12 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 14, 1992 -~Orienteering develops both mind and body by Carol-Anni Oster' >Orienteering is a sport that develops both mind and body. The only equipmecnt nieeded is a miap and a compass. It is important, however to corne prepared with an agile mind, an appreciation of die natural surroundings and a keen sense for challenge. The concept of orienteering was conceived in Sweden as a mîlitary training exercise. The idea is to reach a set number of controls, where you are required to punch the provided punch-card. You are given only a contour map and a compass. How you reach each control is left to your discretion. The sport, though immensely' popular in Europe for years, is relatively new to Canada. It was introduced here approximately 25 years ago. There, are about three wo five thousand fuil ,i emers of the1( Canladian Orienteering Club and severail thousand associate membeýrs. Two of the biggest attractions of orienteering is that it takecs little experience and it is inecxpensive wo participate. In addition, it provides a challenge, caters to people of al ages and encourages a love of the great outdoors. Many choose to participate in the sport on a strictly recreational basis. For the more daning, however, there are several competitions to be entered. Even at these there are a choice of courses anrid are allocated according to age, health and fitness level. The Ontario Championships, which were held this weekend at Ganaraska with the World Cup, COMING EVENTS AUBREY'S OTTAWA NOSTALGIA and collectibles show/sale. Toys, old advertising, cards, much more. Sunday October 18th, Nepean Sportsplex. 1701 Woodroffe Ave. Info: (613) 738-1942, (819> 684-8418. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES US. and Canadian Iow as $100. BMWs, Cadillacs, Chevs, Fordis, Mercedes, Porsches, trucks, vans. Amazing f ree 24-hr. recording reveals how. 1-416-631-4666. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE REFINANCING, 1sf, 2nd, pay off buils, credif cards, start business. New 10w rates and payments, No qualifying hassies. Cali Intransicon Financial. Toi-free 1-800-268-1429. INVESTMENTS MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS AVAiLAB3LE. OnIy people from smail towns understand the importance of învesting in small communities. 11-1/2%, to 13-1/4% returnis. CalI intransicon toI-ree 1-800-268-1429. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGE BROKER/AGENT (Commission) wanted in this area. Must have mortgage or sales backgrounrd. Excellent renumeration for aggressive individu]al. Cali Intransicon Financial Group tol-free 1-800-268-1429. FAT ATTACKER. Incredilbie demand for revolutionary weight losa product created several parf-time openinga. Excellent hands-on training. Earn to $200 daily. (416) 631-3630 (24 brs.> Mr. Kng. EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE in Europe and Australia. AIl arrangements mqade for you. Contact the Intemnalfional Agricultural Exchange Association, 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W.S, Calgary, AD, T2T 0E2. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - CompDlefe Pre- engineered Ai/Steel and Wood/Steel buildings, authorized Steeiway dealer, self-erected w.if h contracfing available. Cal today for lowest prices, highest quality 1- 800-561-2200. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonsef - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10,276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x126 $22,972 - other sizes available - Final summer clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-B3Y-SIDE comparison a what if takes f0 pick out the best and owest ... were ail for it Now for a imited time - Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Example 25 x 30 Value $2,749. now $2.244. 40 x 60 Value $8073. now $6,188. Many sizes and types available. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel Buildings left over from the International Plowing match. Different sizea. Frst corne, first served. Quonsets and Straightwaîl. Cal tol-free 1-800-668-8653. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm, storage, Commercial, industrial. New types, steel/Wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - WaIly (416) 626-1794 FREE brochures. Cip-save. music HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! FREE information. WVrite: Popular MUSIC, Studio (SA), 103-1054 Elis, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y iZi 1-800C-667-0,050 Extension 770. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARýKET Opreri Sat-Suri 10-5. Antiques, crafts, coletblsbkery, meaýét market, roadhouse, trie.s, cecea, atretails anid birdi park.. Vendlors welcome. (G13) '2-4. offered cigi diffcrlflt cuss The courses raniged iorn2.1 km111to 9.4 kmn. Th'le Ontarjo CImPtlllioiiships are heCLd o)ver a t,,, day period. One miust dI o 0ls it, 1 y well on both days, as the fiiiies from both' runis are addecd togectller. The best time of both days wi16S. Orienteering is a sport for everyone. It isn't lieces,ýsary to compete. You can jost enjoy the surroundings whifr leisurely making your way to the next control. Marita Skogumn, of Sweden, who competes at the World Cup level says, "I hope more people test oriente.ering. it. is a good sport." Want Ads Phone 983-5301 Orono WeeKIy limes REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timesh8re? We'Il take if! Americas largeaf resale cîearinghopase. Cal Resorf Sales Intemational. 1-800-423-5967 (24 Iiours). MUSKOKA LIVING. 6 miles soufh of Huntë§ville, 10 wooded acres, 3-bedroom home, granny apartmerif, attached 2-bay workshop. Aa!ing $169,000. Caîl 705- SATELLITES MOVIES!!! Now on Cancom Superchannelý Ask for decoder and subscription. LOW PRICE. Aso êatalOgue, club memnbership, VC2plus. Save $100s. Bopx 5145, Armdaie, NS. B3L 4M7. 902-477-5458. MEN'S HEALTH MALE POTENCY PROBLEMS? -- Free product information oni safe, drug-free, non-invasive strategy. Guaranteed succeas, Write/calI: Performancé, Medical, P.C. Box 1273, Brandon, MB., R7A 6K4, toil-frpe 1-800- 663-0121. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE fo correspond with uniLatached Christian people across Canada for companlonship or marriage? Ashgrove, PO. Box 205, Chase, È.C., VOE 1 MO. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIEý PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD, for unipaid taxe,§ Crown Land availalbility. For information un boffi, write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Sfn. F. OttaWa, K2C 3j 1. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the SouJthwestelli Schooî of Aucfioneering. Next Clasa: Nov. 21-27. lnf@rmafion, contact: SouIthwestern Ontario Schooî of Auçflpneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (1>3-15 MONEY-MAKING OPPORTUNITIES. Incoffle fax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondenee. Free Brochýiures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services Lfd. Ï345 Pembîna Highway, Wnnipeg, Man 1ifoba, R3T 2ÈP, 1800- 665-5144. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & as§iafance- programs (Federal & Provincial) for your new or existing smnall business. Information (416) 596-7521 ext: 98. VACATION/TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH FOUR-DAY WINTER GOLF §PECIAL $100! Vacation rates avai lable. Winfer reniais from $400/monfh. Oceanfront condominium resarf m-any amenities. For more information: 1 -800-448-565'@. BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITIES MAKE A FORTUNE making others happy. Th@ ultimafe fundraising tool la creating hundreds of new op~prtunities with încredibly high incomes. Distribufors needed. Profected ferritories. 1-800-263-1900. FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and -prôven dog, containment sysfem. Over 250,000 dogs standt behind Invisible Fencing. Indoor and oufdoor -systems. Guaranfeed. Ottawa and Easfe rn Ontario (â1!3) 833- 1051, elsewhere 1-800-661-6286. MINI PIGLETS. Pof-bellied pigleta make wondertul house pets;' dean, affectionafe, and hypo-allergenicl Very'easy fo care for. For info (613> 774-,5517. Kemnptville, ý1ntario. FOR RENT FLORIDA 4-STAR RESORT. FuIrnishied, 2 baths§, Iaundry, heated pool, spa, golf, slhopping. Minutes Dsney/Epcot, Sea-Wo)rld], Universal, beautitul area, dinner shows. Wecekly, Monfhly. Phone (613) 646-2030. Your ad! coifl nppear in commt nity newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or aniy individual province. Space is Limited, so Caîl This Newspaper Today! Parent week October 25 - 3lIst is National, Block Parent Week. In Ontario, we are using the "Sce The Light" slogan to shecd a littie '"light" on the fact that we need high visibility of our signs displayed in windows of homes throughout our province. On Halloween night, when you turn on your, porch light, please ensure that your Block Parent sign is displayed so that children who may run into difficulty will know that. yours, is a safe home to tumntw for help. Durîng Block Parent Week, we would like to acknowledge and thank the countless number of Block Parents who have "seen the light' in volunteening with our program to help Crime Prevention in the community. Volunteering' a little time whenever they are available to help, means a lotto a lost child or a senior in need of a place to seek assistance. To become a Block Parent or to request educational'Block Parent presentations for your child's class, please caîl your local Block Parent Program, police departmnent or elementary sehool and help shed a little light of your own. -Mark M. Stapleton fRstoratiort & Rfeproduction 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize in Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also ail types of General Carpentry. MORRIS FUNER'AL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 - 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGE D AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE MERVYN B. KE LLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW 0OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - -REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Weekend Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanvilîe ROlK A L U MER "Building and Supplies Centre" wish to announce that they are now carrying the complete Une of "Heritage Woodstoves and Inserts". e Cedar Posts e Squared Timbers *Building Supplies and Hardware *Barn Steel * Sikkens Stain -P Hemnlock for Fences and Stalis £ A Centre for Ail Your Building Needs" (705) 277-3381- or (416) 434-6665 (evenmngs) On LHw?ýy. 3 5, 2 miles north of Hwy. 11 5 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - MTS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL.