3UARY 5, 1992 charge Ministry outlînes freeway link between 401 & 407 hîghways Ly 407I en maè Lartingi tof wI rniîrtic From all rel evening for topped off with sorne great dessc IÂn ion It was pointed out to counicil by I Cliff Lumley and Ministry reps the that the freeway link did take into nd account the protection of environmentally sensitive lands, ide prime dairy farrm lands, social and in economic environment and the hat concerns for transportation and ice engineering. ing Lumley stated that the Ministry )ad would bc holding two public te meetings in the area on Tuesday, (Continued page 7) j'~ M Tyrone hall citizens of a more northern route. castie Those present heard views [al last from Len Helpard, Jim Slyfield, ifly not Garnet Rickard and Gerri Dazeil. er the The presentation was weil ear a organized and complimented with icerned slides and a video. speaks In sumamation the group called' indred. upon the Town councillors to iged by vote against their planning nd with departments recommendation for d heur approval of the Ministiry plan of r views the technical preferred route. y at all -to have the planning if the department go back to, design a iould be (Continued page 4) Mon The report outline-d procedural alternatives on which a meeting was to, bc held in the immediate future and at which time to reach a consensus on what the new name should be. It stated that a reasonable request from the Town could flot be simply denied provîding a reasonable process is 0 10 be hosting their 6th Youth Hall, this coming Frîday, Sdance is for students in loney raised is donated to rested in volunteering their jcail Janet at 98!7-5341. it may be nsider the sof "Town" y may bc The report also said one must* realize there is considerable work required by the Municipality to compleue the name change. The Ministry also pointed out that the process did not ne ed to wait any concurrence from the Re gion before it was initiated and it also stated that other agencies should be considered in the process including the Board of Education. Staff aie to report further in the neai future on the process. The Hooper/Hanriah motion did brmng out considerable debate in which Mayor Hamre said she would flot be supporting the motion. She said it had tQ be a public process, "I have a nightmare it will be a political free-for-all," '"I want a team estated, "We ed and we do flot >1ISC 15 SO pulled by )d. Bv the~