i4- ronoWéely TMmes, Wedneýsday. Oýctober 7.1é DIn fo rviceon i E] \J ICE IE)IRiC'IOJ.Y 16Te. 983-5301 I The Shop -14/e Don? JLst Speocahize- We Make Evey rder Specialý Maîin Street, rona We Dlver Nekwtonville, Pontypoot, Oshawa and Places In-Between Ra ir For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono) 983-5333 Jo-Elen Sportswear &Gifts Suppliers of 1Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages L623-8161 Wayne Aasenl Orono Electric Ld. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-FIS Sales and Service Hotpornt R.C A, r W\hte WeVstînghouseý Friidaire - WVhirlpoo! Wvood s Freezers MagiC Chef -Hoover 9'83-5108 Barina Home Check Vacation Home Checking Let us make your home look 1 edi. Wedding Day Gif t Stting -Reliable References * BONDED Barb Shetier Ina Gos NEWTON'VILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowm-anville, Ontario 623-4473 F10 WERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 Kîng Street East Newcastle, Ontarlo 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work ln Upholstery- R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy VIEW THE GANARASKA VALLEY Chiairlift Rides and Sight-Seeing at the Oshawa Ski Club on Reg. Rd. 9, East of Kirby T-HANKSGIVING WEEKEND Saturday & Sunday October 10 & Il 11:00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m Spectacular views when the colours are at their best. Corne wi th your family anid enjoy thse Ganaraska. Hot Dogs, Cider and Entertalnmnent. Lift Tickets Aduits $5.00 16 yrs. and under $2.00 For more details call Elva Reid 983-9339 or Pat Lycett 983-9605. Sponsored by SAGA SAVE THE GANARASKA AGAIN 23,30, 7,sc Fireplace insert, 28" wide x 21" high x 17" deep, $250.00, phone 983-9864. 30.7, sp Confederation Coins SÇets and Foiders Seing and taking orders ta January'1993 GUARANTEED A FI, SET. Best Pr! ce in" the Province i DELIVER 5 SETS OR OVER Buying Coins and Paper Mister Murray 983-5721 Sept. 2-lan./93 "llowN Sw-eet It Is" CHOCOLATE OUTLET Facto ry Seconds .Large Selections - PRICES VOU LIKE - Located at: FAIRWINDS ANTIQUES 502 MAIN ST., ORONO ALSO SEWNG NO W... Century Home Mag-azine For infonnastion phone 16' x 24' Kayak above ground pool, warrmnty on liner, pump and fîlter. Comes coinplete with built in deck. Thse best above ground pool on the market. Reasonabie. Phone 983-9773. MacGREGOR Auction Service Estates, Conslgnments, Households Bankruptcles, Farms SoId at your location ot ai ours Storage & TnJckIng Cali for a Fre Conhfidontial Consultation M. MaeGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 m Silver Coins - with holes or no dates, GoId 1Rings - thin, broken; Tokens', Tedais, Coin & Paper Collections World Wide. Old Post Cards- Blotters Early Material. W(o Pay Top Prices, No Store. Al savings pass to you. Sefling al Confedieraion Sets, Folders. Cal!.. . Mister Murray 983-5721 Sept. 16-Dec. 23 Hleated 2 bedroom apartneiï, available immnediately. Fir5t and last, $600/mo. Phioie 983-9433 or 983-5293 ér 983-5541.ti BOWMANVILLE - Upstair§ of house. One bedrooi apariment, close to hospital, Fridge, stove and utilitie3 included. $495./mo. Availabl;, Nov. Ist. Phone 983-5428. 7,st CAMERON- Katie anà Kevin wîsh to announice thIs safe arrial of Mathew LukIý and Mark John, both weigini 3 lbos., at Bowmranvillý, Memorial Hospital 0'i September 16, 1992. Pro-u!l parents Brenda and Brian, proud grandparents e1 Curtis, Kendal, Mae Camerop, Oshawa and great- grandmother Mary Carscadde-î of Bowmaniville. A ver5 special thank you to Doctor5' West.garth, VanHoof and Tani- and ail the Nursing Staff. MIDDLETON, Zelia- Ix' loving memnory of a dea, mother who passed away October 8, 1975. So nan-Y things have happenzed' Since you wvere called away, So rnany things to share with yOu Had you been lefi to stay. Every day in sorne small way Mernories of you corne our way. Though absent, you are ever near, Sii,!1rnjssed, loved, always dear. Lovingly remembered bý daugliter Eunice mnd Family. 7,ae FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9TH 6:30 p.m. Newtonville Auction Centre Hwy. 2 in Newtonville Sales Every Friday. Corne Out and Have Some Fun. Dining room table with 2 chairs, buffet and hutch, matching Tappan stove and fridge; dishwasher; bar fridge; Eatons Viking apt. size freezer; plus an interesting selection of household articles from local estates. Consignmnents Welcome. New Number for the Auction Centre 786-3151. AUCTIONEERS Jim Couch 987-1548 Dale Smith 723-7938 7,ac SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1OTH 11:00 A.M. The property of the late Ken Laushway 63 Park Drive, StoutTville Sale includes: old dlocks; gîngerbread; sessions; O.G. weight dlock mnd others; wall telephones; coal oil lamps; -finger laxnps; piano mad bench; copper boilers; tub stand; small tables; smoker stand; old bottles; tïis; irons; barn lantern.; wash boards; torches; appliances;, dishes glassware; rototiller; siall tools and many othier collectable items. Terms - Cash AUCTIONEER EarI Gausliu 640-3079 7,ac THANKSGIVING MONDAY OCTOBER 12,1992 11:00 A.M. At Lemonville Communlty Centre on McCowan Rd. The Property of Mrs. Bella Coleman Sale includes Viçtorian settee; dining room table; antique dining roomi chairs; small tables; mahogany armoire; cedar chest; washstand; Wedgewood; Noritake Cobalt blue; Supertest gas cmn; milk bottles; crystal chandelier; Barbie dolîs; crocks;- sports cards; and rnany other pieces. Terms'- Cash AUCTIONER Earl Gausln 640-3079 HOLIDAY AUCTION Antiques, Collectables, Ari Sports Cards SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 lTH 11:00 A.M. AGRICULTURE BUILDI ORONO FAIRGROUNIJ Auction features a quali selection of antique furnit, fromi as found condition refinished, plus a vani selection of rare and uniq collectables, art and spoi cards. Partial list includes:. matchi dining room table; buffet five chairs; small pine boni, chest (ref.); chest of drawe w/wood mustache pu: C1890's; 1/4 eut o combination chii cabinet/desk (exc. pes. exceptional ref. oak hall se, old pine 10' church pe' numerous parlour and kitchc tables; inisc. chairs & rocker (child's, pressbacks, seLs, etc.); 2 Victorkn-- hand carved chiairs 3/lion heads; child's violin 01ld); antique acc ordian; quality selection of glass and china including Flow Blue Spode plate; Tiffany table lamp (ra re); plus 30 named milk botules; embossed and coloured (Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Bowmanville, Woodstock, Fisher, Wilson, Reid, etc.) crocks & jugs; old tins & bottles; mîlk cans; wool Winders; spinning wheel; 3 old watches, Cartiers & Rolex; old sports cards and a quality selection of Limited Edition & Decorative . Art prints including 'Tribute" te Toronto Maple Leafs signed Shack, Ellis, Bower. Sellîng at 11:00 outside a selection of articles found in and around the home with sports cards selling at approximate ly 11:45. Inside ýviewing 10:00 to 12:00. This is only a partial list of a varied selection of articles fromf days gone by, corne early, browse mnd enïjoy our hospitality. (Next Auction Sunday, October l8th). MvacGregor Auct ions Mîke MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 30,ac NEWCASTLE HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION requires an ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR Newcastle Hydro-Electric Cornuissïon serving approxirnately 8000 çustomers is seelcing applications for theabove mentioned position. Reporting to the Manager-Secretary/Treasurer, the successful candidate will be responsible for the accounting and financial fËunctions of the utility. This position is also responsîble for coordination of mainframe computer applications with the Ut iity's computer consultant. Applicants should have comnpleted or be registcred in at least the 3rd year of a CMA or CGA program and have two to three years' accounting and supervisory experience, preferably in a utility envirotnment. 'Me applicant shall have a working knowledge of computer applications for accounting and spreadsheet software. Backgrounds in other disciplines such as human resources and computer progranmîng would be considered an asset. Applicants should forward their resume, statîng1 experience, education, references and salary expectations no later than October 23,-1992. Applications should be marked confidential and sent to: Ms. Debbie Prescott Accounting and Human Resources Supervisor Newcastle Hydro-Electric Cortmission P.O. Box 130 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3K9 Only those applicants seiected for an interview wîll be contacted. 7,14,ac ~'"%. NEWCASTLE HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION requires a UINE FOREPERSON Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission seeks applications for the 7,ac position of Line Foreperson. The position reports to the - Operations Superintendent and is responsible for the supervision ofa line staff of 9 employees involved in both construction and rt maintenance of overhead and underground distribution system at voltages of 4.16, 8, 13e8amd 44 kV. In addition to promoting safe work practices, the Line Foreperson wiil play a major role in thse Commission's health and safety program. NG The successful candidate will be a journeyman lineperson, a )s graduate of the M.E.A. Lines Trades Training Program and have ity a grade 12 diploma. Leadership experience gained as a lead-hand, -re sub-foreman or supervisor is essential. A thorough working to knowledge of aIl health and safety rules, legislation and ed Iregulations is required. Good interpersonal and communication ue skills are required to be able to effectively supervise mnd direct rts employees and manage projects. A valid class "D-Z' drivers licence is required. ing Interested persons should forward a resume complete with & education, work experience, salary expectations mnd references, net not later than October 23, 1992 to: ers, Ms. Debbie Prescott Ils Accounting mnd Human Resources Superviser ýak Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission na Box 130 y BOWMANVILLE, Ontario at; LiC 3K9 w: Only applicants selected for an interview wiil be contacted. ken Ts; 7,J4k té Ha . . . . . . . . . . . il