ONWI~ WeekIy Tlmes,~ Wednesdey1 Fobruo~y 5,1992-15 Fruit Market Tough Tîme Specîals 6 Ibs. C.A. Macls, Deliclous, Empire - $295 Spy $350 "You wiIl hear the taste," 6 lbs. COLD STORAGE APPLES::: $250 128 oz. Fresh Cider $3.50 White and Brown Eggs Browns Potatoes Hw.115 & 35, south of Orono-- Subscribe BYAMS to the Pumin Haing Incorporated Orono Weekly Times Sales and Service Phone 983-5301 or 24 Hour Burner Service drop into the office at 5310 Main St Gulf Financing $16.O0/annuai Low Interest Rates incluidas G.S.T. 263-2650 LARRY JACKSON MERCER PLUMBINC &IIEATINGHETN PUMP RPAIRS-Furnace Cleaning and INSTALLATIONS and Repairs 10% Discount on Service -24 H-r. No Heat Cals for Senior Citizens Service 983-6214 Over 21 Yrs. Expenence I Years Experience) Cal! 983-5541 Were here to serve you- "Jim PARTNERS ROBERT E. JACKSON PU BN HEATING - ELECTRICAL 983-9447 AIR CONDITIONING Orono, Ont. Repairs ta Ail makes of Heat Gould Pumps & Water Pumps ytm and Air Conditioning SYti es May Tag Appliance Repairs Plumbing Installations 4 Duchess St. 983-5293 General Repairs Orono Ont 9836221Free Estimates Or0n0 ont 9836221 Formneriy Harvey Partner Ltd.J Advertise today! with the Orono Weekly Times ORONO FUEL & Stle LUMBER LIMITED _____________ P O Box 180, Station Street ODrono, Ontarlo LOB ]MO Free Estimnates Bus. (416) 983-9167 ALISTAIR ROZARIO Res. (416.) 983-5344 O. CHAÈ%TTERT%'ON" ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Women in Abuse Reiationships For Help Cal "The Denise Houseff For Women and Children Toil Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentially Assured If' you want to drink, Thats your business. If you want to stop, Thats Ours. call Alcohiolics Anionymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 lf, Have you soinetimes wished you could spend a holid.ly sober? Alcoholies Anonyniaus Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 Douglas Simpson DECORATING Orono Painting - Papering Renovations 31 Vears Experlence 983-5104 Thtis space could be * your's. *ADVERTISE today în the ORONO TIMES 983-5301 Silver Streak Siding "Tomorrow 's Jobs" Depend on Today's Quality For Free Estimnates and Guaranteed Workmanship cali John at (416) 983-8181 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed - 25 Years Experience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES AIl Carpentry Related Work Orono 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991J "Work Wanted"l D&R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 AVON REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED! High producing areas available. $17.00 Start Up Fee. Cail for Appointment today and receive complimentary Skin Care & Colour Analysis. 786-2964 Licenct Electrici Medium size dog, light brown and white in colour, (looks to be part Collie), found. on Leskard Road. Phone 983- 9005. 5,ac Sales Assistant Jan. 22-Jui. 22 required in N, Bowmanville area of front store ma Fax resumne to (41 or mail to P.O. 'cd Station B, Oshai * LIJ 6P8. Electrical Installations F ree r.stir 983-93' mates 77 Nov. 1 3-Feb.5 1For Reliable HOUSE CLEANING cai Barb 983-9208 or Deb - 983-9310 Jan. 22-Fnb. 12 ap NEED A BABYSITTER? Save Time! cali the Weý V Kids Club! Reliable and Experienced Babysitters Available For more information please eaU:. 983-9782 or 983-5584 5,ac C.G.R. General Auto Repairs Safety Inspection Station Truck - Car - Buses; Licence Class A Mechanics Durham Rd. # 9 Just east of Kendal eall 983-5422 5,12,19,26 ap 7ouie/sales Rep to, woek evenings + weekends Cai' 9474104 open 24 humr MARTY'S COMING! BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham rarmers' County cJÔO-o)P TAUNTONRD./ HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-800-263-7805 ewcstl - Sherwood Home Stereo a. Knowl.,edge Systems with CD, Double ybe hLcpful. Deck, Receiver and Tower 6) 430-8449 Speakers, only $7.00 a week at .Box 1160, SHOWTIME T.V. & twa, Ontario STEREO, in Cobourg cati Sac 373-0265, in Port Hope cali 885-8652. 8,15,22,29 ac Junior Planter, 2 row, 3 Pt. hitch with seed plates, to plant most small garden seeds. $800.00, phone after 8 p.m. 705-932-5330. 5. ap 1991 Lumina Van, 7 passenger, 5 removable seats, loaded, 18,000 kms. $18,200, cati 983-9378. 5,ac Used compressor and air gun to do upholstery. Phone 983- 9880. 5,12 ap FIREWOOD, ail hardwood, $130.00/cord-delivered (2 cord minimum) cail 705-742- 6296 (Peterborough). Leave message. 29,5, ap 1978 Snowcruiser, in excellent running condition, $400.00 or best offer. Cati 987-4395 or 987-4851. 29,5 ap FIREWOOD DRY HARDWOOD Cut and Split Stored Inside Workshop Bush Cord $171,00 4x8xl6" - $57.00 4x8x12" - $50.00 Pontypool Concrete (705) 277-2442 tfii 20" T.V. & VCR package at SHOWTIME 'T.V. ,& STEREO, only $7.50 a week, in Port Hope cail 885-8652, in Cobourg cati 373-0265. - 8,15,22,29 ac Canon 8 mm. Caincorder at SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO only $9.75 a week, in Cobourg call 373-0265, in Port Hope- cati 885-8652. 8,15,22:29ac Mitsubishi 40" Big Screen at SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, only $29.95 a week, in Cobourg cali 373-0265, in Port Hope cali 885-8652. 8,15,22Z29 ac Cellular phones at SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, froni oniy $9.95 a month , ini Port Hope cail 885- 8652 in Cobourg cali 373- 0265. 8, 15,22,29 ac Heated 2 bedroom apartment, $600.00 a month, lst and last month required. References. Phone 983-9433. OPEN HOUSE The family of Roy Tennant, invite you to help him celebrate his 75th Birthday, Sunday, February 16, at the Senior's Complex Hall, 200 Station St. W., Orono from 2 - 4 p.mr. Best Wishes Only. 5.l2ap 83 King Street West )t lu Newcastle, Ontario Ll B 1 L2 T een 41 6) 987-3200 4 ~Matthews ,isocae INSURANCE BROI<ERS LiTD Pauline Moto, AIIOC Branch Manager SUSAN SAWYER HAMILTOJNS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1 MO 1-416-983-5115 mmi fti "pqirs >Doai jr mmmmýýl 1 lu,-alu"ri INSURANCE lewcastle' - 1