October 14, 1992 Ange/s T-Ballers end seasoni On Sunday, September 2th, the Orono Angels T-BaIl tearn ended the season with trophy presentations and a pizza party at Lindsay Pizza Hut. The players and their famîlies indulged themselves with a wide assortmnent of pizzas and pop. For dessert, a special cake decorated with the Angel's loge was served up. Special thanks goes eut te all the players and their famnilies for actively participating in a seasen filled with fun and learning. Throughout the summer player friendships developed and many merneries were madle. The Orono Angels truly were a TE-AM! Pictured with smiles and trophies are: Front row (1-r) Deug Garlick, David Richards, Brandon Allîn, Cheryl Mecod. Back row (1-r) Brent Vanstene, Shannon DeJong, Adrien Hunt, Amanda Quinney, Sarah Taylor, Camneron Wadsworth, Justin Caruana, Christopher Buttonshaw. Absent was teamn player Matthew Baxter. We all missed you but net your chicken pex. Stancling proudly behind the "Aiigels" is icoach Ken Richards. Gord's View . aMaM Gord Milis on the Constitution 'm geîng te keep Mny theughits on the Charlottetown Accord simple and understandable for everyene. Most of us, myself included, haven't much desire te delve inte the se called "legal document" pertaining te the agreement. I'm going te leave that up te constitutional lawyers, acadernies and assorted groupies te wrestle with. 1 see the rnaking, or the renewing, of a constitution like Canada's as being about creating a commion structure in whieh people and provinces withi different interests and ideas can livetgthr 1 sCCthe referenidum on October- 26th as a turning itnin our history. 1 an the lirst te agr"'c that the Constitution package is net perfeCct. Whenl Henry Ford produced the fîrst car that wa sn't perfrct Cîther. WC still haveni't get Urounid te producing dthe perfCct car. Shouild we be xalking cvcywer bcauIse of that'? As ail 11nmi1grantl, 1IrnUst say thaIt 1 Iarmucd In ('anda ,vith a great dual (f apprelcnmîsmonl. Ino longer have that feeling; it bas been relacedl with a passion f'or Cul) ada. My passion for this Ianid is just like yours, it stems from a love of this country and its people, its history, and relationships. The Charlottetewn Accord specaks te the need for us te corne together. 1 arn confident that the country will be even better because of it. 1 urge yeu te consider the options on October 26tb. Please don't miss this extraordinary eppertunity te reconfirrni our desire te live together rKendal Nvews On Saturday, October 2nd, 9 membl-,ers cf the Kcendal Meni's and Ladies' Lodges travelled te Richmond where they attended a Testimonial Dinner for R.W. Bro. Mac Storey, Grand Master cf' the Grand Provincial Orange Lodge cf Ontario E. On Wedlnesdaty, October 7th, Kenda(kl L.O.L. 405 put on thc Blue Degrec and on Thursday, Octeber 8th they went te Norwoed te put ont th~e Blue Degree. The Junior Lodgc met on Thursday, October Book Revioew front Crystal Pages BA,ýCK TQi' EDEN by Jethro Kloss - HeFbali'st (A humnan interest steîy of hecalth and restoration w tabe found in Iherb, root and tbark,.Thi hlxock bhas sold over 5 millioni copies. For Whjoj Heailh the author advises thle fl ig eat food as far as possibleý in ils natural state; avail yours(If of pure air and sunshine; absl!àin from alcohiol and drink plenty of pure water; cleaniliness of the body and your prernises; dcd flot combine fruit with, any otiler food as doing se causes fermeiltationi and destroys the fruit's lile-givýinig properties; thle benefits cf fasting; massage is one of thje lTost valuable for remiedial rn.,asures, inc reasing circula1tion olA tie vital organs. There is a wealth' of information oni herbs, the ir definitions alld Luse in disease and definitiens (?f the properties of herbs. Inclades chapters on fasting. Furtiier on the fruit issue, the author -sLtc~s that fruit which is not ripe is in the starchy state and has but littie food value. It is aise difficuit te djlgest. Benedict Ipust Publications - NEW - 1S1131R NM Discovery of Siberia by FirleY Mowat - Sibir - the Sleeping Land - no longer sleeps. The thrust of the book details the kpssian penchant for statistîcs, the short years of, developmeilt for most of the northerni cliffjes, and the sheer victory of the north over rnany who came te settie and to cîvilize. Mowat's concept is that paradise ont earth will net be reached, bY the general indu strializgtien and- mechanizatiot' of our world. -Publishecl in 1970, SIBIR is a beautîfully written anecdotal salute te the Small Peoples, the nature peopidi who, hie says, may, become "the seing-eyes te lead te the rest of ils into a better day." MCClellànd and- Stewart Lirnited - ReéýYcled - I st and the Ladies Lodge met on Thursday, October 8th. On Friday, October 9th, the first card partY of the season was hield, withi 8 Libles. Hiigh score was taken by Thuesa Langstaff with a score-eof 93. Second high, Dean polIley with gS, Dave Spencer and Reg Elliott tled for 3rd with,85. The draw wtts won by Francis Cathcart and Lthe draw for free admission at the lex card party was won by rwart Robinson. ext card party Fiiday, October 23rd. Corne on out and hiave an, enjoyable trn of cardsand lunch. The men of Kendal L.O.L. 405 are planning te h ave a Turkey Supper in NOvember, once again this will be hield in the Sunday School of KçAdal United Churehi. There will be more information about this event in following GO extendin2 t west Oshàwa Work in underway with the cxtcnsion of GO Transit service east of Wh itby into the western end of Oshawa with full service by the faîl of 1994. Extending the line te the east end of Oshawa wilI net happen until mhe year 2000 .' Tom Henry, GO Transit spokesman, States the delay in pushing the service farther east past Harmony Road is due te an environmcntal assessment cf the project. One definite stojý for GO wilI bc at the Oshawa Centre. Construction te the eas expected te take five years on Ip cf the appreval frorn the Ministry cf the Environrnent which is not expected until mid 1994. PELLET STOVES CORIN & PELLET FURNACE AND MOT WATER BOILER . 3 FULL LINE 0F SOLAR PRODUCTS WIND & MOINI HYDRO SYSTEMS COMPOSTING TOILETS 623-2313 116 KING STF. W., BOWMANVILLE "VANSTONE MILL" AlIternative Energy & Environmental Products CRYSTAL PAGES presents Holistiec Healing Introductory Talks OCTOBER l3th - 119UEST FOR SELF"ý and TAI CRI OCTOBER 20TH - REIKI and REFL EXOLOGY Orono Town Hall 7:30 p.m. Refreshments Admission $8.00 983-9605 or 983-6150 Rioast Beet Dinner, ORONO UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, October 21 st 2 Sittings - 5:00 p.m, & 6:30 p.m. ADMISSION ADULTS $900 CHILDREN 6-12 YRS. $4.00 PRESCHOOLERS FREE For tickets phone 983-5972, 983-5754 or any Board of Stewards Member. Siît 'nSîp 1lst BtrthdayBash~ Corne celebrate> our lst Birthday beginning the week of Ocetober l9th. Lots of specials everyday. Thank you for ail your support from the staff at.. SiU 'n S ip Coffee & Donuts Newcastle < m