Orono WeeklIV Times, Wednesday, Novem ber 4, 1992l 1! Council approve final Town housing statement The General Purpase coin- rittce on Manday gave approval ta a reviscd Newcastle Municipal Housing Statemient as had been rcqucstcd by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Frank Wu, director af planning, stated that flic Ministry was requesting a clear policy fromt the municipality and s0 badl rcquested a numnber of revisians. It was alsa noted by Counec. Dresiinski that provincial funding would flot be fortbcom-ing until such timie as the cbanges were made. Frank Wu said the changes were minor. Coune. OToole- said the therne thiroughiout tie document was ane, of more intensification and that lie would mnuch ratier minimums rather than maximums be set. During the discussion Mayor Hamre stated, "we can't have it bath ways". She said we can't save agricuitural land without having some intensification witbin the urban areas. The province is calling for 25 percent of ail dwellings be affordable dweliings, another item that did flot meet with Coune. O'Toole's feelings. Community Care officiai opening of new offices by Carol-Ann Oster The Town of Newcastle (Clarington) Comrnunity Care is proud to announce that tbicirnc location bas been officially opened. They are now locatcd at the corner of King and Scugog in Bowmanviile. The official opening was held an Wednesday, Octaber 28. Tbe opening of the new location coincided with the l5th birthday of the faciiity. A cake cutting ceremnony was beld ta commemorate Uic event. The cake was cut by Betty McGregor, Chairman of the local Conmunity Care Committee, and Joan Higginson, who was the first Cbairrnan of the local Community Care Committee, in 1977. Comnmunity Care offers a number of services ta residentLs of the Town of Newcastle. Tbcy provide borne support services ta adults with dependcncics related ta physical disability or aging and mental bcalth support services to adults and their famnilies. A partial list af services includes: COPE, govcriinncnt formns assistance, Meais an Wheels, and Foot Care Clinies. As well, Commiunity Care offers home hclp / maintenance, minor borne repaîrs and yard wvork, and transportation ta dactors or shopping. Evcryone at Carnmnunity Care is very pleased witb tbe succcss that they bave acbicved ta date and are excited about tbeir new location. Fact Finder appointed in teacher/board deadlock The Education Relations Commission bas appointed Dr. Gene Deszca ta act as a Fact Finder in the negotiations between the Elementary teachers and well as the Secondary teachers and the trustees of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. The Fact Finder will meet Garolls Bit (Continued frim page 10) is pitted against the aboriginal peoples, or tbe french speaking peoples, or any other group of Canadians. 1 think tbat most Cianadians just want what they feel is best for the country. And obviously, the Cbarlottetown Accord missed the mark. The Durbam Regional Police bave joined together witbi the Metro Toronto Police ta protest the new gun laws put forth by the NDP. Support for the Metro Police bias reached as far as Ohio. But the ND? doesn't scem ta bc listening. Thle two sides lhave yet ta mieet ta dliscuss the problemn, 50 needlcss ta say they arc getting nowhiere. And finally, "Wlcomie ta Clarington!" Yes, thats it folks. Ypu didn't even rieed ta pack a bag ta find your*sclf il, a new townl. Beam mne to Clarington. witb each aof the parties and write a report setting out whîch matters bave been agreed upon and wbich matters remain i dispute in both negatiations. The report may also contain recommendations for settlemncnt in bath disputes. Dr. Dcszca is with the Business Sehool in Wilfrcd Laurier University in Waterloo. H1e is a graduate of Uic University of Western Ontario (M.B.A.) and York University (Ph.D.). H1efbas cxpericncc in labour relations in the municipal as wcll as in the educatian sectors. This appaintmcent bas been made under Section 14 of' the Sehoal Boards and Tleaulcrs Collection Negotiations Act. Earlicr this year tlic Scbool Board biad corne (0tatetative agreements \with botb Uic negatiating tcarns of' bath t11c elernentary teacliers and [lie seconidary teachers. BuIt bath ice clceneitary teacliers and thie sccandary teachiers votcd dwn the agrceements whlicil now would appear ta be at a standstili necessitating the appointrnent of the Fact Finder. Remembrance Day, November 1 lth Each year we read littie notes in flhc papers written by students who teil what if imeans to them. Weil 1 arn not a student. 1 like mnany lived through thei 2nd "Great War" and lived with others who foughît in fihe lst Great War". The war faught ta end ail wars. 1 was broughit up by a young mani who foughît in this war. This mani camne back minus an armn and scars to show how close hie came to death. 1 have miemaries of attending War Amp conventions and picnics, where evcry man] now in thecir 20's or early 30's had arrns or legs rniissing. These men did flot wish to talk about what had happenied and if asked, shrugged if off with the answer, I was iftic wrong place at the wrong timec. Then in my teens, along came the 2nd World War, again ail the young men joined up and went off to fight for their country and for peace. At first this was a great tinie for ail the young womcen, young-Iý men came from ail parts of this country and rnany other countries, to train to fight and to fly flic planes. Then one day you were rudely broughit to reality, the boy you went ail through school with had his picture in tie paper undcrneath it read, "Killed in Action". The neigbbour down the street, received a telegramr telling of the deatb of one of bier sons andi you wondered if the other two sons would ever comne home. A girlfriend who mnarried ber childhood sweethecart shortly before hie went overseas, gave birtb to a baby boy and before die baby was 2 mnonths aid she leamned that this little boy would neyer get flhe chance ta see his GM wins equity award Genieral Motors of Canada bas recceived a national award f'or its country-wide ernploymecnt equity plan. GMN was one of eighit comnpanies across Canada to be recognjized bhy [thefederal go\vcromencit. GM had deveýloped educationial programns for its wýorkcrs, set guidelinles for humnan rights concerns, developed a sexual harassment apclicy aFongo with schenes for job sha.ring ,anid mnore flexible working -hours, Epp being :a NO show Federal Energy Minister Jack ETpp hias turned down ani invitation to e et with Port Hopeý and Hlope Township couincils ta talik about radlio-active waste. Port 1HopeCcounicil had wanted ta talk ta Epp about tbec possibility of keeping the waste in Port Hope instead of sending it to Nortbern Ontario. The town woldL expeet ta receive compensation [rom thfliederal governimient is such an offer. Epp bias referred the two councils ta die federal task force whieh, was set-up ta oversee tbe work of remnoval and finding a home f'or the waste. father. The news that a boy you had dated, went down with ah bhis crew and was listed as "Missing, believed killed in action", tbe anxiety that bis parents and. al wbo knew him, went through, until ncws was received that be was a prisoner in Germany. The yaung man who deligbted in puiling pranks on his friends, he tried 3 tirnes ta get in the arrny and was always sent home because he was toa yaung, finally' made il an bis' 4th try. He bad bis l8th birthday an board ship, hcading ta Italy. 11e came back with a silver plate in bis bead and became a quick tcmpered, morose mnan wbooanly lived ta bc 42. These are same of the memaries that came back every Rernembrance Day, I am sure that most people have similar mnemaries. My hope is that my children and their children do flot have ta live with memories like these. 1 believe tbat tbe children of today and tornorrow sbould be taught whatwent on in the past and learn ta pay respect ta these young men wbo-neyer got the chance ta grow up and become fathers and active members of communities, and to those who did corne back changed forever. As these men got aider, some were able ta break their silence and sp eak of what they went through. War is flot a giorious battle ta be fougbt, it is a lifetime of memaries, for those who survived. Lest We Forget. Phyllis Lowery Michael and Sheila Spooner RSE, ARBOR -ANTIQUE EARLY CANADIAN PINE -* 0W LAMPS -QUILTS HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - 9:30 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. ALSO0 BY APPOINTMIENT OR BY CHANCE (416) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 km. east of Hwy. 115/35 R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. LA 1EO on Clarke 6th Conc.j PELLET STOVES CORN & PELLET FURNACE AND MOT WATER BOILER ~FULL LINE 0F SOLAR PRODUCTS WIND & MIINI HYDRO SVSTEMS COMPOSTING TOILETS 623-2313 116 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE "VANSTONE MILL" Alternative'Energy & Environmental Products BOOK SOME TIME WITH YOUR KIDS ... literacy begins at home* only 15 minutes a day couki changre the life of your family Ji reesew ay Jim Uelese H w y * See hiis dynamie film - READING ALOUD SYou too cari taise a reader! S. T. WORDEN PUBLIC SCHOOL November 24, 1992 7:30 -- 9:30 p.m. BOWMANVILLE HIGII SCHOOL November 25, 1992 7:30 - 9:30 p.nl. Please register in Advance at the Information Desk at the Bowinanville Branch of the Newcastle Public Library or caîl 623-7322 ADMISSION IS FREE Presented by: Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and Newcastle Public Library *used by pemission of theAmerican IÀbrary Association and the Outdoor Advertising Association ga-