Crono eelclTlme Wednedy Eoebr4,9- Dear Mr. Forresier 1 ain a subscribecr tbfihe Orono Times. You rnay recali hiaving met me îhrough mly Irotier-mn- law Ken Hienderson. On several occasionsç I have had reason to study Prof. Johni Squairs' book "Darlington and Clarkc Townslipl" published in S1927 by University of Toronto Prcss. It is now out of prini. 1 would like to obtain a copy o f this book of my old township and couniy having atiendcd S-5 No. 11) Clarke, Eiiterprise School ycars ago anid sîil have famiily links inii thearea. Pcrll.lps you imighi know wliere an old copy could be obtaincd. Thank you, in Advance, in your lp. Sincecly Me! Ransberry Lette r to the Editor: Dear Sir; There are a lot of environmentally concemred people in our Town of Newcastle who may not be able to get to the Town Hall during the business day. Therefore, they miay flot be aware of how "green" our Town Hall is becoming. Over the sumimer .1 began noticing signs that reminded people to îurn off the lights and paper towels containing recycled paper. When 1 made eniquires, I found oui that the staff have formed a Green Commiitee and that mnany valuable things are being done to reduce the waste produced at Town Hall and to make it a more environmentally responsible workplace. There are also proposais to further improve the situation such as reviewing applications of herbicides and pesticides, naturalizing parks, and reviewing the application of road sali and snow disposai. 1 arn sure many of the Town's citizens would eagerly welcome such practices. Membiters of the publie are also encouragéd îo bring their fine paper to be recycled to the blue box in the Town Hall lobby. This is a 3 month trial project which began ai the end of July. If citizens would ike this to be a permanent feature available to us, we should show a need for a fine paper recycling depot by using this blue box on a regular basis before the trial peri od ends. The Town Hall, is open 2 Monday evenings every mnonth when Town council is in session if you are unable to get tô Town Hall during regular business hours. I would like îo encourage our Town staff and politicians to continue showing this type of env ironmentally responsible leadership. As one of the volunteer co-ordinators for Waste Reduction Week for the Town, I have had the opporiunity to mncci with similarly - mîinded people from many other municipalities in Ontario. A lot of muicipalities do not even pay lip service to following eniviroinmenially appropriate procedures - Ici alone acîually put thecir mnoney where their mouth is. 'We arc very fortunate in the Town of Newcastle that Town staff and politicians have not only responded to ihe enivironmcntal concerns of our citizens but have also shown initiative as weIl. Sincernly Evylin Stroud Sometimes lucky Bill Bunting and 1 lefi the Village Sunday to face the cold winds off Lake Ontario. Lt was to be another search for migrating hawks and eagles at the Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, where a hawk-, watch has been set-up and operating for some two months. Like so often happens the unexpected may well be a pleasant surprise and this was the case travelling along the baseline road souih of Whitby. A flash of black and white flew directly îowards us and came to perch on a hydro pole. Plenty of time to stop and observe the Pileated Woodpecker, the largest of the local wood- peckers to inhabit this area.,1 1In fact we were able to get within thiriy feet of the bird as it clung to the side of pole and inserting its beak up and down in a crack in the pole. Sure enough it had found a meal of perhaps dead or dormant flies that had taken refuge from the cold winds. It was a great sighting and lasted over five minutes before taking off into the bush. Lt was then on to buck the winds at the lakefront to see just <what the hawks were up to. Nothing much and one would flot blame them. Good hawk movemnent is generally brought about with a r DENTISTRY FOR THE FAMILY (General Dentistry including Orthodonties and Implants). DR. B. KOSTIUK, B.Sc., D.DS., DENTAL OFFICE ONE 30 Cobbledick Street Orono, Ontario caîl 983-5825 DENTAL OFFICE TWO0 5 King Street E. Newcastle, Ontario cali 987-5256, ý1-New Patients Welconse * Saturday Appointrnent Available Ha! Ha! We didn'tforget. [Happy Birthday Jodyl To a Dear Daughter on her l6th Birthday Best wishesfrom yourfamily. Seeks copy of Prof. John Square's history of area. dm north-east of north-west breeze along with some heat from the Sun to warm the earth creating heat thermals on which the hawks will soar over or up. Although the Sun was out we could not feel a great deal of heat nor did we catch any hawks. By ten the group had only recorded one bird and it had to be at least a mile or two to the north. The ducks are in great shape at this time of year after goîng through their eclipse or moulting season. The Green Wing Teals and Mallards were ail in great colour, every feather seemed to be in place. It was enough that we did have a good sighting of the Pileated Woodpecker. Later in the aftemnoon it was off to the north for an hour and on the retumn another close up of a Red Tail hawk which flew up from the roadside with a mouse in its talons. The Red Tail came to rest on a dead maple tree 11mb and oblivious to anyones presence began to partake of his lunch. The bird was beautfiully marked and neyer have I seen threads of vibrant reds down the sides of the white body. They really did stand out. Lt is not the first ime an observance has been made of Red Tails taking prey. A numer of years ago such a bird had to be some two hundred, feet in the sky with a squirming snake tight in nts talons grasp. On another ocassion theý hawk fiew out of a tree into a grassy meadows and came up with at least a three foot snake. t fiew back into the tree and like the one on Sunday was oblivious to our presence.