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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jan 1992, p. 14

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Q14 - Orono Weekiy T~m~ W.ilnesday> nti~r~r ... . ......... .......... ................. . .......... Deadline for Service Directory el. 983-5301 Friday Noon IR Tu. .................. . . ............. - ................. .... ..... . . ......... ............... . ........... ............. . ..... ......... . ...... . .......... ............ ....... .......... ......... The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM -We Dont Jus Speda#ze" We'Make Evefy Order Spegcial Main Street, Oreno 983-9155 f. We Defîver Newtonvitte, Ponfypool, Oshawa and Places ln-Between "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 "Work Wanted"l D&R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 7PATRICK G. DEJEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanvîilie, Ontario 623-4473 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Suppliers of Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 623-8161 SWayne Aasen The Side Street Cafe King & Beaver Streets Behind Laundromat Newcastle Village 987-4222 F10 WERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 1987-1500ý2 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wida Middlefon s 983-0819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Qualîty Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 981-9874 Bryon Grundy SNOW - Ken, Randi and big brother Noel are proud to announce Lhe arrivai of Derek Jacques on December 25, 1991 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Thanks to Dr. Hoy and the wonderful maternity staff for their excellent care. 29,cpn ESTATE AUCTION Grlst Milli Auction Centre Newtonvillie Frlday, January 3lst 7:00 p.m. Sellmng the Estates of Wallace Davey, Cobourg, and Mrs. Koropatwa, Orono, along with other fine furniture; 6 pc. outstanding walnut bedroomn suite dated 1931 (very ornate); 10 pc. carved orante walnut dining suite with server; tea- wagon; china cabinets; numnerous occasional table; occasional chairs; recliners; 3 pc, chesterfield suite with loveseat (like new); 3 pc. bedroomn suite (like new); kitchen set; color T.V.; apt. freezer;, single bed; dressers; chests; lamps; Gone With Wind lamp; quilts; mission dlock; glassware; china;, dlishes; household goods; kitchen needs; gas barbeque; and a great selection of other good articles. Terms: Cash or Good Cheque wth I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 7862244 29,ac MaCOREGOR Auction Service Estates, Conslgnments, Households Bankruptcies, Farms SoId at your location ot aW ours Storage & Trucklng Cati for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Juior West 41 6,983-5556 August 1941 On Friday eveninglast a most enjoyable weiner roast was held at "Pleasant View Farm," the hope of Mrs. Charles Harris, under the auspices of the North Group of the W.A. of Kirby Church. Complaints have been received by the Orono Police Trustees about bicycle riding on our sidewalks, also of small wagons. There is a by-law on the Township' Records prohibiting anyone from using the sidewalks other than for a place to walk. If these complaints stili keep coming in, action will be, taken to see that the guilty ones are prosecuted. On Monday morning last, around 9:00 a.m., one of Hector Bowecn's six year old Grey Percheron horses was killed outright by a boit of lightning at the Forestry while they were on their way to the barn and safety. We have learned from a reliable source that ail men between the ages of 20 and 34 years, of Clarke Township and Newcastle, will be approached by a commnittee, that will be appointed, whose duty it wil11 be to investigate every case as to those who have enlisted and to find out the reason why the remnainder have flot done so. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen and family, accompanied by Miss Eileen Jones is spending this week at Hoe RChecan DVcto ombeCe e Ch ecîn Swîed nedan eing Day iftjSfin Barb httrInao HoneWTCheck -Vaca6on Hme6C2996n "Sun Rise Cottages" at Loon Lake, Haliburton. Mrs. J.R. Cooper and Miss Kate McKay have returned home after spending two weeks vacation at Nobel, Parry Sound and Orillia. Winter seems to bc on the way as coal dealers are busy filling up the coal bins of our citizens, in preparations of the eight months of old Jack Frost. Last week the new water tank for fire protection in the north end of the village was completed. It is situated on the south corner of the street between Mr. Ronald S mith's property and that of Mr. W. J. Water. Mr. Joe Martineil, of Kendal, had the contract. August 1951 The Orono School Board is taking over. the Armouries at an annual rentai fee of $1.00 per annumn for the purpose of introducing industrial arts to their present school curriculum. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornish and family moved into their new home on Saturday last. Cutting of the ribbon to officially launch the new 23 bed Bowmanville Memorial Hospital was witnessed on Tuesday evening of this week by a gathering numbering well into the tosns Wednesday, August 8th is to mark -the transferring of, patients and equipment te the new structure. -Paul Rutherford left on Saturday for Sherwood Forest Camp in Hal iburton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker and family of Camp Borden are holldaying with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper. A few relatives of Mr. and VACATIO NITRAVE L CANALCRSE;fv days abooaro KAW'AnTHA VOYAGEURý, cenic -,reýn-Sevem Waterway or FP oeau Canal;' private siate-roo:ms, meals, free brochure: wrnte Calptaîn Marc, Box 6, Onllia, L3V 6H9, î7C6) 327-5767. FLORIDA TR-AVE-LLERS. o de $9.-90/perso.n/nighf 5ounol A:ýcs Fiorida, n most malior hote! chaîins. -Send for information pcae TRAVEL, 48 BethUne, Kiri<and, Oueoec HH 4H SOUTH CAROLiNA- MYRTLE-BEACH RýESORDT. Oceenfront condos, housekeeping provîded. nooorr pools, saunas, tennis. Golf and vacation -packages; wnter rentais f rom $400/rnonth. Free brochure: 1-800- 448-5653.' COMING EVENTS PLAN VOUR HOLIDAYS AROUNO HAVELCKS Centennîi, July 4, 1992. Paradie, dsnces, frwrs barbeques, field day, ecumnenical services,.:no vsriety shows and more. For information cai 735) 778-3352. FLEA MARKETS ABSOLUTELY A REAL 7LEA MARýKET,' SmîfhinaIs avery Sundiay, year round. 150 inside boottis. Something for everyone. (613) 283-8448. CALABOGIE. FLEA MJARKET open Sundays 10.5, Antiques, coliectibies, '-rnifure, craits & succties, ïewelery, carpets. Try our new bakery. Sometnîng for everyone. Vendors vecom-e (61 3)-752-2468. PERSONALS, ADOPTION? PREGNANT? Warm, Iovîng coung couple seeks newborn baby. Wîii provide a hapy and love filled environment. Working wîfth governmrent licensed agency. Collect (416) 633-3398. MORTGAGES FEELING THE PINCH 0F XMAS SHOPPING? Are your credif cards at their limts???, and overdue1!' If youre a homeowner, we have mort gage monev to psy off bitta and credit cards. $5,000, $1 0,000, $15,3000 wth no paymnents fil May, 1992. No cualifying has.sies. Caîl Intransicon Financial Group (4161 650-9455 or tol- f ree 1-800-268-1429. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTiES TO BE SOLD for unpaîd taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: Properies, Dept. ON, Box 5380, Sfn F. Ottawa. K20 3il FOR SALE LINEN HOUSE INC., down duvets. Regutar fine twin $89.; double $114.; queen $1127.; new from Denmark twin $120.; double $145.; queen $158. Susan Abidg3ard 1 -800) 661-3696. NO GST . 3 /4' HARIDWOOD FLOORING, 2' Manie, S1.50; 2-1/4' Ash, $1.95: 2-114' Cherry, S2.40. Sauare foot bargains, other fiooring, usea voiDdwor.King machinery. Semler, Parft (613) 267-4630. REST HOME. 22 BEDS. Waterfront property in growing, small, Fastem Ontanio town. Perfect for nurse and working partner. Low down payment. Excellent pot enfil (613) 399-4371. STEEL BUILDINGS 8EST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwatt Type - not Mrs. R.E.O. Coatham gati _, on -Saturday evening, August 4th at their home Meadow Spring Farm, to celebrate with them their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Over thirty oidren sWelled the ranks of the Junior Tennis Club and practically all were present on Monday evening when the first lot' of instructions were given. The age ranges everywhere from sixteen years to that of eight. Ouests this week with Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Tamblyn are Miss Myrtle Tamblyn of Toronto and Miss Laura Bowman of Enfield. Mr. Charles Armstrong bas returned home from Lake Coutchiching, where he attended an Athletic Leadership Training Camp, sponsored by the Department of Education., Mr. J.W. Rickaby, his daughter Mrs. A. Johnston and little granddaughiter Susan spent Sunday with Mr. and *Mrs. Heber Souch. quonset - 32x54 $7344; 4Cx72 $10.276; 50x90 $15.882; 60x1 26 S22,972 - cthetr sîzes avaiabie - yea r andc oearance - Paragon - 24 -ours 1-800-263-8499, BUILDINGS - If a sîde-by-sîde companison as what if takes to ick out the beaf andows.wer ail for ýt1 Now,,for a Iim'ted um rneoiv - ROCýK BOTTOM BUILiNG PIE direct from facfory. Ex. 25x30) Value 53,128. NOW 52,374. You save $75ý4. Cail tocsav PIGNER/ECNOSPN 1-00-oE 542. (4 hours. STEzL BUlLING(S. 1992 Faàrm Equipment Sh-ow. speC13aOno ai modela and -izes from 20' f0 100 wioa, large selecflon. Caîl Future1-068853 ALL STEEL SEMI-ARCH BUILDINGS. 50 x 170 was $32.500 wilI sacrifice for 52,535 x 112 was $24.500 iret $16.282 tLakes if. EBg doors. Canacian pncesý. (406) 454-0741. CAREER TRAINING S TRiUCKING FOR YOU. Laf's dscuss if. lrtroducing extenaced programs and Credif Courses. Caîl William sf 1 -80-265- 7173. Markel Traînîng Systems. LEARýN AUCTIONEERING et the Soufthwesfem Schoot Df Auctioneerirng. Nexf c;iass: March 14 - 20. Information, contaict: Southwarstemr Ontario Schoiol f Aucttoneeiing, R.Ri. #5, Wooosto>ck, Ontanio, N4S 7V9. (511 37 2115.1 EARIN A SECOND INCOME. Income Tax o-r Bookkee 'plng courses by correspondaince. Free brocnures. No obligation. U & R Tex Services, ',345 Pemoins Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba F33T 2B6. 1 - 800-665-5144. SALES HELP WANTED BE FIICH AND' FAMOUS. New breakthrough in $14 billion book puolishing market is msking people weaifhy. Fuît corporate traning. Profected terrifonies. Huge profits. (800) 465-5400, Readers Club. MUSIC DISTRIBUTORS gef your share of the $9 billion music indusfry marketing music on our two for one program. Huge profits. Profected ferriforjea. Faderet Music (800) 263-1900. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN UP TO S4,000+ PER MONTH pofenfiat with s comoufer working f rom your home in a revolufionary information processing business. Fuîlt fraining. Cati Tecnnifhon (204) 489-6317. EXTRA INCOME! Grow baifworms-in your basemant or garage. Odorleas operafion. Low invesfmrrent. Market guaranteed! Free information, Earty Bird Ecotogy, R.R.#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (4116),643-4252. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED. Canadien heaif h Company now marketing Dody magnetîca overtays, jeweltery, wra 'os. etc. Now in U.S.A. Powerfut dynamic plan-for genersfing wealth. (403) 226-0071, (403) 272-2030. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OUTEDARD MOTOR 'and sfern drive mechanîc requirFad. Minimum 3 years expenience. Boat.Mart (Red, Dear) Ltdi., 8027 Gaetz Ave., Red Deer. AB, T4P 2V4. (403" 342-7015. AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY has full time positions open in commission sates. Agniculture and industry sales experience an asset. An exceltent opporfunity for career seakers. $416) 423-3869. Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited. so Cal This Newspaper Today! CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWVSPAPER FOR DETAILS. 4CD.A. f19881 DECORATIVE ART STUDIO (416) 983-5312 Complete Line of Folk Art Supplies and Classes

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