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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Oct 1992, p. 11

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0rn Weekly TimsW redyOtbr1,92 Orono Scouts Apple Day in Orono Last Saturday the Orono Apple sale. the community to make their sale Scouts and Cubs were out in This group was caught jus with baskets of rosy red crisp force for the annual Scout Day before they dispersed throughout Mac for sale. Push on for more women principals The province of Ontario's push te, have more women in higher positions in the educational system appears te be working. Since 1984 the number of principals in the el ementary schools lias încr eased ftom anine percent te 20 percent ini the local public sehool system. Ia the samec period of time vice-principals for women increased fromi 21 percent te 73 percent. More womnen are now applying for positions requiring higher qualifications. WilJ help attract new business .Gary Polonsky, president of Durham College lias stated that the opening of the new Skills Training Centre in Whitby te be located in the old Cadbury plant will bring aew businesses te the Town of Wvhitby. The expenditure of $20 million at the centre will provide upgrading in fields such as auto mechanies,' engineering, welding and pipe fîtting. Classes are' expected te begin in the faîl of 1993 and work on the project is te stat in November. Port Perry looking for jobs The Town of Port Perry wîth a population of 4500 has lost 300 jobs through the closing of some businesses in the centre over the pas t year. With the loss of Johnson Controls 200 jobs were lost, 20 jobs lost wîth the closmng of a car dealership, 70 jobs with closing of Gerry's Distributing and others. It is stated that a couple of two new industries are getting ready te locate in Port Perry that wil help te overcome the los&. ClarkQe J4g/iSchoo( News "T/W Future Sarts Here" From the Principal SOn Friday, Octeber 16 Clarke High Schoel held its annual Commencement. The great majority of the ninety graduating students returned te receive their diplomas. Eight-nine awards, bursaries and scholarships were given eut for a total value of over $19,000.60. This amnount- shows the excellent results of the liard working studeats and the support of the Clarke community for their studenls. Carl Brown received the Governor General's Acadeie Award for the highest marks for a graduating student. The Clarke High Sehool concert band entertainied the audience with "Slavonic Dances" Op. 46 by A. Dvosak. Dan Smith, the valedîcterian spoke of his gond impressions at Clarkce High Sehool. Dan reflected on the "Carke Spirit" and what it meant te him. He spoke of how the students were prepared with knowledge, skills and above all the "Clarke -Spirit" te succeed in the next stage of their life. Music Notes YES, it could be you! You could be in the hands of Mike Mandel on November 20 as lie moulds you into another one of his psychotic crecations, if that sounids tee dangereus for yeu, you can even come te watch im mould your friends into psychotic creatiens. For more details, contact Clarke Higli School's Band Parents Association throughi the school as tickets wilIl be going fast. The Clarke Music Departmnent thanks everyone who bought a ticket te the Great Clarke Cow Plop on Friday, October 9 and a special thanks to the Allias for giving us the use of three of their cows. Even th-ouigh it wasn't the cows thcmselcves we needed lor our "cow plop" bingo, we didn't' expeet them te take of I <on us. Thats riglit, hallway throughl the solema "cow plop" ceremonies two cows got loose and took a tour of The pilles Senior lPublic school playgrournd. Tl'le cowsý wcre safcly broughit ba:k Ltelus. Once; againi thank you for supporting- Clarke High School's extracurri cular music program. Clarke High School's United Way Campaign Goes Over The Top! The staff and students at Clarke High School are very pleased at having surpassed their goal for raising money for United Way. Their projected goal was set at $ 1,000.00 which was double the amount tlxey raised last year.- Through varlous events they raised $1,069.00. The money was raised through a "Pot of Gold for Other", Loonie Drive, A Student Sock Hop, a very popular staff "Dress D ow,,n Day", and Staff Contributions. Gait MacKenzie, Campaign Chairperson, would like to lliank ail those whoparticipated and contributed to a very needy and worthwhile cause. Perhaps we can double our goal again next year! (Continued page 12) Hamilton appro ves market-value assessmdent Memnbers of Hamilton Township council expect a deluge of complaints following the passing of a by-law calling for market value assessmient. Within the next months To-wnship taxpayers will receive their propo[xsed new market value assessmnent. The information will also show taxes that would hiave been paid this yeýar'had market value assessment been in place. To check Ajax firmi The RCMP lias been asked to investigate whether conflict of intcrest guidelines were broken in the manner in which an Ajax firmn rcceived thousands of dollars in governfllenlt contracts. Stakecholders in Diamnond Triangle me. are also directors of the Durhami Region Action commiittee [or Training, a group that hands out both federal and provincial job training mlonlies. lnuftic pasi six imonths the Ajax firm blas reccived $300,000 nii contract. Waterf ront Regeneration Trust Fiducie de régénération du secteur riverain TAKE NOTICE that the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, a schedule Il Provincial Crown Corporation, has a mandate to: *facilitate the establishment of a waterfront trail lrom Burlington Bay to the Trent Riv er; *coordinate programs and policies of the Government of Ontario and its agencies relating to waterfront lands; *advise the Minster on any matters relating to the use, disposition, conservation,, protection and regeneration of waterfront lands; *serve as a resource centre and information clearinghouse for policies of the Government of Ontario relating to waterfront lands; and *consuit with the public to determine the public interest-in the environmfental integrity of the waterfront lands. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Honourable David Crombie, Commissioner, Waterfront Regeneration Trust, announces public hearings on the Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy, to be held in these municipalities on thefollowirig dates: *Metropolitan Toronto, November 10, 12, and 13, 1992 *Region of Haton, November 16 and 17,' 1992 *Region of Durham, November 18 and 19, 1992 *County of Northumberland, November 25 and 26, 1992 For information regarding specific times and locations, please caîl the Trust at (416) 314-9490. Copies of the Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy Public Hearings Backgrounder are available from the Waterfront Regeneration Trusts offices ai 207 Queer's Quay West, Suite 580, Toronto, or by calling the Trust. Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy These hearings are întended bo provîde opportunities for community groups, mernbers of the public, private interests, andagencios to comment on proposaIs for the Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy. The Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy will be based on the ecosystom approach and the nine principles that the waterfront should'be diean, green, useable, diverse, open, accessible, connected, affordable, and attractive. This Greenway will extend aleng the Lake Ontario Waterfront f rom Burlington Bay te the Trent River. The strategy will be a cooporative effort involving aIl levels of governiment, special purpose bodies, the private sector, nen-government greups, universities and colleges, and the general public. The objectives of the strategy are to: *provide mneasures to achieve a healthy, productive, and resilient shoreline that will provide an attractive setting for human settlemont and enhance quality of life in the Greater Toronto Bioregion; *restore and protect natural habitats; *plan and implement the waterf ront trail; *enlhance cultural, rocreatien, and open space opportunities; *contribute te the developmnent of pelicies, conditions, and standards for shoreline management (includi;ng lakefilling and erosion protection); *remediate contaminated lands; *identify and take advantago of petential econemic benefits of the Greenway; *coordiniate existing and further plans and studios for the waterfront; and *coordinato capital planning and investment decisions associated wih tho strategy. TAKE NOTICE THAT any person whe wishes te make a submission on the strategy must se advise the Trust one week prier te the hearing date. TAKE NOTICE THAT should service s be required in French, please netify the Waterfront Regenerationi Trust one week in advance of the hearing date. Dated at Teronto, Friday, the 1 6th day of Octobor 1992., Suzanne Barrett, Director of Environmental Studios WaterfrontRegenieration Trust 207 Queen's Quay West, Suite 580 Toronto, Ontario M5J 1 A7 Telophone: (416) 314-9490 Facsimile: (416) 314-9497 -------------

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