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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jan 1992, p. 7

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-~ tS 4~ I ~run~ vvvuiuy i imuu~ wuunuu~ay~ slaflullfy zu 1512 (ýHO'0 WHO INBO WMAN VILLE PRESENTING INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT BUSINESSES SERVING THE AREA FORMAT AND FEATURE COPV CANNOT BE REPROOUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOIJT WRITTEN PERMISSION PROM THE WRITERS . ..... ...... . ............VB i erek & Kelly Burns RICKABY'S HAS JUST WHAT L IM ITE D YOURIE LOOKING FOR! BOWMANVILLE. ONT. 27 KING ST. W., Bowmanville (416) 623-5556 The act of gift giving is as aid as mankind itseif, used at first as a way of estabiishing trust and respect. Somne people can easiiy, pick out a gift with littie forethought with the idea that 'anything wili do. However, many others realize that giving a gifi in today's age more represents the act of expressing friendship, gratitude and lave. With this in mind, their selectian is more of a search in order ta find the right gift whieh is appropriate for the occasion and recipient. If you tend ta fit into the latter categary, then we suggest you indulge yaur desire for uncompromising quaiity with a visit ta RICKABYS LIMITED. This firmn has had a layai foiiawing of regular custamers wha giadiy refer their friends since the store had its opening back in 1881. Under the management of the WEBSTER famiiy, headed by GEORGE, his wife JOAN, their daughters JAN and KAREN, RICKABYS LIMITED has buit a reputatian for their staff's ability ta locate an item most suitable for the occasion. On the main floor of this attractive aid shap, yau will find Halimark greeting cards and gift wrap, fashion jeweiiery, brassware, crystai, Doutan figurines, books, social and office statianery, canies, desk accessories, brief cases, and waliets. At the rear of the store is a campiete yarn department, featuring top quaiity yarns with such famous names as Jaeger, Beehive and Sirdar. The stairway ta the second floor dispiays a wide variety of pictures, some of which are imited editian prints. The UPSTAI RS SHOP features speciaity jams, mustards, chutneys, pot pourri, and bath praducts. You wiii also find Scattish clan jeweiiery and fine mohair throws, plus an excellent stock af table linen, kitchen gadgets, coakbooks, and custam-designed gift baskets. SMake yaur shopping experience a littie easier with heip from the staff at RICKABYS LIMITED. Durham FASHION & FUINCTION AT A PAIR PRICE 159 BASE LNE RD. E., Bowmanville (416) 623-2056 For those remadelling their homes and also for the new home builder, the kitchen has become one of the mast important focal points requiring special attention. Due ta the tremendous traffic flow that a kitchen engages, it requires that an efficient design be integrated inta the setting that allows more than just a pleasant social atmosphere; it should also pramate a quicker method of food preparatian, cooking and dlean-up as well as încreased storage & work space. Once yau have came ta the conclusion that a new kitchen could afford many advantages, your next decision lies in chaasing the appropriate dealer from which ta select your new designs. The people at DURHAM PRECISION CABINETS LTD. can combine your taste in cabinet style and decar themes so that a suitable enviranment is created ta ca-exist w(ith your present surraundings. Whether traditional styles are required or a mare cantemporary setting lis apprapriate, P E T E R VANHARTINGSVELDT and his staff will aid each custamer in making an infrmed decîsion ta suit their family size, architecture and budget. The firmn was founded in 1971 by Peter's father Phillip VanH-artingsveldt, and the showroomn was renovated in February of 1990 displaying a variety af kitchen cabinets and bathromr vanities. The kitchen cabinets designed and installed by the personnel at DURHAM PRECISION CABINETS LTD. enlist a hast of design features and accessories that pramote convenience and fùnctianality. If a mare attractive and efficient kitchen with enhanced home re- sale patential interests yau, consuit the showroomn of DURHAM PRECISION CABINETS LTD. for a consultation. fred's auitobodg l td. PROPERLY EQUIPPED WITH YEARS 0F EXPERIENCE- 163 BASE LUNE RD. E., Bowmanville (416) 623-6353 98% of newer cars mast prabably liKe yaurs, require new repair equipment and techniques because they are built differently than cars of ten or twenty years ago. Unitized bady construction whereby many panels and components are joined ta create one whole unit, were desig ned primarily to help proteat vehicle occupants by absorbing the impact encountered in front and rear collisions. Wth the right equipment, the unibody cars. of toclay can be repaired back ta original factor specificatians. FR ED'S AUTO BODY employs equipment which is speciflcally designed ta repair your unibody car quickly and accurately.,, FRE'S AUTO BODY hias been established since April of 1983 and lis owned and operated by FRED De VRIES. For years, the management and staff has provided expert collision repairs, frame straightening, unibady repairs, refinishing, painting incîuding base-coat clear-coat spray applications for an always wet, glossy appearance. You don't have ta take your vehicle ta a dealership for callision repairs; yaur warranty will nat be voided by taking it ta an independent shap like FRED'S AUTO BODY. Wark done by FREDS will maintain the cars original manufacturer's warranty for as long as it extends. If you simply wish ta have your autamobile re-painted ta maintain a high resale value or need full collision repars for an insurance k daim, make a note that FRED'S AUTO BODY has maintamned a reputatia'n for competent. service and application of quality materials. CUSTOM DRAPERIES & INTERIORS THE WINDOW COVERING SPECIALISTS 34-B KING STREET W., Bewmanville (416) 623-2826 (East ef Silver St.) There is a growing trend towards specialized home decorating and improvements as apposed ta new home construction or moving. With this current ideology, certain segments of this field are fiourishing and also modifying. No langer are draperies and windaw treatmnents suitable simply as a decorating medium; their purpase naw also lies in offering privacy, and raising thermal efficiency in the home in order ta lower heating and cooling costs. MOTHER MOD CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND INTERIORS affers a variety of window covering formats ta match yaur persanal preference and yaur building's style; there's custom fabric draperies, curtains and sheers, venetien and vertical blinds, balloon shades, Roman and rouler shades, as weii as reiated draper-y hardware. The custom draperies are made right on the premises, s0 quality contrai is maintained et a local level. You cen also find co-ordinating wallpaper and matching fabrics, bedspreads and duvets. Established in 1972, MOTHER MOD CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND INTERIORS was acquired in July of 1988 by TUULI WHALLEY wha -has 15 years of experience in the drapery trade. We suggest that you try thèir shop-at-home service. They bring a variety of colour & design sampies ta yaur home, aiong with invaluable assistance, shawing the customer haw ta co-ordinate colour schemes or textures ta co-exist with your existing decor. For quality custom draperies and blinds at competitive prices alang with advice ta back Up your purchase, we suggest that you stop inta MOTHER MOD CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND INTERIORS in Bowmanville. PET FOODS- "THE CONVENIENT PLACE TO SHOP' 73 KING STREET W., Bowmerville (416) 623-1752 As is the case with yourself and yaur chiidren, nutrition is also one facet of vital importance ta your pet's health. The proven brand name foods et TERRIBRAE PET FOODS will pravide the praper diet which can put yaur pet in the peak of candition and keep it there. Very active dags as well as those that guide the blind or travel the show circuit require 'high energy' diets for stress. An aider dog's system slows dewn as it matures, sa that a quality "senior" cam mercial dag food should be impiemented. It is also important ta knaw that a higher priced, premniumn pet food is usually higher in nutriian and Iawer in filier which resuits in less quantity ta satisfy yaur pet's needs. TERRIBRAE PET FOODS & SUPPLIES provides pet awners and breeders with many of the top brands in pet faad as well as graoming on the. premises for most breeds af dogs (with no tranquilizers used). You can find such recognized pet food praducts as lams, Purina, and Science Diet. TERRIBRAE PET FOODS alsa offers many reiated goods like flea and odaur remedies, leashes, collars, bowls, chew toys, treats, pet beds, travel cages, bird seed, and small animal supplies. Tropical fish & gold fish, aquariums, pumps, filters and decorative aquatic accessaries cen also be found there. TERRIBRAE PET FOODS & SUPPLIES has been aperating as a retail store since March of 1986 and is lacally directed by BILL and' PAT HYDER. Since 1978, they have also been retailing pet food and aperating Terribrae Kennels Perm. Reg'd. which specializes in the breeding of West Highland White Terriers. TERRIBRAE PET FOODS is the onfly store you should need for anything in the way of pet faods and allied supplies. GALLERY YOUR ONE-STOP ART & FRAME SHOP 7 KING STREET E., Bowmanviîîe (416) 623-6411 When it cames ta quality picture framing services, as weil as limited edition prints which denate investment potential and decorative value, the name INTOWNE GALLERY should certainly stand alone. Established on Nov. 13, 1988, INTOWNE GALLERY is successfully guided by EDGAR and MARY LUCAS, and is staffed by creative people who are knawledgeable of the praducts they seli and services they provide. They have the experience to show you the proper choice of frame and matting. whether it is in a modemn or traditional format. You cen choase from many frames in bath woad ar metal, an array af colourful mats ta accent yaur wark. , Services provided by INTOWNE GALLERY include custom picture framing. matting, dry maunting, needlewark stretching, glass cutting, and conservation freming a specialty. Conservation framing is usually epplied in the case af irreplaceable or very rare items where pralanged expasure from acidity caused by waod frames, cardboerd and glues can cause the item ta deteriorate over time, Specialized procedures such as the use of siightiy more expensive acid-free materials aiang with air-tight sealing cen help ensure langevity. - If you appreciate quality warkmanship in custom framing services as well as unique prints ta reflect your tastes and lifestye, you'il enjoy doing business with INTOWNE GALLERY. DURHAM REGIONS OLDEST -CONTINUALLY FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED FUNERAL CHAPEL 4DIVISION ST., Bewmanvilie (416) 623-5480 Because peaple's needs and desires vary, the services they seek vary as weII. That is what makes lit difficuit ta compare one service with another. The meré fact that a given'campany has beenaround for years shouldn't impress anyone. What should impress is what a flrm like MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. has accomplished during these- years.. They have always been keeping with, or perhaps evena lIittie ahead of the needs of saddened families ta serve as they would be served, through years af personal, friendly and prafessional service. The Marris family, who came from the Isle af Wght in 1846, were recognized as cabinet makers and have provided funeral services since 1860. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. hasbeen operating since 1881 as a separate entity, and the firm is now directed by PAUL R. MORRISwho is the 5th generatian of theý Marris famnily in funeral service. He is assisted by licensed funeral directars ROBERT B. WILLIAMS, GARY M. CONWAY and Orano native DOUG R. RUTHERFORD, Pre-arranged' funerals offer the benefit of a selection made without emaotianal pressures and when planning ahead, a great deal of vital information about you or a Iaved one is available for tie responsible patron ta assist themn. A secondary and preferred method of pre-arranging funeral services is pre-paid. Pre-paying guarantees that the service you wish ta have rendered far the future will in fact be handted as agreed, with funds placed in trust, subject ta, trust earnings & pratected by law. A large number af area residents have recagnized MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. for ethical, practical and prafessianal services. .......... -Y -- - -4y s YoungDrivers WHERE YOU LEARN HOW TO DRIVE AND SURVIVE 2nd floor-98 KING ST. W., Bewmanville(4116) 623-7017ý Driving involves more than knowing the rules and being courteaus. YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA believes that ail accidents are avaidable, sa they teach people ta predict and avoid emergency situations before they can happen. This is the anly school that teaches advanced emergency manoeuvres. This firm does nat stuff cîassroom sessions with baring filler material that the students already know when they begin the programme. ln-car and cîassroom instruction complement each other. They da no duplicate ar averlap as bath areas are operated by the same arganization. There is na sub-contracting af in-car work ta the cheapest or most readily evailable driving schaols. The in-car instruction is given by a fully qualified icensed prafessional instructor on a one-an-one basis for individlual attention and no peer pressure. This programn is nat available -in any high school. YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA was ariginally founded in 1968 in a number of cities across Canada by founder Heinz Nauman. Taday, there are over 150 offices from coast ta coast in Canada as well as affiliates in England, Finland, and the United States, The office in Bowmanville opened in March of 1989 and is directed by IAN TURNER who acquired the branch in January of 1990. YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA is not anly for new drivers af ail ages; they also affer a driver impravement pragramme for mature drivers wanting ta refresh their driving skills as well as a programme for commercial drivers. Over 400,000 graduates recommend YOUNG DRIVERS OF CANADA and so do we - JewEIIE(rs MC. KNOWN FOR THEIR SERVICE & QUALITY 39 KING ST. W., Bewmanville <416) 623-5747 A diamand ring means diff erent things ta a variety af people. To, some, a diamond ring is a statement of success; for others it is a token or representation of everlasting lave; and yet for others it cen simply be a valued investment. Whatever the reason for purchasing a diamond ring, one thing should be clear--choose the jeweller as carefully as you would choose the gemn itself. To campete in today's market, a jeweller must have a degréeeof knowledge and skill in order ta prafessianally service their custamer. The people at HOOPERS JEWELLERS LTD. will take the time with you ta explain exactly haw a diamond's out, calour, clarity & carat weightwill help determine yaur final chaice and cost. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. has been offering jewellery of unerring good taste for residents of the ÈowmanvilIe erea since founded by Arthur D. Hooper on November 9th, 1945, and continues ta de sa, under the awnership if his sans RON and DAN HOOPER. HOOPERS JEWELLERS LTD. maintains an excellent sellection of diamonds and gald rings, earrings, necklaces, as well as dlocks, figurines, and watches by Seiko, Bulova, Pulsar and Larus. They distribute fine grandfather dlocks by Howard Miller, and offer free set-up and delivery of this fine product anywhere in Ontaria. This flrmn is a member of the Canadian Jewellers Association, and provides jewellery repairs, dfiamond setting, watch and dlock repairs, and custamn engraving. They naw emfploy a fuil-time goldsmith for creative remounts using their stanes ar yaurs, as welI as customn designing. For personal & knowledgeable service balanced with a fine selectian of jewellery items, visit the showroom of HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. ~e/ ~Žsoi

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