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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jan 1992, p. 7

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upports Big Brothers Letter to the Editor: p .* Prior to Cbristmnas 1 was upset S S Aýýý by an article 1 had read. Unable to clear my mid with thoughts of if we do flot except our neighbours S~ who are different in their beliefs, .«~.how then do we expettohva SD92-1 better understanding of all rnankind. ~' ~The only thought that kept DISPOSAL 0F SCRAP METAL Santa's Iast act, after greeting AssociationI. i ne test LY in me8fl i childre n and providing the Assisting Santa (Roy Jeffers) forget about the rest. oppotuhiy fo a poto ion are Michelle Faulkner of Orono at the Bowmanville Mai, wa t and Bozo The Clown. The Love of God is us make a presentation ta Big The group thank ail those our hearts know this is true Brothers of the profit made from who contributed to te success of the wonder of H/s pure Light the photo sessions. A cheque in thle event which was open seven bringsjoy tome and you. ,1 the amount of $3600.00 wias tr hours a week for four weeks. N atrweeyuidi ovef to Bobby Real, a Smail Big Brothers was pleased ino matter uher aouind i Broter f th Bi Broher with the contribution ta the inCur/,oudeaTre Brte fteBgBohr association. W/zen you M/are H/s Love wit V4111,11trn,.Jiuw l VVS&D.the Dy ~eV. Iviagws Meditation - Prayer - Chants We as a Christian nation (quote) are ailowing ourselves to get caught up into ail manner of faise doctrine. Now just because we are called a Christian - Nation - does flot mean we are ail Christians. Canada is such a great country' and we have ýeei> a prosperous country, a country that basically believes in God. Wbfy do you suppose we have ever>' nationalit>' in the World coming here? We are a prosperous, free country, witb ail nationalities, the>' bring their own religious doctrines. Should we a Christian nation, believing i God star aking ~on other beliefs and doctrines. 0f course not, shouid we as Christians just pra>' ai a certain time each day and say a Mantra (chant: from the Hindu religion) NO. We can and sliould pray anytne of the day and meditate on God's word. The prayer that is in last weeks paper is a real slap in the face flot only to God but to, Christians. They don't realy sa>' who the one life is. Our God has naine, in fact He has rnany naines He is the I Amn. He is the oniy true God. Who in the Hindu faith is the great one and one soul. Our God tells us His naine. AIl religions do not talk about the naine God they ail have their own ideas about who God is. Al worshippers in every religion will flot get to the saine place (heaven) unless they repent get out of the faise beliefs and ask Jesus into their lives. Please do not believe or do everything you hear or see. Check things out. Please check me out, go ,-to the Bible and see what God has Tempers lare i Millbrook There has been a great difference of opinion in Miiibrook over the use of a public area mhat wouid be part of the Ganaraska Snowmobiie Traii. The Ganaraska Club and some ciizens bave been supportive of the plan and have provided restrictions in the traiis use mhat would brmng the snow machine near the centre of the Village. Council has supported a group in objection of the proposai. to say about seeking other Gods. w. UJili nai nrosoer as long as we seek other gods and other religions. Why do you think the countries these people corne froin are flot prospering. God can't and won't prosper soineone or some country who is flot seeking Hlm and trusting Him. In Chapter 20 of Exodus God is teiling bis people that He is their God, and that they shail have No other gods before Him, that they shouid flot make unto themselves any graven image or any iikeness of anytbing that is in heaven above or that is beneath the earth, or anything that is in the water. We are flot to worship objects. God says that He's a jealous God, visitig tme iniquit>' of thue fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them mtat hate Hlmn. We can't blamne God if we wilffuily get involved in faise religions and the curse that is attached to it is passed down to our cbildren, mheir children and their children. God's word tells us what to do and what flot to do. We have to do mhe searching and seeking. In Amnos Chapter 5 verse 4 God is telling the house of Israel, (His people), "Seek ye me and live." If we seek God we shahl live, any other religion will bring us to death. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it's not religion. If you are a person who makes New Years resolutions, resoive to Seek God and live in 1992. Comnients or Questions, Write Box 179, Orono. Watch Total Christian Television, Channel 49, Buffalo. Make Equity job full time The Northumberland and Newcastle Womens' Teachers association weicomed a recent appointrnent of a part-time employment-equity officer. They wish to have the position a full-time position. The Association points to the fact that oniy 15 percent of elemnentary principals in mhe systern are femnale while 55 percent of mhe vice-principals are feniale. h Ail Marie Orono Thank you Beth Carr Hamiet plan approved Alows 25 homes on water The Village of Orono Hiailet Secondary plan bas been recommended for approval by mhe General Purpose committee and wiil now go before council for mhe passing of the by-iaw this coming Monda>' evening. The Secondary plan had been before the Regional Planning departinent but due to new legislation mhe Region is no longer responsible for amendinents to local officiai plans. Thus the proposai bas been returned to mhe Town of Newcastle to take such action as diey see fit. With approval frein counicil this coming Monda>' the Secondar>' plan aliows a lirnit of somne 25 lots on municipal water and extenfis the plan to ailow developinent on lands owned by C and L Robinson soudh of Taunton Road and aiong mhe west side of Regionai Road 17 (Main Street), These latter lots would be allowed to be deveioped using private welis and sewage disposai systerns which are a subject of a rezonig application. 1Aimhough the Region now bas no jurisdiction over mhe Secondar>' plan the Regional planning staff noted that the 1991, Regional officiai plan has designated Orono as an Urban Area to be developefi on full urban services. The>' stated that the passing of the plan ina> jeopardize the orderly growth of the area in the future witb ful municipal services. The niajorit>' of land availabie in Orono for the 25 lots on municipai water is located west of Main Street opposite Milison Hill Drive. Ail nine principals in the secondar>' schools are niale with 42 percent of vice-principais being fenale. SEALED PROPOSALS, for offers to. provide disposai of scrap metals on an "as required* basis,, will be received byithe undersigned in the envolope provided. Bid forms may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at 40 Temperance Street, *First Floor, Bowmanville, Ontario. Closlng Time & Date: 4:00 p.m. (Local TMme) Wednesday, January 22, 1992 The highest/lowest or any proposai not necessarily accepted. * ~ OW ~ Mrs. Lau Ann Birkett aVcaSdèPurchasing & Supply Agent ONIARIOTelephane:,(416> 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, January 8, 1992 P.O. 27321 PUBLIC MEETING HIQHWAY 4O7ITRANSIT TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR The Ministry of Transportation is undertaking a Route Alignment and Environmental Assessment Study for the future Highway 407/Transit Transportation Corridor from Highway 48 in Markham to Highway 35/115 in Newcastle. In June 1991, the Ministry of Transportation announced the technically preferred route selected by its consultants, Fenco Engineers and Parker Consultants Ltd. Prior to forwarding its comments to the Ministry of Transportation, Town Council has decided ta seek more public input on the proposed route for the future Highway 407. A Public Meeting wil be held as follows: DATE: TIME: PLACE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 28,1992 7:30 p. m. TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Any persan may attend the public meeting ta make a verbal submission with regard ta the technically preferred route. A copy of the technically-preferred route is available for inspection betweon 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department in the Municipal Administration Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. For more information on the Public Meeting, please contact% Mr. David Crame in the Planning and Development Department at 623- 3379. Specific inquiries regarding the technioelly-preferred route for the Highway 407/Transit Transportation Corridor and the Ministry's route selection process should be directed ta the following persans at the Ministry of Transportation, Cenïtral Region, 3rd Floor Atrium Tower, 1201 Wilson'Avenue, Downsview, Ontario, M3M 1J8: Mr. C.R. Lumley, Project Director (416) 235-5481, Mr. P.J. Reynolds, Praject Manager (416) 235-5482, and Ms. K. Harding, Environmental Co-ordinator (416)>235-5547. In addition inquiries can be directed ta, Mr. Doug Coutts, Parker Consultants Limited,- 1400 Rymal Road East, Hamilton, Ontario, LOR 1 PO at (416) 385-3234. 1 f OWN OF Dates of Publication: Wednesday, January 8, 1992 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LI C 3A6 Planning File: PLN 23.5.5 Clerk's File: 18.4 1.111 P.O. 3151i Christian Corner

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