, in Port Hope cati 885-8652. 8,15,22,29 ac 5 hp. Roper Snowblowers, in running condition, $300.00, phone 983-9608. S'ac Canon 8 mm. Canicorder at SHOWTIME T. V. & STEREO only $9.75 a week, i Cobourg caîl 373-0265, in Port Hope cail 885-8652. 8,15,22,29 ac 20'* T.V. & VCR package at SHOWTTME T.V. & STEREO, only $7.50 a week, in Port Hope cail 885-8652, in Cobourg caIl 373-0265. 8,15,22,29 ac 26" RCA Colortrak Remote Console T.V., very good shape $175.00. Phone 983-5602. 23 8 cpi 1 1 83 King Street West NewcastJe, Ontario Ll B 1 L2 Telephone (416) 987-3200 Matthews&Auaocjates Pauline Mote, AJII Branch Manager SUSAN SAWYER HAMILTONS IN SURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET ORONO, ONTARIO LOB iMO 1-416-983-5115S mm FORSALE FIIREWOOD DRY HARDWOOD Cnt and Split Stored Inside Workshop Bush Cord $171.0 4x8x16" - $57.0 4x8xl2" - $50.0 Pontypool Concrete (705),277-2442 Newtonvile Community Hall RENTALS - $50.00 Open Public Meeting Monday, January 13th Everyone Welcomie 8,ac Horse stalls at the Orono Fairgrounds, $20.69 per month includes use of race track with somne stipulations. Caîl Glen Pearson 987-1765. - 8.ac 2 bedroom newly furnished mobile home in quiet, Florida park. Central location. $200 U.S./wk. or $550 monthly plus utilities. Available immediately. Phone Fran or Mary Lunn 983-5014. 8,15, cpi BUNTING - Bob and Teresa are pleased to announce the arrival of Sarah Anne on November 24th, 1991 at Scarborough General Hospital, weighing 6 lbs. 2 ozs. Proud grandparents are~ Bill and Mary Bunting, Orono and Billy and Teresa Johnston, Belfast, Northern lxeland. Continued, iNSURANCE