Y jO-Orono WeekIy Times,, ensaNvme ,19 It's scary t ]Bit Diucula was oever a man of Orono over Hallowe'en but a beauty andilias played the part of much gentier Dracula in the the, vilain for yas person of Kienan Williamns. He appeared on the sttets of Kendal News (Continued frorn page 7) Testament, Chronicles and from the New, John 4: 5-24. The sermon was titied, What is Worship? Have you ever seen a young boy who has just, shook the hand of Wayne Gretsky? Rev. Black spoke of his father taking him to Maple Leaf Gardens, of how he entered so quietly, he was in awe of bein in the place of his heroes, he said he probably entered. there a lot quieter than he entered the Church. Everywhere there were pictures of the great players. He said that along with his classmates he went ta see, Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip but was more excited about seeing hockey greats. He once took his own son ta the Gardens and saw the same look on his sons face. We aIl need heroes ta look up ta, someone ta pay homage ta because they had accomplishied what we would have liked ta have donc. Many of us worship God, why? Because we recognize God crcated and is sustaining this world and A living creatures on it. Wc have an unshakable belief that God cares and responds ta aur nceds. Worship cornes ta us in many ways, the giving of thanks ta God when we corne upon a beautiful sight, thc praying of a rnan as he paces the hospital halls waiting an word of Uie condition of bis littlc daughter who is fighting for life. Warship is thc acknowledging of the worth of the persan who bas accomplished samcthing. We corne ta church ta worship and recagnize the accamplishments of God. We al worsbip in many ways, on anc hand we actold to bcquiet and on the ather hand we are told ta rejoice and bc happy. Have you ever abservcd bow sorne people in times of triumph becorne very quiet and others jump up and down, sbauting and thurnping tbase around them. Neither way is wrang, each represents thc bonest respanse ta what wc worship. Warship shauld be sincere nat casual. No matter how we rcspond, it is ail a way of responding ta those w-ha have donc sometbing. People in church are the saine, they show appreciation for those who do things. t is hiard ta worship a God who doesn't seem to be doing anything but once God touches your own life, you will want to let everyone know, to share his presence with others. We gather to Worship God, who is present and sustains us. The Prayer of Thankfulness, the Offering and the Prayer of Commitment were followed by the ciosing hymn, "Ail the Way My Saviour 1Leads Me." Don't forget these dates... Kendal U.C.W. Bazaar and Bake Sale, Saturday, November 7th, 2 - 4 p.m. Lots of goodies and handmade articles. Sunday, November 8th - Remembrance Day Services will be held at ail three churches, and on Wednesday, November 11 th the service at Newtonville Memorial. Answer to the Trivia question in my last column, who built the Kendal United Church? This church was buit in 1870, by Mr. John Cooper. Mr. Cooper was a Presbyterian, originally this church was a Methodist Church. Question . .. Where did the original Presbyterian Church stand and who built it? Answer next week. Port Hope United Way mixup Port Hope residents received an out-of-town United Campaign literature due to a mix-up that no one seems to know just how it happeried. Unaddressed letters from the Northumnberland United Way and the United Way 0f -Toronto were inadvertently mixed in with one shipment to th e Port Hope office.. Port Hopes United Way spokesperson saîd it was just another glitch for the struggling local campaign. Pygmy goats must go A Camborne laînily that bas seven pygmy goats as pets have been ordered to have five removed frorn the property. The action taken by counicil resulted from complaints from a neighbour. The residents state that counicils regulations do not limit the number of pets that can be kept on any one property. The last couple of weeks have just left everyone reeling. None is reacingiç for conversational topîcs. And 1 have just a smnorgasbord of tingis that I can write about. To start, and I cani pretty much promise this is the last time you'Il hear this for at least five months, Hom, 'bout those Jays? Everyone is still buzzing about the crushing, defeat of the Atlanta Braves at the hands of the Toronto Blue Jays. At the mecre mention of the World Series you are apt to find dozens of revellers at your side, stili willing to celebrate the victory. 1 was lucky enough to fînd myseif inside of the SkyDome on Monday afternoon as the teamn made their way inside for a victory celebration. The cheering and screaming was incredible. In fact it started about an hour before the parade did. Thanïks to the Jumnbo-Tron inside the Domec, fans were able to relieve ail the highlighits of the World Series. And despite the fact that everyone had no doubt seen ail of these replays dozens of times, everyone stili cheered and waved their flags. The players were great too. Though it was difficuit to hear what they were saying because of the roar of the fans, thecir message was clear. They ail thanked the fans for being the greatest in the world. (But what would you expect.) Probably the only person who didn't have a good time was Bob Rac who got booed and chopped. And Bob Rae's day only got worse. The sarne night, the Charlottetown Accord dicd. The focus of Canadian politicians is now the econorny, which it should have been a while ago. 1 don't necessarily think that it is a bad thing that the accord died. But it is a bad thing that ail of a sudden everyone is taking the death of the Accord as a personal affront. Ovide Mercredi, for one, is virtually saying that by not accepting the agreement wc are not accepting the aboriginal right to self governiment. Not necessarily. Maybe some people feel that way. Maybe some people think that the distinct society clause is the problem. Maybe somne thought the whole thing was wrong for our country. And maybe others just thought the present constitution is fine, as is. 1 don't think that ail of Canada (Confiied pagel 1) PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW The Officiai Plan is the principle document that guides the growthn of the municipality. It must also respond ta the changing needs and values of our society. The Officiai Plan Review provides the apportunity ta re- examine the goals and the basic strategy of the Plan for the Town. It also presents the public with the opportunity to express their views on how they wish their community to develop. The Planning and Developmenf Department is holding four Public Information Sessions regarding the Town of Newcastle Off iciai Plan Review as follows:i1 " Mondlay, November 16, 1992 " Tuesday, November 17, 1992 " Wednesday, November 18, 1992 " Thursday, November 19, 1992 Newcastle Village Community Hall 20 King Street Newcastle Village, Ontario 3:00 to 8:30 p.m. Orono Town-li Main Street Orono, Ontario 3:00 to 8:30 p.m. Bowmanville Recreatlon Complex Highway No. 2 and Reglonal Road 57 Bowmanvillie, Ontario 3:00 to 8:30 p.m. Dr. Emily Stowe Publie School 71 Sandrlngham Drive Courtice, Ontario 3:00 to 8:30,p.m. These Information Sessions are the first of a series that wiIi be held thraughout the Off iciaI Plan Review process. The purpose of these Information Sess 'ions are ta review, with residents, the Background Research Papers undertaken to date. Town ai Newcastle Planning Staff wiII be in attendance at the Information Sessions ta answer any questions.- Further information may also be obtained by calling Ms. Teresa Honben or Ms. Cynthia Strike af the Planning and Development Department at 623-3379. Dates ai Publication: Wednesday, November 4 & 11, 1992 Franklin Wu, M.C.î.P. Director ai Planning and Development Town ai Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bawmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. 3218