Vol. 56, No. 39 Orono 1'Weekfy tlmes Serving Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville ORONO. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. OCTFOBER 7,1992 World Cup of Orienteering at Ga naraska' Public no help in deciding new name for municipality It'S not over yet, for the Town of Newcastle name change. The Name Change committee has completed their' final approach to the public seeking a preference for a choice from a short list of six names. The short list included Applewood, Clarington, Darling-, ton, Darlington Milîs, Orchard Milîs and Pineridge. But the public through the eleven meetings held in the munîcipality has flot given the committee a clear preference. -Ruling out Applewood and Orchard Milîs which were well down the preference list the other four, Darlington, Darlington Milis, Clarington and Pineridge were evenly split in preference from the 550 votes on the final tally. It was a rather poor turnout for the 11 preference meetings with some 600 attending placing the 550 votes. According to the chairman of the committee David Wing no name jumped out with a decided lead thus leaving the committee wîth no clear direction from the (Continued page 2) For a large majority of pe-opl, Orienteering is a sport that is recreational, allowinig you to enjoy the outdloors with the( excitemenf-t of a challenge thrown in. A[tbte World Cup level, orienteering is a challenge, met with thfe grimderinto to beý the very best. The comipetitors ran the entire dfistance of the cours,ý- from one control to the nexî. Theý terrain is completely foreign. At the controls the.y pause only long enough ;o punch their card tbefore- looking for the next rockpie knoll, or anistngisin land ýeature that w*il dirct themto th nlext control. The World Cup of Orinîeering was held this week at the, Ganaraska, Forest Station. it is an eight course event that took the competitors to six countries across Europe before coining to Glanaraska. The final event will be Happenings. held next week ini Newý, England. One hundred and forty athiletes representing twenityý-three countries wvere at Ganamaska. Ganaraska ,was chosen as a site for thec Ontario Champ,,ion!ships a few years ago. (1, was picked for Town tables Moto raceway awaitîig The Genleral PuIrpose commnittee of the Town of Newcastle tabled a rezolnng application by Miarvîn Stapleton whcif passed, would have permitted fthe operation of' a motorcycle race track on the property of Ray and Glenn Stapleton north-west of Newtonville. The application was to be a temnporary rezoning for a three e e e A glimpse of the colourful countryside Save The Ganaraska Again commnittee in co-operation with the Oshawa Ski Club are offering chairlifts rides for viewing the colourful faiT colours in the area from a most advantageous height. Everyone welcomne. And added to this there will be clowns and entertainmenrt by Bernie, hot dogs, fried green tommtes and hot cider. The event goes both Saturday and Sunday from the hour of 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. A great opportunity to, get a good view of the country side. Unemployed Workers Association meeting The Unemployed Workers' Association is holding an Information meeting on Thursday, October 15 at the Steelworkers' Hall, Oshawa fromn 7 to 9 p.mn. F or further information please cal 434-6702 (Bowm-anville) or 571-3272 Oshawa. Orono Hall Card Party Winners at the recent party were: Roy Harward, 81, Olive Little 77, Marian Staples 76, Harvey Parnner 76, Edgar Milison 75, Low scores Marion Sears and Clare Meuleman. Draw winner: Alex Moffat, Gladys Greenwood, Marie Couroux and Joyce Cowan. Could see Niagara Falls Tower A group of sixteen taking part in a forest walk with Bill Bunting on behalf of the SAGA organization on Sunday had perfect viewing from Tower Hill. The CN Tower could be seen with the naked eye while the Niagara Fail tower could bc seen with a pair of binoculars. The group also enjoyed tree and wlfoe identification. The previous week another group of seveniteeni took part in an exercise of Orienteering in the Ganaraska with Roy Forrester. the World Cup because of ils size and co-(mplexityý. 'Thle terrain is good for setting a course. The compel)titors define, the course as a fast one, menin thre are lim-ited- obstaces nd teyare (Continued cipage 8) )rbkeStapleton IWA decision year period anid was to fhave aowdthree or four eýventLs held each year omin the property. It was poiïited (iout bhy Marvin Stapleton ffiat it was flot a business ope-ration and thiat those wishýing to participate in events were not renting the, use of the lands and spectators were permitted to attend free of charge. The planning departntil of the Town hiad recommended that the application bc denied. Stapleton in addressing council mnembers said the land would continue to be used as pasture and that ahl agencies had stated they hiad no objections to the temiporary, rezoning application. He also said there is really no place for bikers to enjoy their sport and that the meets are held arouind the area at a number of locations and the Stapleton lands were to be one of the locations. Stapleton said he wished a decision to-day as an event hiad been schieduled to be held on the lands on October 1801. He said he couldn't understand why Public Works was objiecting to thie entrance as there was a similar entrance on the other side of the road in the saine location. He had agreed to another enirance. He also said hie couldn't understand the poinit of noise affecting wildlife whien stone crushing was undertaken at the Town's gravel pit on a twenity-four bout basis a similar distance from (Continued page 2) Focal Nodes proposed for Town waterfront plan The consulting firmns under- taking the Newcastle Lakefront, Study presented thecir -prelimninary re'port on Monday to a public Session of council pertaining to b'ackground informIation and possible options. It was pointed out that thie study involved than just the 1lakefront and did reach niorîliwards above 401 hiighway at tImes. Th 1 kilometer stretch of lakefront in Newcast,ýle was diddinto twelve seýctions with a verbal report as to options available tt( hec OMIMunty to consider and the general public prior to a final report being, submitted. Both council and the general public are encouraged to commnas on the options and background information. 1It was stated that very little of the lakefront is in public ownership. Couincil members and the public pr-esent ,we-re taken step by western bouindary of Darlington Provincial, Park to the eastecrn border east of Port Granby. The major options at the present timec would appear to be linear routeus for a trail. to a number of fo-cal nods at the lakefront. oly Creek in the western,, section was one such point that could accommodate some recreation. Such developments as Darlington Generating Station, St. Mary's Cement and Wilmot Creek were circumvented by a (Continued page 2) Service award presented At the recent Orono Horticultural Show Yvonne Trafford (left) was presentedl with a Horticultural Ser-vice award for 10 years of dedication service to the local society. The presentation was mnade by Lorna Atkins, the president of the local society.