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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Oct 1992, p. 12

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ýI- (OrnôWýeeldy Tilmes, Wýednesýay, Oc téber 1,92U Apple Fest in Bowmanville by Carol-Ann Crisp autun days in southern Ontario signais the time for the abundant harvest of apples. And the Bowmanville Apple Festival gives a chance to samnple somne of the best from theicyear's craps. Temperance Street was closed off on Saturday ta allow for the annual Apple Festival. Tenls were crowded with vendors selling handmade crafts and decorations, not ta mention several spectal apple treals. Report from Ottawa YoungLsters could be seen wandering around with the sticky remnains of candy apples an their faces; while their parents sipped hot apple cider, pressed fresh by the Tyrone Mili. The Cub Scouts Apple Day, coincided with the Apple Festival. The Cubs asked for a small donation nin exehange for an apple. Thec mnies raised will be used ta purchase new badges and other items for the Cubs.. Clarke High News (Continued from page 11 Father and Daughter S.S.W.A.P. Team Robert Jackson of Robert Jackson Heating, .Electrical & Air Conditioning in Orona has a special relatianship with his daughter Lisa. Lisa is working Lisa is Northiumiberlanid and Newcastle Board Of EduLcation's first femnale S.S.W.A.P. student. Gail'MacKenzie, Co-opýerativc, Education-Dep)armtii Htlcad at Clarke High Sehioal, waould like ta sec more females cansider somne of' the non-traditionail careers that are availablc Ioa thern. There-c arc a lot ofi gaod pay ing, * viablecareers for ternales iii thec skilled rades area. UnIoirtuately, amjarity of female igh ischoal studnciLs sili have vcry traditianal i(Ieas about what they cali and cannat (Io) or what thecy want to do as a career chaice. alowg w ith M r. Jia ck son's companly offers Lisa anl excellenit opportunity ta prove bath ta witb him as an electrician apprentice through the, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of' Educations Secondary Sehool Workpilacc Apprenticeship Prograffi (S.S.W.A.P.). herself' and ta her flather that she is, capable 0ai meciniu [tie ,chaýllenlges inIl h le ctrîicai rae H[iflier gave lier- tle chialleinge Mien lic told Lisa, "Yau won't last îwa weeks". Lisa lias beeii warkiig withi lier dad for tlleps twa smummrs and signed tbc S.S.W.A.P. contract last juiic. Silicwill Continue earning credits towardsý her diploma as wcll as liaurs taward lier appreciiticcslipi tiraugli until next June wý Lîeî s gra(luates ram lake Wlîen asked what barricr-s slue bas ta overcamlc as a lemnale nii this trade, Lisa says tlîat b ler suec and physical streii.gth ican sonetimes bc a disadvanîage. Hoeeste is called upofl t( squeeze ita thie smailler areas ta Ross Stevenson, MP for Durhamn A "yes" vote nlext week is the best possible way we can ensure a better and more prosperous economnic future for Canada. One only has ta look at the rest of the world ta understand why. Overseas the European Community is having serious difficulty with the Maastricht treaty and ils aimi for tighter political and economnie ties. As work when hier father can't fit. Lisa says that customners somctimes treat hier as if- she doesn't know enough to be able ta hielp thein sa they dont approacli her. She also gets teased a great deal. But she says shicecan dish it out as fast as the next "guy"! Way ta gyo Lisa. We wish her luck in hier non-traditional pursuit. She is getting a precedent for othiers to follow in her footsteps. COMING EVENTS October 28th - Parents Nlgh,ît jOctober 29th - P.A. Day October 30 - Halloween Dance TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as ta contents, for the foilowing requirements isted below, submritted ta the Corporation of the Town af Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents- may be obtained f romn the Purchasing Office al the above address. TENDER NW92-39 Snow Clearing and Winter Maintenance af Sidewalks and Parking Lots CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 P.M. (local lime) Wed., November 4, 1992 A pre-tender meetinci willbQ held Thursday. ODctober 2L 192,at 11:00 a.m. at 40 Temiperance Street, Bowmianviiie, Ontario. All contractors wishing ta bid on NW92-39 mustj be in attendance at this meeting. The lowest or aly tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesdlay, October 21, 1992 P 0. 2863 resuit, the value of Eurapean currencies fias been fluctuating wildly, and investars are scared. ln Eastern Europe and the former Iran Curtain countries we again see tremendous uncertainty and in some cases armned conflict. Yugoslavia, forcibly hield together since the end of World War Il, now is beîng destroyed by boiling intolerance and outright bigoti-y. A once prosperous and potentially progressive country is torn apart by ils own people. Southern Africa, with so much enormous potential, is making little headway towards resolving its serious internai difficulties. (Continued page 13) The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries -Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred& Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 Mark M. Stapleton f&.estorati'ort c 8.j çperoducti4on 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize ini Historical, Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes., Also ail types of General Carpentry. MO RRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Establisbed in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE MERV YN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE >PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m.- 5p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Weekend Appointmnents Availabie Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmianville IRO(D'K A L UMBuE R "Building and Supplies Centre" wish toannounce that they are now carrying the complete Une of "Heritage Woodstoves and Inserts". NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR FIREWOOD 4' x 8' x 12 "- $60.00 4' x 8' x 16 "- $65.00 Note: Compressed Bagged Shavings $3.45 per bag *Cedar Posts * Squared Timbers *Building Supplies and Hardware 4 e Bam Steel e Sikkens Stain "A Centre for AIl Your, Building Needs" (705) 277-3'381 or (416) 434-6665 On Hwy. 3ý5, 2 miles north of Hwy. 115)

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