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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1992, p. 14

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14 Oroho Weeklyttmes, Wednesduy, Pebruanj S~ 19G2 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM «We Donl Just Spedalze» We'ake Every Order Specia" Main Street, Orono 983-9155 1. We Delîver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places In-Between "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Sftreet, Orono 983-5333 MacGREGOR Auction Service Estates, Consignmrrents, Households Bankruptcles, Farms Sold at your location ot at ours Storage & Trucking Cil for a Fre Confidlential Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 Barnna Home Check Vacation Home Checking Let us make your home look lîved in - Wedding Day Gift Sitting - neliable Rferences - BONDED Barb.Shetler-lna CQS NEWTONVILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton GRUNDY'S Cou.ntry Upholstery Quaiity Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 98ý-9874 Bryon Grundy 90TH BIRTHDAY The family of Frances Sutton wish to invite relatives, friends and neighbours toher "90th Birthday Tea" ait te Orono United Church on Februaiy 15, 1992 front 2 to, 4 p.m. Best Wishes Only Please. 5,12,ap JACK and JILL for Fred Ward & Shirley Snel Saturday, February 22 8 p.m. Draw & Buffet included For information please cal 983-9360 5,12.19 cpn LEWIS, Jean - In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmaother, who passed away February 7, 1982. Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you alwyS, Forgetting you 4ver. Lovingly recmemabered by Gord, Lorna and Fanxly. 5,sp WOODYARD, Edward R. (Ted) - In cherished memnory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, who passed away February 6, 1990, but who is forever in our heats. Wife Agnes, daughter Ann, Frank and grandson Jonathan Toplak, son Edward and Debbie Woodyard. 5,sp DEAN, Hesper - In loving memnory of a dear father, grandfather and great- grandfather who passed away February 8, 199 1. We tiink of you in silence We often speak your namne Ali we itave are memories Ani your picture in a framne. Sadly missed by Lois, Timn and Family. 5,ap WINDVIEW FEEDS ine. Featuriîîg a Specialtzed Une of Matin's Con1iPete ExtnJded Hooee Rationsand Double cwtond Oet% Bleded &wed Feed qid Pet Fd yorhbt2dFeedMfsDeaFe 6 Mi. East of ono/wy. 115 On Com,. 5 786-2578 TODD, Bertha Redshaw - Ir lovimg memory of our mother who passed away February 7, 1991. Dear Muru We miss you 50. The tune s, the smile, the ready ear The loving itears, so full of Sch eer When times were tougit You didn' give Up. WVe miss you SO. Tho from Iis world You may be gone You haven't lefi You still live on In a ray of minl, A soitg well sung Or a smile in place 0f a tear. WVe Love You Mlont Sadly missed, fondly remerlnbered by her Famnily. 5,ap MERCER, Dorothy B. -In loving memory of a loving wife, mother and grandmother who passed away February 2, 1989. Sad was te parting no one can tell So sud4en on earti thie sorrow feu The blow was itard thte sitock severe To part, with one we loved 50 dear Dearer sili as tite years depart Her love anîd memory lives in our itearts Loved witit a love beyond al telling Missed witit a grief beyond ail tears Gone are tite days we used to sitare But in our itearts you are alwaystitere . The gates of memory will- neyer close We miss you more titan anyone knows iit tender love and deep regret We wito loved you will neyer forges. Sadly missed by husband George and family. 5,cpa Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Suppliers'of Teams, Sohools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 623-8161 Wayne Aasen NF--DA O A? CailColiect: TORONTO - Operators to take your applications 24 Hours a day (416) 947-0707 Antique & Collectable AUCTION SALE Sunday, February 9tb 12:30 pa. Orono Town Hall Main St., Orono (viewing 10:30 a.m.) Auc tion to include select articles from a local estate with additions of quality antique furniture in original & refinished condition, plus a fine selection of collectables. Partial list to include School Masters Diesk (c1860); Round centre pedestal table; 2 ornate hand carved end tables; Deacons Bench; dining room table & chairs; oak & pine washstands (Ref.); 2 Eastlake Liftop washstands (orig.); child's wicker doli carrnage (c1920); pine & oak dressers & chest of drawers; spinning wheel; wool wýinder; oak teawagon; sideboard; Empire sofa; settee & chairs; 2 Jack & Hayes chairs; Butternut drop leaf table; blanket & toy boxes;. butter churn; occasional, tables; pine medicine chest; 4 quilts (Quebec Log Cabin Quilt); Quebec & wîcker rockers; bunk beds; rug & hall runners; old cheeker board; brass pail; butter press & bowl; old pictures & frames; Family Bible (cl900); Royal Doulton (Darling); old doîls (Charlie McCarthy Ventrîloquist Dol c1930); child's tin pedal car; cast iron child's bed; old toy horse & rocking horse; toy horse & logginig sleigh ..; plus a selection of costume jewellery & pocket watches; glass & china (Nippon, Depression>; sterling silver flatware, plus many more pieces. This auction has many quality items with many treasures still ta be unpacked, come early, browse and enjoy our hospitality. (Next Auction's Sunday, February 23 and MardhIist.> MacGREGOR AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junilor West 416-983-5556 5,ac Ski Doo, The Red Baron, January 22, 1992 at 11:58 p.m., Ganaraska Forest, operated by "chairman" of Easton Cap Sales, suffered a massive heart attack while trying to catch 'THE INDY". 5ap CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST- ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATION/TRAVEL CANL RUSS five days aboard KAW,'ARTHAý VOYvAGEUR, scen[c Trent-Severni Waterway or Rideau Canal: priv ate state-roýoms. mieals, free brochure; write CaDtain Marc. ox 6, Orfilia, L3V 6H91 (7051 327-5767 SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRILE BAC'RESORT Oc,:eanfront conoos. housekeeoîng provided ýindoor pocis. saunas, tennis Solt ana vacation pcae;wne -rnais tfrom.$400'/month. Free rchuýret-044-o. : -_GNANT? -iacppilvmarl .lVîng cuoeinanc ..iV secure, home-tudy aprovo, wsh to acoot an niant. Cati colteat 1416) 926-0765 (dayal, 416) 689q-1539 (evenînga), or (416) 587-974-4 anytîrne. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADAS CALM-WATER RIVEFRS onboard elegant overnight replica steamboats. Romantic cities, 1000 Istands, international aeaway/locks, whale-watching & fords. $629.+ Dia-a-brochure t-800-267-7868. PLAN YOUIR HOLDAYS AROUND PHAVELbCKS Ce-ntenial. , Juy 4, 1992 Parade, dancea, fireworks, barbaques, feld day, ecumenîcal services. ingoývariety srosandi more. For minfrmation cati (70S) 778-3352. FLEA MARKETS, ABSOLUTELY A REAL FLEA MARKET, Smiths Falls, every Sunclay. , ear round. 150 inside boottis. Something for everyone. 613) 283-844. CA'LABOGIE FLEA MARKET open Sunday 10-5. Antiques, colectibles, furnîture, craits & supplies. jewelery, carpets. Try our new bakery. Somethîng for evervýone. Venoo3rs welcomne 613)-752-2468. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Orown Land availabîlity. For ninormation on bath Write: ProPerties. CDpt. N, Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3.11 ARTICLES FOR SALE GROW YOUR OWN TOBACCO IN YOUR HOME or garden. For f ree details send self-addressed stamped envelope to box 268, Plumas, Manitoba. ROJ 1 PO. LINEN HOUSE INO., dawn duvets regular twin $89.: double $114 : queen $127, New ram Denmark twin S120.> double S145.; queen $158. Susan Abldgaard 1- 800-6S61-3696 STEEL BUILDINGS STE EL BUILDýINGS. 1992 Farm Ecuioment Show. Soa-ctal on -it moodelaand sîzes from 20to 100 wîde, large setection. CaiIFuture 1-800-668-865-3. AýLL STEEL SEM ýI-AROH BUILDINGS. 50 x 170 waa $32.500 wîlt sacrifice for S22.353; 50 x 112 was $24.500 frst $116282 takes i. Big oo>ors. Canadian prîces. 406) 454-0741. SPAN-TEOH STEEL BUILDINGS - Now you can get steel framed buildingqs at wood ftrame prices. OSA & OWB cerîfted. Fer free brochures. caîl todlay 1-800-561-2200ý A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. New types. steld quanset, cladding. For true value, action & answers Wally (416) 626-1794 aller 6pm, weekends. Free brochure. Cip-save. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE comparison la what ït takes ta pick ouf the best and lowes we re ail for i. Now for a limted lime - Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 value $3,125- Now $2,374. Save $754. 40 x 120 val ue $14.088Q. Now $11,288. Save $2.800 Caîl Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. CAREER TRAINING LEARiN AUCTCNEERlNG ai the Southwestern Schot of Auctîoneenrg. Next clasa: March 14 - 20. Iniformation, cotc:Southiwestern ,Dntario Sho of Auctîone-ering, R R. eS, 'oodst(ocK ntario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EAA SECOND INOO-E.-Cncome Tx (or BooK(keeping coujrses by correso:ondenica Free brochures. No oL1i oa>ýri n U & R ax Srie ~5Pembina !iihway. Winnip&2, ManFitoba hr3' 2B6, 0-6554 FREE C'AREER GUIDE te homre-study corresponidence Diploma courses. Accounrting, Airconditianing, Baakkeepîng,' Business, Oosmetalogy, Etectronîcs, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychotogy, Travel. 1-800-950- 1972. SALES HELP WANTED RE RICI-1 AND FAMOUS, New hreakthrniigh in $14 billion boýok pubishîing market is making people wealthy. FuilIcrporate trainingt. Prtected ternitories. Huge profits. (800) 465-5400, Resoars Club. MUSiO DISTRIBUTORS gel your share of the $9 billion music îndusfry marketing music on aur two far one lrgrm Huge profits. Pratected territories. Faderai Music (800> 263-1900ý MULTI-MiLLION DOLLAR FIRM seeks 2 individuals. Potentîsi earnîngs S700-51300 wieeî<ly. No travel, no nîghf work. Training providjed. Positive attitude a muat. (416) 398-0,919, (416) 398-0924. BEAT THE RECESSION market nan-run hosiery tram home, part-time or ful-tîme. Envranmentally correct produci. Caîl collect (604) 872-0141.ý BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CELESTE DESIGNS upacale wamen's wear; 100% Canaaîian., Direct sales marketing, excellent commissions and incentîves; amnail initial investrment. What fashion writers are raving abýout. Osîl 1 -80-665-8065. EARN UP TO $40.000 in your own part-time home base Gift Basket Business. Contact: Bauntituf Baskets, 17- 1230 Sheppard Avenue West, Downsview, Ontario. M3K 1Ze. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- MANITOULiN ACREAGE, lake acces. 150 acres mature hardwood,,deer ifested, 16 x 32' camp, shawer. hydre, prime recreational apportunity, Asking $115,000. To vîew phone (705) 282-2687. WANTED Send us your PAULINE JOHNSON memories/staries. Canüa'sa poet/performer turna 131 this year. We'll reply. The Paulîne Pralect.PO. Box 626, Pt. Dover, Ontario N0A I NO., FOR RENT FISHERMEN. FULLY equipped cottage for rent <weekly> on the shores of St. Lawrence near Ouebec border. Excellent fishing and relaxing. lce fishing. Now availabte, Pet er (613) 347-3559. MORTGAGES WE LEND IN SMALL TOWN Ontario. Homeowners, we can: refinance 1sf and 2nd mortgages. Psy off bils and credif card1s. Finance a business, HeIp with home renovatons. Stop power of sale. Fast conridenial service. With no qualifying hassles. Special rates and payments on firt mortqages. Caîl Intransicon Fînancial Group. 416) 650-9455, or call toll-ree 1-800-268-1429. AýCDOA q1988) DECORATIVE ART STUDIO (416) 983-5312 Compete ineof Folk Art Supplies and Classes mmo& 6.- Your ad could appear in community nempapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individuai province, Space is Limited, so Cali This Newspaper Todayl, t 1

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