- evei re tbey have been given whc D cali for a roll back. It n the problem.Ch ýpitls are being granted Rei e crunch cornes. These The hool boards are facing a 110> in taxation. Cal] and chair of the finance Apl ffl when hie points to the Ant is tomake sureibhose in Ton n line for culs.1 f the agreement between they achers wbo have been in that 'urther the board bas yet Jesu babh restraint or higher taxes Sue çtîon. The lesu spril jDoer, NDP leader in the Sharon Carstairs have cam, committee that time is She the ral government plods groi with, at times, much cool Wati committee, called for a babi ýderal proposai, a point maki Ls been much objection live iefeds. foui ity problem bhas been cn governiment. He bas Bap 'or a social charter to wat( Canadians. Rae bas Rapt for Quebec but warns "Sai w'er grab. He supportsT Don Getty, premier of resp( successful completion froîr ýr provincial leader. Tn ýaI of Robert Bourassa, ' tû Ir rm