-Plottinq an over-throw Councîllors' expense Stili chained by the tail of a squirrel Ivanha, (Jason Major) has just the long tail. Ho- ponders1 returned from the forest where future in a new stange. woi had been brouglit up by-the prior to being meet byFÈriar à squirrel and stili feit the load of from Darney Abbey. The titie of CareOla was most deceîwvîng-- It may have been titled The Worst Higb, School Play In The World but certainly it was not the case at Clarke High School for the three performances last week. It was easy entertainmOllt through the fact the story was easy to follow and the players delivered their linos with an excellent degree of clarity. Humor was not lacking from the very boginning as an intended foui-up existed with the lighting which was but a warning for other incidents that may and did happen. Friar Rico and Belinda outlined the story which was to follow on stage and providod their perspective of the turn of events. 0f course the king was off to war and the kingdom was left in the hands of his queen and daughter who bad given birth to the heir to the throne. As would always 1ho, the plot soon devel- oped with three roques, Count Viscera, -Medulla and Shecky, planning a, take over, of the -.ingdom. it was off to the forest for the queen, ber daughter and the heir to the throne where the heir was left to ho cared for by the squirrols. Naturally the beir came of age and it was time to return to his kingdom and ho was encouraged to do so by his parenting squirrels. The transformation from life in the forest was placed in the hands of Frier Fred wbo prepared Ivanha (Prince) for his new life in his kingdom. But again as would happen the Count, Medulla and Sbocky wore most evident still scheming the take-over of the kingdom., The outcomo of a dance of death hotweon.Ivanha and Count Viscera, a most humourous event, settlod the day for Ivanha wbo thon -took as. his bride Lady Lenora. As usual and, of course, under the dir ection of John Amesbury the Clarke Dramna Club presented yet anotber entertaining evening of theatre at Clarke. t was indoed a relaxing evening of entertainmont. PFrom char INewcastleth,'en"gl the Town of Schools the paymnenti Sohoolsto counicil mc by Bon Scott The Graduating Class at St. On Marc Francis of Assissi elemontary council passc school are planning for a by-law settii graduating family dinner and for travelling retrospec hour for Juno l7th leaving suci starting at 6:30 p.m. existing. Ati The senior students are off to that the Ch soe the Toronto Blue Jays play Officer come Sagainst the Detroit Tigors. such travel F Pre-primary students are going which in gn - on June 3 to watch a presontation per kilometei [la performed by grade 10 students at The issu( Ia St. Stephens High School, council by( al Bowmanville. The play will have stated that t been written and presented by the budget were students. up. Grade Six students at St. Francis enjoyed themselves at the Larr Ganaraska Forest Centre last recommends week. schedule bc ---------------- 1 -----purpose ofs From the Newcastle Public for rimburs( School videos from the spring counicil for concert are now available through would incluw the school. along with 01 The school paper for May is when travol now put together and is being- parking, ac circulated. as well as rej The Junior classes have moved Under thc their physical education classes members, outside to practice for track and compensati fied competitions this summiner. attonding Parent meetings and mini- Purpose c< conferences will be beld May 26 meetings. from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.. Please cail componsati the school for more information, administrai their agenda! 'bis FBUILDING -ges outlined by CAO bas been recived by Purpose committeeof fNewcasle're-lating to of travelling expenses imbers. rh 9 a resolution of sed in which a former Jng out remuneration ýexponses was passed -h remuneration non- the time it was stated "ief Administrative iin with a report as to lIling remuneration oeral had bee'n 34 cents ae was brought before Counc. Hooper who the funds, set in the' -already almost used y Kotsoff, CAO, Ito committee that a )e approved for the setting the guidelines oement-of members of expenses. Expenses de a mioeago payment other specific expenses ling on Town business icommodation, mals -gistration fees. se new proposai council' would not receive, tion for mileage either the Genoral >mmittee or counicil Nor would they ho ted driving to the ive office to pick-up as. new-bylaw be retroaçtive to Marvh 9th, 1992 when the former by-law was voted nuli and void. Council members will be reimbursed with mileage when on To'Wn business and having to attend at the administrative building but flot including the regular meetings and the picking up of agendas. If-townbusiness is undertaken at other than the Administrative building thon charge would bc the 'lesser distance from place of residence and the Administrative building. 1Members of council will'still ho reimbursed mileago for meetings of boards, committees etc. to which they are appoî.nted. AIl ldaims of expenses are to ho submitted on a regular basis to the Mayor for approval. The issue was to ho dealt with on Tuesday ovoning. Auto parts and workers reach agreement Workers at the auto parts maker, A. G. Simpson are supporting an agreement reached betwoen, the company and the union. The new contract includes improved wages and a botter severance package.' The thre year deal covers the Oshawa <Plant as well as plants in Windsor, Camnbridge, Oakvile and Scarborough. - "For Ail Your Building Needs"l PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER FOR FENCING 21 x 4" x 8w $2.53 4" x 499 x 8'" $5.49 FREE -ESTIMATES ON DECKS AND FENCING Sale runs Friday, Saturday, Sunday OPEN SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 164 Baseline Road, BOWMANVILLE _______ 623-6341 Hwy. 401