- Orono Weekly 'fîmes, Wedneaday, Oc~ober 7, 1O9~ J It was a familiar scene over the check point and then with map past week-end at tie Ganaraska and compass set course for the Forest as competitors in next checkpoint. Orien teering checked in at a Councl Briefs cmite set aside an application for 622 living units on 26.3 hectares of land west of Bowmanville on Green Road south of Highway 2. The application will be considered following the completion of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan which may be some two years down the road. The area was ruled out as being considered in the plans for Bowmanville by the existing coùncil when they trimmed the development areas in various portions of the municipality. An application by Michael, Stewart and Alan Clarke for a rezoning of a 5.65 hectare of lands to Enivironmental Protection was referred back to staff for further processing. The parcel of land south and east of Newtonville is a section of property on which an) application exists for a nineteen lot estate residential developmnent. The Region of Durham hias given their approval for the development providing the smaller parcel of lands is rezoned to Environmental Protection. Both the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ganaraska have asked for this condition to take place. The committee gave approval to an 88 unit, pthiree storey walk- up condominium apartmecnts for lands east of Green Road on the west side of Bowmanville. The proposed apartmnents are to be built on a .47 acre of land. It abuts an existing development. The General Purpose com- mittee turned aside a recom- mendation that from Community Services that a further sumn of $201,687.44 be spent on Landscape works at the Bow- manvilleRecreation Complex. The works încluded ledge rock, site furnishings, sodding, supplY of topsoil, a main pedestrian walk and laridscaping. The Town will receive applications from seniors and the physically disabled within the urban and hamlet areas for snow and ice on driveways, and window remnoval during the 1992-93 winter season. Applicants must be 65 years of age or older with the exception Of the physically handicappedi. Application forms are available by phioning 623-3379 or can be picked up at the Administrative Building in Bowmanville. Applications must be returned by November 3th. The Region of Durhamn and the Town of Newcastle are to jointly instaîl street lights at the intersection of Concession Road 5 and Regional Road 17 at the south end of the Village of Orono. Estimated cost of installation $7,000.00. Counc. Ann Dreslinski informed council on Monday that the Community Service depart- ment had made application for funding from the Ministry of Education that could be used on a mnulti-use concept for a lîbrary in Courtice. The funding becomes available for 1994-95 some $50 million. It was pointedl out that the Town and the School Board has met on a number of occasions as to the mnultiple use of a library in Courtice in the proposed new Courtice North Public School project which is expected to be completed in 1994. Five Fire Staions and 150 employees protect Town The Town of Newcastle Fire and part-time staff. There are 120 Dep)artm-enit is a composite part-time tfirefighiters, 23 fuli-time departmnent that protects our firefighting staff, a fire chief, diversified community of deputy lire chief, 4 captains, fire approximately 230 square miles. A prevention officer, 4 dispatchers composite lire depa,.rtmenit is a and an administrative assistant. department comprised of fuli-timie Five fire stations are in the Town Bowwanville- Wlornens' club (Continueci from page 11) the meeting Baîbara Stead was welcomed as a new member to the club. Business and4 Professional Women's Club5 promote the interests ojf ýomen and the improvement Jf the status of women in pusiness, the professions and jfl. industry. on October 15 we have the next meeting oe the club when of Newcastleî Station 1 or headquarters is îocated on Church Street in Bowmaîwville; Station 2 is located on lîighway 2 in Newcastle vilge; Station 3 is located on Regional Road 17 in Orono; Station 4 is located on Trulîs Road in t'ourtice and the newest station, s4aton 5 is located on Regional Road 57, in Enniskillen. Stations 1 and 4 are manned by a full-time crew of 4 ftom 6 a.m. to é p.m., part-timers respond to cails ifter 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Stations Z, 3 and 5 are manned by partztimers. You are encouraged to visit your local fire stations during Fire Prevention Week. Stations 1 and 4 will bc open fcdr tours October 5 to October 10 fromt 8:30 to 4:30, groups of more than 10 persons and/or person wvishing to visit Stations 2, 3 and 5 can cail 623- 5126 to arrange ant appointment. Snioke Alarnis - "Test Your Smoke Alarm" "Sparky" the talking fire dog along withi the Fire Safety House, will be at the Bowmanvïlle Mal October 8, 9, and 10 from 11:00 to closing. Sparking wîll be promoting this years fire prevention week tJheme "Test Your Smoke AMarma". 1Most fatal firos occur at night when people are asleep. While you are sleeping you can become overcomne with smoke and neyer wake up. Seconds can make the difference between living and dying. Make sure that you and your famnily are protected. Instal and maintain a smoke alarm. Smoke alarms detect smoke in the early stages of fire and sound a warning that wiIl alert you and provide the precious moments you need to escape. These inexpensive, easy to install devices can save your life. 1 1 A smoke alarm should be installed in the hallway outside of every sleeping area and on each level of your home. Smoke alarms must be tested regularly. Following these, maintenance tips will help to keep your alarm in good working order 1) Follow the manufacturers recommendations as smoke alarms can differ. Generally,,you should test your alarms weekly by pushîng the alarmn test button. 2) Somne alarms should be tested monthly with actual smoke. For example, on manufacturer recommends that a piece of cotton string be held with pliers and carefully ignited with a safety match. Extinguish the flamne and. hold the smoking string six inches guest speaker Kathlynn Hock a chiropractor practising at the Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Centre will discuss handling stress. Anyone interested in a buffet dinner with a friendly group at the. Port Darlington Marina Hotel Uaed Car Sales Safety Inspections Propane & Natural Gas followed with an interesting lecture please call Helen Devitt at 623-391-5 for reservations by Monday, October l2th. Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m. followe' d with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dinner tickets are $ 18.00. Carol Aider One Stop Shop Rad Shop Original Muffler Shop Tow Service 983-6476 Brakes 17MLS. Tune Ups 17 MLL T. Body & Paint Work ORN Automotive Parts P rop -tr Mike Mangar Lic., CI.A.B.H.NG.Sp.S6a.S6b. Insp. j Mark M. Stapleton fçs t oratiort &6 Rçprocuction 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize lxx Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes.. Also ail types of General Carpentry. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAIO- FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Weekend Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville Mangar's Auto Centre COMPELTE REPAIRS TO ALL MARES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS * VANS * BUSES * TRUCK ROvKA LUMBE5R "Building and Supplies Centre" wish to announce that they are now carrying the complete Une of "Heritage Woodstoves and Inserts" NOW TAKINGORDERS FOR FIREWOOD 4' x 8' x 12" - $60.00 4' x 8' x 16" - $65.00 Note: Compressed Bagged Shavings $3.4-5 per bag *Cedar Posts * Squared Timbers *Building Supplies and Hardware * Barn Steel e Silckens Stain - e Hemlock for Fences and Stalîs "A Centre for AIl Your Building Needs" (705) 277-3381 or (416) 434-6665 (evenings) On Hwy. 35, 2 miles north of Hwy. 115 ............. .............