sý ý ~Oýrono wekFiy TmeWednesday, O0ctober 1 4.*ý,199-3 G round Breaking for the Ri'CMP at Bowmanville C(arkç .7-agh Scfioo(9ViIews by Carol-Ana Oster The cýonstruiction of the new RCMP building is set to begîn. The gr-ound. breaking ceremnony was held on Friday, October 9. Mayor Diane Hamre and MiP Ross Stevenson dfid the hlonours. Mayor Hamire explained that a teamn was quickiy set up to mieet with those selecting the. site--. 'The municipality", she said, "was at eall for anything that wàs Thanksgiving is over After two fuil-course turkey dinners over the week-end 1 find it is timie to get to work for another issu~e of tlie Oronio limes. 1 do feel somie guilt as to the abundance of food on the table wheni we read of the bare shelves the Food Banks and eýsp-cialiy 'üihat there is such ai need for Food Banks ýin a counltry suchi as Canada. Food banks were to be a temnporary thiing back inthe arly 80S but eoven with the good times in thec late 80S (extravagant tim-es) the neced has been onI a continuai upwn.We are not going to solve the Iproblem helire but the plate of plenty is not unifortunHatelyv equaliy shared. Leaving that suibject we cani comment on a new twist of activity over the past month with it 2 ail starting with the, organization of a Town of NewcastleCocr band which hids ouIt on a weekly basis (Thursdays)in the Orono Town Hall. It is interesting thiat teeare some remnants of the old Orono Brass band amongst theteny five who have tumning out. Bob Casey on snare drumin, JameLs Lwr with Alto Sax,, Don Hammin with cilrinet and Roy Forrester with t rumpiet. 1I must say that over the past four weeks it has beeni a mnatter of lusting( off the C)cbeb first from the instrumient, then the reading of mnusic and next enideavourinig to build up a lip. The first niighit was a disaste:r, the second and third some -jetter and f'or the fourth there was a feeling of somne comifort. needed." the RCMP, is hàppy to see "lt turned out to be an] conistrucÉion beginniflg. He hopes e-xcellen-t partnersiiip", she "1to strengçthen. the bond with the conitinued. commun-ity that [began wvith the The foundation permiit w-,as Oshawa detachmilerlt, 'and looks presented to El11i s Do-,n forwvard to becoing- an integral ConIstruction by Mayor Hlare. part of thecmunt. EisDon will be working withl "Theyý are thie hiJest profile, BomnvleDeveiopmýentIs and most sought aftC:r group Of Geeeinithe Construction of inidiv'iduhals a comfflrnity could the necw facility. gt' says MP Ross Stevenson. Inspecto r Robert Watson, of The band itself has come a long way under the direction of Dan Kapp over tdis short period of' time. No doubt may rough edges yet to smnooth out but there is a good base from which to build. This brings up the thought of a few o f the plers that one might eaul Musie JunkILies, Theýy are well qualifed and establsh a strong base for the band on which to build. One might aiso say they are up in years wt talent estaýblished. In speaking to one he plays in five different and(ýs which would include the local outfit. The others, and its not that great in numbers, certainly play in other bands so arecmstfamniliar With concert music which is soinewhat different to dance bands and brass bands; While taiking of members in the band it could be mentioned that a considerable number are you,-nger players from thSe mnuicipality with many being associated with Clarke High now and in the recent past. It mnakes for a good mix and its good to see that such a wide spec trum of the community cani join together for the good sounds. Music Junkies - 1I mighit just join themn to a degree having accepted an invitation to play trumnpet in Lindsay dance band of some 15 to 17 in' number. 1 understand ail the old big band arrangements. Could be inter- estmng. in te!osing,, an enjoyable three houtrs was spent on Sunday aftemiooni hiking , for an appetite, tl1-ýugh the Fleetwood Nature area north cf Pontypool. It is a n1ine hiund(redl acre land spread xith trait. and for this particular afternoon a> well placed lookout structure. The lookout allows for a numnber of mniles in viewing to the north and perhaps a mile south. Most interesting you face the side of a vaJlley treed wth hardwoods and conifecrs. Beautif'u colours on SIunday. Thére I sat for eýnough time to read the recent mailed-out booki on) the Chariottet own Constitu- ion)al proposai. 1 stili seems to me thaýt the October 26th vote means very littie when the proposais are not necessarily those we wiil get whiich has been admitted to byi Brian Mulroniey. The whole thing is open to fuirthier negotiations. But if y ou think of it we neyer semto get what we think we are voting for and Bob Rae is a prime From the Principal Last Thursday nighit fromn 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.î Mrs. Heeriniga, a coimuter teacher and Mr. Roche, Head of Mathematies Departmnt, explained to the Clarke Parents Association the use of computer as an instruct ,ional tool at Clarke High Sehool. Claire High Sehool now has over 100 computers which students use in their regular sehool work. Jr. Boys' Soccer The Clarke Junior Boys soccer teamn is now solidly in third place with a re.alis tic chance' of makding the playoffs. Clarke recently defeated Camýpbellford 2-0 Min a wellplaedmatch at the Oronlo examnple. Weill1I hven't forgot ail about birds for 1 did keep an eye open and binoculars handy at the look- out. It was here that we saw a couple of migrating Eagles two years ago. DENTISTRY FOR i (General Dentistry including Orthc DR. B. KOSTIUK, B.Sc., D.D.S. DENTAL OFFICE ONE 30 Cobbledick Street Orono, Ontario caît 983-5825 At YD, ail of our in-car lessons are one-on-one. You'11 feel less pressure and less stress. And you'11 be able to concentrate better on what you're ~** doing, which is especially importn when you're Iearning our exclusive emergency maneuvers. Cail today and let us teach you to drive and survive. fields. Clarke goal scoreres were Tyler Bates and Kyle Colville. Steve Sargeant played perfect in nets to preserve the shutout. - Clarke stili has three games to go and only the top four teams in the league advance to the playoffs. There is a battie shapîng up for dhe Ila two playoff positions among Cla-rke, St. Stephens, and Camp-bellfordl. Ciarke must win one of the remaining three games to advance. Good luck. On Friday, October l6th at 8:00 p.m., we welcomne parents, graduates and friends of Clarke High School to attend the 3Oth anniual Commencement. This is one of Uthe highlights of dthe sehool 'year. COMING EVENTS October 22 - Pro)gress Reports given out. October 28 - Parents'Night 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. October 29 - P.A. Day October 30 - Hallowe'en Dance. rHE FAMILY odontics and Implants)- DENTAL OFFICE TWO 5 King Street E. Newcastle, Ontario cai 987-5256 ý ý,--New Patients Welconse * Saturday Appointinent Available Next courses start Tuesday, October 2Oth (4 wks.) Saturday, November 7th (4 wks.) 98 King St. W., Bowmanville Phone: 623-7017 YOUNG DRIWRSf 0F CANADA OBecause your life is worth it. i Froni A round HOME @MW . . . . . ......