10- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 14,1992 ) Best in t;ieflower show In is neyer a surprise wnen The competition in the Carol Mostert tumns up with a arrangement class was most top award at a flower show and competitive with a number of again last week it was so. Minnie excellent arrangements on won the best in the show award display with one notable in that it with hier arrangement which she used only wild flowers and fruit. proudly displays. Seven oePut of tenfires' occur iLn the kitchen by Carol-Ann Osier Shocking statisties show that seven out ai ten fires occur in the home. Every year, approximately eight thousand fire incidents in homes dlaim one hundred thirty lives and injure six hundred persans. Though w've alIl heard the "an ounce ai prevention" speech, clearly people have not been paying heed. The statisties cancerning house fires are high and unneeessary. Simple practices can reduce the number af house fires and eould be respansible for the safety ai yau and your loved anes. Fire Prevention Week 1992, foeused on the smoke alarmn in the home. Detection and early warning ai fire is vital. Time is very important. Early detectian can provide the minutes and seconds that can make the difference in amaunt ai praperty loss and thec difference between flue or death. Smnoke alarms are an inexpensive and effective means ai providing deteetion and early warnîng ai fire in the home. Although fire alarms are effective at deteeting l'ires, it is more important ta reduce flhe likelihood ai a tire. This important task is your rcsponsibility. Reduce ftic possibility ofa a'ire in your home by making some simple suggestions a part ai' your daily routine. In the Kitchien: - M ininizc cooking lires by remioving t, rain Itle stove anly ipas containîng grecase or nuls. *Neyer leave Illestoveý uîîaItteuîdcd wliceu eook ing w i tI grease or î. - )o lot oVe-rload eleetrucal outlets. lUilulg siînaîl appliaîîees ~-when niot lituse. - Neyer uise appliances with a damaiged or frayed cord. In the Living Room <jr Bedroomn: *Have screens for your fireplace ta prevent sparks fromn eseapîng. - If youI are a smioker - use caution. Keep ashtrays nearby and dispose of the ashes safely. Be sure ta neyer faîl asleep while smoking. (A large number of household fires start due ta careless smoking.) *Use candies properly. *Neyer run electrical cords under doors or rugs. - Keep areas around electrical baseboard heaters clear. In the basemnent, attic or garage: . Remove ahl unnecessary combustibles. - Have the furnace serviced annually. - Have chimneys and flues cleaned regularly and have connections checked for leaks, cracks or patential problems. - Oily and greasy rags should be thrown away or stored in a metal container. . Whien fuelling gasoline powered equipment be sure there is proper ventilation or refuel outside. Before starting, be sure ta mave the equipment away from where you refuelled, ta avoid igniting fumes. Following these suggestions can reduce the iklihood of a fire. lt is important, however, ta educate your family of proper procedures in the event of a ire. A 1pre-decterinied and practiced eseape)c plan can reduce tlic panic and confusion, a nd nmost iiinpoýrtanitly, it could save your litc. To inake your plan, begin by drawing a floor plan ai your hiome, Cobourg to Watch water use E-arlicr this ycar Cobourg's public utility comîfiSion bcgan charging its biggèst customers higher rates. It is à conservation message titled "inverted Block Rates". It is designi CIta eut water use. Each resident in Cobourg is, charged $2.25 per 1,000 gallons for the first 5000 gallons each month. For the next 3000 gallons the rate goes ta $2.5ý per thousand and over the 8000o galons the rate jumnps to $3.00 per thousand gallons. Less than a year away Bell Canada lias issued a phamplet outlining the change'of area code in, the present 416 area. The change 0ver is ta take place on October i1 1993 when 416 will1 be retained liy Greater Toronto with tL.ie eastern boundary the east ide of South Pickering. The areý west of the east boundary of Setuth Pickering and areas north and iround Metro Toronto will have ihe new area code number af 90-5. The Orono, Newcastle, Bowmiâtnville, Osh- awa areas will be iîilphded in the 905 area. Human Nature It is easier ta lov'e humanity as, a whole than to love one's neighbor. -Eric Hoffer We have provîded for the survival of mani against ahl enemnies except his flo man. -- Lymnaf Lloyd Bryson There is a great dfeal of human nature in people. -Mark Twain showing al possible exits irom each roomn. Plan a rniýin exit and an alternate exit roule from each roomi. Agree on a ffleting Place outside- your honie. Everyone should mecet there. From there, someanec ean go cflflact the fîre departmnent. Neveire-enter the building for any reaspn. Make sure your family knows that if thecy hear the sinoke alarmn or somecone warning them ai fire ta immnediately leàve the house and go ta the prd-determilled meeting place. There are several key points ta rememiber when exiting a burning building. " Stay close ta the floor. " Toueh ail doors with the baek ai your hand. if thl(y are hot, do not open them. - If yau are trappiA in a roomn, open the windoýý and hang somnething out afi t. This wilI inake it easier for a firefighter ta spot yau. Use blankèLs to stuif the cracks around the d0PiX A household l'ire is a trage('dy thaIt1no one need eli(turC:. FolIow the three point program aif 1) mninimizing l'ire hazards, 2) pre- planning an escape route and, 3) providing a detection and early warning systcem. 'flue CATERING CONNECTIONq ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergên Orono 983-9679 SURPLUS DISPOSAL 1983- FORD DUMP TRUCK SEALED QUOTATIONS, for off ers ta purchase the used equipment isted below, will be received by the-undersigned in the envelope, provided. Ail offers by quotation must be accompanied by a certified cheque, money order or cash in the amount equal to 10% of the total bid. Deposits will be returned immediately after'the award. SALE BY QUOTATION'SD92-3 - 1983 Ford Dump Truck c/w Plow, Sander/Dump Box Bid forms may be obtaina~ from the Purchasing Office at 40 Temperance Street, First Floor, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6. Al items wiIl be sold on an "AS IS - WHERE IS" basis. Alil sales are subjeet to the applicable Provincial and Federal Goods and Services Tax. CLOSING TIME & DATE: 4:00 P.M, (local timne) Wed., October 28, 1992 The highest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. iA eùvèas(& Date of Publication: Wednesday, October 14, 1992 Mrs. Lau Ann Birkett Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 PO. 2840 SPECIAL PICK-UP YARD WASTE AND LEAF PICK-,UP The Town of Newcastle will c ollect YARD WASTES AND LEAVES (pl ants, grass, brush, etc.) in CLEAR PLASTIC BAGS commencing Monday, October 26, 1992. Yard Waste a nd leaves may be placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m. on the following days: Monday, October 26 Monday, November 2 Monday, November 9 Monday, November 16 Monday, November 23 Monday, November 30 Prior ta October 26, beaves muîst be stored by the householder. Do not put leaves out with other refuse for collection. Yard waste and leaves placed with regular refuse wlll flot be collected. -Browning-F erris Industries (B.F.l.> Eastern Lakes District P.O. Box 2398 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7V6 433-5075 Town of Newcastle Public Works Department 40 Temperanice Street Bawmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 623-3379 kiewcas((e Date of Publication: Wednesday, October 14, 1992 Wednesday, October 21, 1992 P.O. 3927 AAM