- u II' MA l l & i c,- ! i -' Orono Weekly Times,, Wednesday, Qctober 14, 1992- Il Fire Prevention Week Referendum question to by Carol-Arn Oster As part of Fire Prevention Week, the Town of Newcastle Fire Department set up the Fire Safety House in front of the Bowmanville Mal. The house was manned by Keeping ln Touch a E News and Information fromi Gord Milis, MPP Durham East Officiai Report of Debates (Hansard> Wed, Oct 7, 1992 TV Ontario Mr. Gardon Milis (Durham East). For a change, a positive statement: As members are aware, TV Ontario hosted an open house for the generai public during Toronto Arts Week recenitiy. The occasion aiso marked the stations 22nd birthday. TVO, which is an agency of the Ministry of Culture and Communications, wanted ta celebrate more than 20 years of success in television with the people who counit the most, the viewing audience. More than 25,000 people showed up ta tour the studios, enjoy performances and take part in other activities. This number exceeded even the highest expectations. Since day one, TVO and La Chaine have brought the people of Ontario the finest in educational programs' and, enlightened entertainment programs, Mr. Speaker, which I'm sure yau enjay. Elwy Yost's Saturday Night, Polka Dot Doar and A la claire fontaine have made TVOntario an Ontario institution. This province takes pride in aur public broadcasting station and we are pleased ta caîl it public televisian for the 1990's. While much of the financial support comnes from the Ministry of Culture and Communications, TVO's foundation is really the v iewîng audience. Onbehaif of the ministry, 1 want to take this opportunfity to congratulate everyone involved with the recent open house for its resounding success. Congratulations to the people who bring us TVOntaio. Waste Disposai Mr. Gordon Milis (Durham East): 1 have two questions I'd like to ask but l'in going ta have ta makec do with one. It's for the Minîster of the Enivironiient. In my riding of Durham East I have a community with over 1,000' senior citizens who live quite close ta the lake. These constituents of mine are very concerned about the proposal ta build a waste transfer and pracessing site in the direct area whiere they live. They're very upset and they're very worried. M Nadam Minister,, what assurance can you give the residents of Wilmot Creek of the propos.aI ta buiid this waste transfer and processing site? They need some assurance. Hon. Rutht A. Grier (Minister of the Environment and Minister Responsible for the Greater Toronto Area>: I'm wel aware of the concernis of the many residents of Wilmot Creek about the proposai ta buiid a transfeýr the area's volunteer firefighiters. Randy Reinert, of the Fire Department, explained that the program is intended to educate children on the proper procedlure for exiting a burning building. The children are taughit'to crawl low through the smoke towards the firefighter and then crawl back with him. The fire-fighiter is dressed in full turn-au',t gear to acquaint the child with the look of a firefighlter in a real-life situation. The reason behind the exercise is to allow children to learu that it is okay to go ta the firefighter. In a similar, real-life situation, àt is common for a child to hide. station for the pracessing and transfer of liquid industrial and hazardous wastes. The question that has been asked by many of them is, "Will there be a hearing before this facility is approved?" I'm glad to able to tell the member that it is the policy of the Ministry of the Envirou-ment that when liquid industrial waste is involved, a hearing wiil bc heid unless. justification is provided and argument is presented that there oughit not to be a hearing. We have currently had a request from the, Town of Newcastle for a hearing. We have asked for comments from the regional municipality of Durham and we have not yet received those. When those are received, then.the dîrector of the waste branch wili be making a decision. Mr. Milîs-: Madami Minister, I thank you for that clarification, but when 1 go to that meeting tonight and that community centre is packed wîth 1,000 people, the burning question is "Wheni can we expect this hearing?" Have you any idea? Can you help me? Hon. Mrs. Grier: l'Il be able ta ask the director to miake a decision with respect to that just as soon as We get the comments from the regional munîcipality of Durham. But it is certainly not our practice to proceed, having asked the municipaiity for comiments, without receiving thicm, and 1 hope they will be sent to us as quickly as possible so the unccrtainty can bc relieved. move to the 1The referendum discussions move to the classrooms in schools with the Northumnberland and Newcastle Board of Education. The Board has prepared a special package of resources for schools and is' encouraging teachers ta "make our students aware of the many perspectives" involved in these discussions, says Trudy Lum, the superintendent responsib]e for curriculum. Describing referendum day, October 26, as a "significant historical event in our nation's history," director of edlucation, Dick Malowney says "it is important that students wîthmn the jurisdiction of the board have every opportunity to participate in the debate. Teachers as moderators are encouraged Io create an atmosphere that allows for fair and open debates that resuit in students developing a better un.dersta-nding of thie terms, issues and implications of the -proposed chang-es to Canadian constitution. Suggested activities include monitoring and analyzing media cover>age, interviewing and surveying family and friends in the community, daily classroomn news report.s on the issue, and developing an ongoing "pro and con" chart. Students may also explore the history behind the Charlottetown TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as ta contents, for the contract isted below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowrpanville, Ontarlo, LIC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms-and in the envelope provided until the specified closîng time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. TENDER NW92-40 Oils and Lubricants CLOSING TIME& DATE 2:00 P.M. (Local Time) Thursday, October 29,1992 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Brkett Purchasing & Supply Agent Teïephone: (416) 623-3379, ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wed., October 14, 1992 P.O. 2843 classroom accord, the history of the referendum and an exploration of regional differences and their historical evolution, states Lum. The packages were to ho sent to the sehools last week for both the junior level in elementary schools through the secondary sehools. Ottawa (Continued from page 7) depend upon our children. By world standards, no one would dispute that Canadian children generally are well cared for, are healthy, and have good educational opportunities. Unfortunately, far too many Canadian childreni stili grow up in conditions that miake it harder for themn to succeed later in their lives.' No single level of goverrnment or organlization can provide the comiplete answer to this. B ut the new Child Benefit is an important step forward in helping Caniadian families to provide their children with a stronger start on the road of lufe, THE I-ETOWN 01: ONTIO 193MUNICIPAL GRANT PROGRAM Applications for the Town of Newcastles 1993 Municipal Grant program are NOW available. Copies may be picked up at the Community Services Department office located on the 3rd floor of the Municipal Administration Centre (40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville>. APPLICATION DEAPLINE:' Frlday, October 16, 1992 4:30 p.m. INCOMPLETE and LAIE applications will not be processed. if you require assistance completing the application form or require further information contact the Community Services Department - 623-3379. Date of Publication: Wednesday, October 7, 1992 Wednesday, October 14, 1992 P.O. 4732